My Dog & Cat...

Story of my Dog - "Koç" (In English : Ram)...

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It was a rainy and very cold day, the day was 10th January, 1990. I parked my car, "Gigi", the sweety girl from Russia, "Lada - Samara". I entered the second entrance of my faculty. At the end of corridor, something called my attention that there was something sleeping at a chair, just so close to the radiator, which was found in a box at the main entrance of the faculty and located at the chair by a girl student. It was a baby - dog, helpless and left out !

At the first glance occured between us, angels who live on my left shoulder, told me that "IT HAS NOTHING...! IT HAS NOT A FAMILY...! IT WAS LEFT ALONE AT THE MERCILESS WORLD...! I knew what does it mean. I went to my office and took a couple of tea. I started a new day trying to work. But, it was on my mind.

After the lunch, I gave my menu consisting of meatballs to it. It was sleeping while I was giving them. After it smelt them, it swept the menu without chewing. As an engineer, I tried to compare the diameter of meatballs with the diameter of it's throat. After the lunch, it slept whole day. At the end of effort, I decided to get it. I took it directly to a veterinarian for check - up. He told me that it was OK, but it was extremely hungry, waterless and exhausted. I took it my home and gave some lovely foods. It slept all night long in front of the radiator.

Story of My Cat - "Kötü Kedi Serafettin" (In English : Serafettin the Bad Cat)...

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There was a national symposium on the local environmental problems of the city of Canakkale, a city which connects the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea each other, before or after the Bosphorus depending on the direction of your cruising. The story of the Canakkale Passage, or the Dardanelles, is not all war and commerce; romance, too, has been central to its mythical associations; legend says that the goddess Helle fell from a golden - winged ram into the water here, giving the straits the name of Hellespont.

After that symposium, there was another national symposium on industrial wastewater pollution control in Istanbul. I drawn a route via Canakkale. I was there for four days, for a love affair, before the symposium. Those days... Anyway, I drove my car, Gigi, from Canakkale to Istanbul saying "goodbye Canakkale". I will never forget that I covered a distance between Izmir and Canakkale, 306.7 km, in 180 minutes and between Tekirdag and Canakkale, 157.9 km, in 105 minutes (still, it is my best record).

I arrived at Istanbul and I got together my friends from Istanbul. We went out to a pub for just have fun. Suddenly, I saw a baby cat, homeless, limping on the grass in front of the pub. I took him with me for three days in the city. After the symposium, I drove my car to Izmir. I was sure that "Serafettin the Bad" never pleased the journey, in a carton, craying and craying. But, there was nothing to do...

I arrived my home. He ate his menu desiring strongly. I thought that he was harvesting for a long time. At the morning, I directly took him to a veterinary for health control. The veterinary surgeon told me that he was about to be died from harvesting. So, it is OK now and we celebrated his first birthday on August 1, 1997. Do you believe in that a cat can speak ?... Yes, "Serafettin the Bad", my cat, can say "dady" (baba), "food" his favorite word (mama), and the most importantly "what is happening..?" (ne oluyor..?), still in Turkish...

Will be continued...

I Love the Animals...

Look out these sweetness...

Here is a hotel in front of a pharmacy just located in front of my apartment...
The first floor belongs to sister and the second belongs to elder brother...
Captured by me...

Click here for a sleepy cat...