Implements the W3C DOM Node interface for interacting with XOB s.
Implements org.w3c.dom.CData , the W3C text interface.
Implements org.w3c.dom.CharData , the W3C CharacterData interface.
Implements the org.w3c.dom.Comment interface.
Implements the org.w3c.dom.Document interface.
XDBDocument() constructor:
XDBDocument();Creates new Document. Can be used in server only.
XDBDocument( byte[ ] source);Populates Document from source. Can be used in server only.
XDBDocument( Connection conn);Opens connection for caching Document source.
XDBDocument( Connection conn, byte[] source); Connection for caching bytes for Document source.
XDBDocument( Connection conn, String source);Opens connection for caching string containing XML text.
XDBDocument(String source);The string containing XML text. Can be used in server only.
Parameters: source - Contains XML text., conn -Connection to be used.
Implements org.w3c.dom.DomImplementation .
XDBDomImplementation()- Opens a JDBC connection to the server.
Implements org.w3c.dom.Element .
Implements org.w3c.dom.Entity .
Implements org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap .
Implements org.w3c.dom.Node , the W3C DOM Node interface for interacting with XOBs.
write() -Writes XML for this Node and all subnodes to an OutputStream. If the OutputStream is ServletOutputStream, the servlet output is committed and data is written using native streaming.
public void write( OutputStream s, String charEncoding, short indent);
s - stream to write the output toContains XML text
charEncoding - IANA char code (for example, "ISO-8859")
indent - number of characters to indent nested elements
Implements org.w3c.dom.NodeList .
Implements org.w3c.dom.Notation.
Implements org.w3c.dom.ProcInst , the W3C DOM ProcessingInstruction interface.
Implements org.w3c.dom.Text .
(package oracle.xdb)
Implements Java methods for the SQL type SYS.XMLTYPE . Methods:
createXML() - Creates an XMLType. Use this method when accessing data through JDBC.
getStringVal() - Retrieves string value containing the XML data from the XMLType
getClobVal() - Retrieves the CLOB value containing the XML data from the XMLType
extract() - Extracts the given set of nodes from the XMLType
existsNode() - Checks for the existence of the given set of nodes in the XMLType
transform( ) - Transforms the XMLType using the given XSL document
isFragment() - Checks if the XMLType is a regular document or a document fragment
getDOM() - Retrieves the DOM document associated with the XMLType .
Creates an XMLType . Throws java.sql.SQLException if the XMLType could not be created:
public static XMLType createXML( OPAQUE opq); Creates and returns an XMLType given the opaque type containing the XMLType bytes.
public static XMLType createXML(Connection conn, String xmlval); Creates and returns an XMLType given the string containing the XML data.
public static XMLType createXML( Connection conn, CLOB xmlval); Creates and returns an XMLType given a CLOB containing the XML data.
public static XMLType createXML(Connection conn, Document domdoc); Creates and returns an XMLType given an instance of the DOM document.
opq - opaque object from which the XMLType is to be constructed
conn - connection object to be used, xmlval - contains the XML data
domdoc - the DOM Document which represents the DOM tree,
Retrieves the string value containing the XML data from the XMLType . Throws java.sql.SQLException.
public String getStringVal();
Retrieves the CLOB value containing the XML data from the XMLType . Throws java.sql.SQLException
public CLOB getClobVal();
Extracts and returns the given set of nodes from the XMLType . The set of nodes is specified by the XPath expression. The original XMLType remains unchanged. Works only in the thick case. If no nodes match the specified expression, returns NULL . Throws java.sql.SQLException
public XMLType extract( String xpath, String nsmap);
xpath - xpath expression which specifies for which nodes to search
nsmap - map of namespaces which resolves the prefixes in the xpath expression; format is "xmlns=a.com xmlns:b=b.com"
Checks for existence of given set of nodes in the XMLType . This set of nodes is specified by the xpath expression. Returns TRUE if specified nodes exist in the XMLType ; otherwise, returns FALSE . Throws java.sql.SQLException
public boolean existsNode( String xpath, String nsmap);
xpath - xpath expression that specifies for which nodes to search
nsmap - map of namespaces that resolves prefixes in the xpath expression;format is "xmlns=a.com xmlns:b=b.com",
Transforms and returns the XMLType using the given XSL document. The new (transformed) XML document is returned. Throws java.sql.SQLException.
public XMLType transform( XMLType xsldoc, String parammap);
xsldoc - The XSL document to be applied to the XMLType
parammap - top level parameters to be passed to the XSL transformation. Use format "a=b c=d e=f". Can be NULL .
Checks if the XMLType is a regular document or document fragment. Returns TRUE if doc is a fragment; otherwise, returns FALSE . Throws java.sql.SQLException.
public boolean isFragment();
Retrieves the DOM document associated with the XMLType . This document is the org.w3c.dom.Document. The caller can perform all DOM operations on the Document. If the document is binary, getDOM returns NULL . Throws java.sql.SQLException.
public org.w3c.dom.Document getDOM();