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- <B> (boldface) tags
: Quiz/Test Form Application
- Base.pm module
- Base.pm
- BasePlus.pm module
- BasePlus.pm
- bash, setting environment variables in
: Server Simulation
- bdiv subroutine
: Counting Days Until . . .
- Beattie, Malcolm
: Graphics
- binary files
: The Content-length Header
- boilerplates
: Including Boilerplates
- boldface <B> tags
: Quiz/Test Form Application
- BoundingBox statement
: Digital Clock
- Bourne shell, setting environment variables
: Server Simulation
- <BR> (line break) tag
: Hidden Fields
- browsers, web (see web browsers)
- BSD UNIX, sockets in
: Overview
- bsub subroutine
: Counting Days Until . . .
- Burke, Maggie
: AppleScript
- buttons
- checkboxes
- Form Creation and Parsing
- Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
- on forms
- Submit and Reset Buttons
- Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
Symbols |
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