ComponentPeer is an interface that defines the basis for all non-menu GUI peer interfaces.
public abstract interface java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer { // Interface Methods public abstract int checkImage (Image image, int width, int height, ImageObserver observer); public abstract Image createImage (ImageProducer producer); public abstract Image createImage (int width, int height); public abstract void disable();public abstract void dispose(); public abstract void enable();
public abstract ColorModel getColorModel(); public abstract FontMetrics getFontMetrics (Font f); public abstract Graphics getGraphics(); public abstract Point getLocationOnScreen();
public abstract Dimension getMinimumSize();
public abstract Dimension getPreferredSize();
public abstract Toolkit getToolkit(); public abstract boolean handleEvent (Event e); public abstract void hide();
public abstract boolean isFocusTraversable();
public abstract Dimension minimumSize();
public abstract void paint (Graphics g); public abstract Dimension preferredSize ();
public abstract boolean prepareImage (Image image, int width, int height, ImageObserver observer); public abstract void print (Graphics g); public abstract void repaint (long tm, int x, int y, int width, int height); public abstract void requestFocus(); public abstract void reshape (int x, int y, int width, int height);
public abstract void setBackground (Color c); public abstract void setBounds (int x, int y, int width, int height);
public abstract void setCursor (Cursor cursor);
public abstract void setEnabled (boolean b);
public abstract void setFont (Font f); public abstract void setForeground (Color c); public abstract void setVisible (boolean b);
public abstract void show();
Image to check.
Horizontal size to which the image will be scaled.
Vertical size to which the image will be scaled.
An ImageObserver to monitor image loading; normally, the object on which the image will be rendered.
ImageObserver flags ORed together indicating status.
Checks status of image construction.
An object that implements the ImageProducer interface to create a new image.
Newly created image instance.
Creates an Image based upon an ImageProducer.
Horizontal size for in-memory Image.
Vertical size for in-memory Image.
Newly created image instance.
Creates an in-memory Image for double buffering.
Disables component so that it is unresponsive to user interactions. Replaced by setEnabled(false).
Releases resources used by peer.
Enables component so that it is responsive to user interactions. Replaced by setEnabled(true).
ColorModel used to display the current component.
A font whose metrics are desired.
Font sizing information for the desired font.
If acquiring a graphics context is unsupported
Component's graphics context.
The location of the component in the screen's coordinate space.
The minimum dimensions of the component.
The preferred dimensions of the component.
Toolkit of Component.
Event instance identifying what caused the method to be called.
true if the peer handled the event, false to propagate the event to the parent container.
High-level event handling routine.
Hides the component. Replaced by setVisible(false).
true if the peer can be tabbed onto, false otherwise.
Determines if this peer is navigable using the keyboard.
The minimum dimensions of the component. Replaced by getMinimumSize().
Graphics context of the component.
Draws something in graphics context.
The preferred dimensions of the component. Replaced by getPreferredSize().
Image to load.
Horizontal size to which the image will be scaled.
Vertical size to which the image will be scaled.
An ImageObserver to monitor image loading; normally, the object on which the image will be rendered.
true if the image has already loaded, false otherwise.
Forces the image to start loading.
Graphics context of component.
Print something from the graphics context.
Millisecond delay allowed before repaint.
Horizontal origin of bounding box to redraw.
Vertical origin of bounding box to redraw.
Width of bounding box to redraw.
Height of bounding box to redraw.
Requests scheduler to redraw portion of component within a time period.
Requests this Component gets the input focus.
New horizontal position for component.
New vertical position for component.
New width for component.
New height for component.
Relocates and resizes the component's peer. Replaced by setBounds(int, int, int, int).
New color for the background.
Changes the background color of the component.
New horizontal position for component.
New vertical position for component.
New width for component.
New height for component.
Relocates and resizes the component's peer.
New cursor.
Changes the cursor of the component.
true to enable the peer; false to disable it.
Enables or disables the peer.
New font for the component.
Changes the font used to display text in the component.
New foreground color for the component.
Changes the foreground color of the component.
true to show the peer; false to hide it.
Shows or hides the peer.
Makes the peer visible. Replaced by setVisible(true).
ButtonPeer, CanvasPeer, CheckboxPeer, ChoicePeer, Color, ColorModel, ContainerPeer, Cursor, Dimension, Event, Font, FontMetrics, Graphics, Image, ImageObserver, ImageProducer, LabelPeer, ListPeer, ScrollbarPeer, TextComponentPeer, Toolkit