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Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration
Release 2 (9.2)

Part Number A96601-01
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Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Configuration Parameters

This chapter describes the Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard configuration parameters. It contains the following sections:

Overview of the Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Configuration File

Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard provides a set of templates that allow Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard to be easily configured. The templates contain tested configurations for such settings as Oracle Net Service parameters and initialization parameters. The Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard setup utility (PFSSETUP) generates and deploys the files that are required by Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard. The files are automatically generated with the correct values, derived from the customized configuration file ($ORACLE_SERVICE.conf).

The Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard configuration file template is located in $ORACLE_HOME/pfs/setup/conf/savsetup.dat.

The information in this file corresponds to a single Oracle9i Real Application Clusters database. If multiple databases are part of your Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard configuration, then a separate configuration file must be created for each database.

Copy the configuration file template:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/pfs/setup/conf
$ cp savsetup.dat $ORACLE_SERVICE.conf

Use a text editor to modify the new configuration file.

The configuration parameters are grouped by the method that must be employed to modify the parameters. You may want to change the relocatable IP address, for example, if it conflicts with another IP address in the network, or you may want to turn on debugging to do some troubleshooting. Depending on the parameter that needs to be changed, there are different methods that you must employ to make the changes.

The methods of changing Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard parameters are summarized in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 How to Modify the Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Configuration Parameter File  
Type of Configuration Parameter Tasks to Complete Using the PFSSETUP Utility Tasks to Complete as the Root Operating System User Tasks to Complete as the Oracle User

Permanent cluster database parameters

Generate and deploy all the files.

Re-create the existing packs by using the deletepacks and createpacks scripts.

Shut down the database.

Platform-specific configuration parameters

Generate and deploy the user definitions file.

Re-create the existing packs by using the deletepacks and createpacks scripts.

Shut down the database.

Database and Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard configuration parameters

Generate and deploy all the files.

Halt the packs.

Run the catpfs.sql script.

Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard configuration parameters

Generate and deploy the user definitions file.

Halt the packs.

Shut down the database.

Network configuration parameters

Generate and deploy the user definitions file and the Oracle network files.

Halt the packs.

Shut down the database and the listeners.

Database configuration parameters

Generate and deploy the Oracle instance files.

Halt the packs.

Shut down the database and the listeners.

See Also:

Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Configuration Parameters

The Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard configuration parameters are described in the following sections:

Permanent Cluster and Database Parameters

Table 3-2 contains the permanent cluster and database parameters.

Table 3-2 Permanent Cluster and Database Configuration Parameters  
Parameter Name Valid Values Description


Examples: HP, SUN, DEC, IBM

Default: None

Specifies the hardware cluster platform


Range of values: A valid cluster name that does not include any of the following characters: ?|:*<>"%#+@~&^-_`'[]{};=.,

Default: None

Specifies the cluster name. It should be unique among the clusters that run on the same network.


Range of values: A valid host name that does not include any of the following characters: ?|:*<>"%#+@~&^-_`'[]{};=.,

Default: None

Specifies the host name of the systems where the Real Application Clusters database exists. The value must be the same as that returned by the hostname system command. The hostname command cannot return the domain name in addition to the host name.


Range of values: A valid host name that does not include any of the following characters: ?|:*<>"%#+@~&^-_`'[]{};=.,

Default: None

Specifies the host name of the systems where the Real Application Clusters database exists. The value must be the same as that returned by the hostname system command. The hostname command cannot return the domain name in addition to the host name.


Range of values: Any valid directory

Default: None

Recommended OFA value: software_mount_point/app/oracle

Example: /u01/app/oracle

Specifies the directory at the top of the Oracle software and administrative file structure. It must be identical for all nodes of a cluster that access the database.

Note: Comment out the ORACLE_BASE parameter if you are not using an OFA-compliant configuration. For example: #ORACLE_BASE=


Range of values: Any valid directory

Default: None

Recommended OFA value:

Example: /u01/app/oracle/product

Specifies the directory containing the Oracle software for a specific Oracle database server release. It must be identical for all nodes of a cluster that access the database.


Range of values: Valid database name

Default: None

Example: PRO

Specifies the value of the DB_NAME initialization parameter entered during installation or database creation. Multiple instances must have the same value for DB_NAME.



Specifies the relocatable IP address that the clients use to access the Real Application Clusters database. The entry for the relocatable IP address and its logical host name must exist in the /etc/hosts file.



Specifies the relocatable IP address that the clients use to access the Real Application Clusters database. The entry for the relocatable IP address and its logical host name must exist in the /etc/hosts file.



Specifies the subnet for the IP address that is added to the public network adapter. The IP address moves with the pack if the pack is moved to another node.



Specifies the subnet for the IP address that is added to the public network adapter. The IP address moves with the pack if the pack is moved to another node.

Platform-Specific Configuration Parameters

This section contains parameters that are specific to the Sun platform. Table 3-3 contains parameters that are specific to the Sun platform.

Table 3-3 Sun-Specific Configuration Parameters  
Parameter Name Valid Values Description



Specifies the public network adapter. The public network adapter must already be part of a Network Adapter Failover (NAFO) group. Before installing Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard, create a NAFO group to host the relocatable IP address for a Real Application Clusters Guard pack.



Specifies the public network adapter. The public network adapter must already be part of a Network Adapter Failover (NAFO) group. Before installing Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard, create a NAFO group to host the relocatable IP address for a Real Application Clusters Guard pack.


Default: 180

Specifies the maximum time in seconds for Sun Cluster to start the pack


Default: 180

Specifies the maximum time in seconds for Sun Cluster to stop the pack

Database and Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Configuration Parameters

Table 3-4 contains database and Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard parameters.

Table 3-4 Database and Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Configuration Parameters  
Parameter Name Valid Values Description



Specifies the name of the service. Must be unique in the cluster. Oracle Corporation recommends restricting the name to four characters to avoid filename problems on heterogeneous systems.


Range of values: Any valid operating system user that is part of the operating system DBA group

Specifies the name of the operating system oracle user. This is the user that owns the Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard software.


Range of values: Any valid ORACLE_SID string

Default: None

Example: PRO1

Specifies the Oracle System Identifier (SID), which is the same as the Oracle server instance. Because the SID is incorporated into many filenames, Oracle Corporation recommends restricting it to no more than four characters to avoid filename problems on heterogeneous systems.

The SID for each instance in an Oracle9i Real Application Clusters cluster must be unique and should incorporate the name of the database it manipulates.


Range of values: Any valid ORACLE_SID string

Default: None

Example: PRO2

Specifies the Oracle System Identifier (SID), which is the same as the Oracle server instance. Because the SID is incorporated into many filenames, Oracle Corporation recommends restricting it to no more than four characters to avoid filename problems on heterogeneous systems.

The SID for each instance in an Oracle9i Real Application Clusters cluster must be unique and should incorporate the name of the database it manipulates.


Default: None

Example: PRO1

Specifies the name of the instance and is used to uniquely identify a specific instance when multiple instances share common service names. The instance name can be the same as the SID. It is indicated by the INSTANCE_NAME parameter in the initialization parameter file. The INSTANCE_NAME for each instance in an Oracle9i Real Application Clusters cluster must be unique.


Default: None

Example: PRO2

Specifies the name of the instance and is used to uniquely identify a specific instance when multiple instances share common service names. The instance name can be the same as the SID. It is indicated by the INSTANCE_NAME parameter in the initialization parameter file. The INSTANCE_NAME for each instance in an Oracle9i Real Application Clusters cluster must be unique.


Range of values: Any ASCII string

Example:, where PRO is the database name and is the database domain

Specifies the name of the database service on the network. By default, Oracle Universal Installer and Database Configuration Assistant create a service name that includes the entire global database name, a name comprised of the database name (DB_NAME) and the domain name (DB_DOMAIN), entered during installation or database creation.

It is possible to provide multiple service names (by individual SERVICE_NAMES entries) so that different uses of an instance can be identified separately.


Range of values:

Default: $PFS_FALSE

Specify $PFS_TRUE if you are running a shared server process


Range of values: Any valid directory

Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

Specifies the directory containing the Oracle Net configuration files. It must be identical for all nodes of a cluster that access the database.

Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Configuration Parameters

Table 3-5 contains Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard configuration parameters.

Table 3-5 Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Configuration Parameters  
Parameter Name Valid Values Description


Range of values: Any valid initialization parameter file that references control files

Default setting for OFA configuration:

Default setting for non-OFA configuration:

Specifies the initialization parameter file that is used when Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard starts the instance


Range of values: Any valid initialization parameter file that references control files

Default setting for OFA configuration:

Default setting for non-OFA configuration:

Specifies the initialization parameter file that is used when Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard starts the instance


Range of values: $PFS_HOSTA, $PFS_HOSTB

Default: $PFS_HOSTA

Specifies the preferred primary node of the cluster


Range of values: $PFS_HOSTA, $PFS_HOSTB

Default: $PFS_HOSTB

Specifies the preferred secondary node of the cluster


Range of values: Any valid language name


Specifies language conventions for Oracle messages, day names, and month names. Each supported language has a unique name such as AMERICAN or JAPANESE.

See Also: Oracle9i Globalization Support Guide


Range of values: Any valid territory name

Default: AMERICA

Specifies conventions such as calendar, date, monetary, and numeric formats. Each supported territory has a unique name such as AMERICA or JAPAN.

See Also: Oracle9i Globalization Support Guide


Range of values: Any valid character set

Default: US7ASCII

Specifies the character set used by the client application. Each supported character set has a unique acronym such as US7ASCII or UTF8.

See Also: Oracle9i Globalization Support Guide


Range of values: $PFS_TRUE, $PFS_FALSE

Default: $PFS_TRUE

Specifies whether to leave the primary pack up when the secondary pack does not come up during PFSBOOT.

See Also: "Changing the PFS_KEEP_PRIMARY Parameter"


Range of values: $PFS_TRUE, $PFS_FALSE

Default: $PFS_FALSE

Specifies whether to enable or disable Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard debugging


Range of values: At least 0

Default: 5

Specifies, in seconds, the frequency with which the listener monitor checks the public listener


Range of values: At least 0

Default: 60

Specifies, in seconds, the frequency with which the listener monitor checks the private listener


Range of values: At least 0

Default: 3

Specifies the maximum number of times the listener can be restarted


Range of values: At least 0

Default: 300

Specifies, in seconds, the time period in which Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard can try to restart the listener. If Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard tries to restart the listener more than MAX_LSNR_RESTART times within MIN_LSNR_RESTART_INTERVAL, then Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard exits the listener monitor.


Range of values: At least 0

Default: 60

Specifies, in seconds, how long to wait for the NETSTAT -rn command to complete


Range of values: At least 0

Default: 60

Specifies, in seconds, how long to wait for the ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVE LOG ALL statement to complete


Range of values: At least 0

Default: 60

Specifies in seconds how long to wait for the ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT GLOBAL statement to complete


Range of values: 0 to 10

Default: 10

Specifies the dump level associated with Oracle system state dumps


Range of values: At least 0

Default: 60

Specifies in seconds how long to wait for Oracle SYSTEMSTATE and Oracle9i Real Application Clusters lock tree dump to complete

Network Configuration Parameters

Table 3-6 contains network configuration parameters.

Table 3-6 Network Configuration Parameters
Parameter Names Valid Values Description



Specifies the static host IP address on PFS_HOSTA



Specifies the static host IP address on PFS_HOSTB


Range of values: 1025 to 65535

Specifies the port setting for a dedicated configuration on PFS_HOSTA. Many operating systems reserve port numbers below 1024 for use by privileged processes.


Range of values: 1025 to 65535

Specifies the port setting for a dedicated configuration on PFS_HOSTB. Many operating systems reserve port numbers below 1024 for use by privileged processes.


Range of values: 1025 to 65535

Specifies the port setting for a shared server configuration on PFS_HOSTA. Many operating systems reserve port numbers below 1024 for use by privileged processes.


Range of values: 1025 to 65535

Specifies the port setting for a shared server configuration on PFS_HOSTB. Many operating systems reserve port numbers below 1024 for use by privileged processes.

Database Configuration Parameters

Table 3-7 contains database configuration parameters.

Table 3-7 Database Configuration Parameters  
Parameter Name Value Description


Range of values: Any legal string of name components, separated by periods, and up to 128 characters long. This value cannot be null.

Default: WORLD


Specifies the database domain in which the database is located, entered during installation or database creation. When possible, Oracle Corporation recommends that the database domain mirror the network domain.


Example: 1

Specifies a unique number that maps the instance to one free list group for each database object created with the FREELIST_GROUPS storage parameter. Oracle Corporation recommends setting INSTANCE_NUMBER_HOSTn to the same value as the THREAD_HOSTn parameter.


Example: 2

Specifies a unique number that maps the instance to one free list group for each database object created with the FREELIST_GROUPS storage parameter. Oracle Corporation recommends setting INSTANCE_NUMBER_HOSTn to the same value as the THREAD_HOSTn parameter.


Range of values: 0 to maximum number of enabled threads

Example: 1

Specifies the number of the redo thread to be used by the instance. Any available redo thread number can be used, but an instance cannot use the same thread number as another instance. Also, an instance cannot start when its redo thread is disabled. A value of 0 causes an available, enabled public thread to be chosen. An instance cannot mount a database if the thread is used by another instance or if the thread is disabled.

Multiple instance must have different values for THREAD_HOSTA and THREAD_HOSTB.


Range of values: 0 to maximum number of enabled threads

Example: 2

Specifies the number of the redo thread to be used by the instance. Any available redo thread number can be used, but an instance cannot use the same thread number as another instance. Also, an instance cannot start when its redo thread is disabled. A value of 0 causes an available, enabled public thread to be chosen. An instance cannot mount a database if the thread is used by another instance or if the thread is disabled.

Multiple instance must have different values for THREAD_HOSTA and THREAD_HOSTB.

Changing Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Configuration Parameters

Use different methods to change Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard configuration parameters. This section contains the following topics:

The procedures that are described in these sections use the PFSCTL command line.

See Also:

Chapter 4, "Using Oracle Real Application Cluster Guard Commands"

Changing Permanent Cluster and Database Parameters

To modify the parameters in Table 3-2, you must:

  1. Generate and deploy all the files.
  2. Re-create the packs.

You may want to change these parameters in the following situations:

For example, you might need to change the relocatable IP address if it conflicts with another IP address in the network. Another example is changing $ORACLE_HOME if the original file system where $ORACLE_HOME resided becomes unavailable.

The following steps and examples show how to reinstall Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard after modifying the parameters in Table 3-2:

  1. Modify the parameters from Table 3-2 in the $ORACLE_SERVICE.conf file.
  2. Invoke the PFSCTL command line as root:
    # pfsctl

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSCTL for HOSTA: Version - Production on  Feb 01 2001 14:38:00
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
  3. Shut down the packs:
    PFSCTL> pfshalt

    You should see output similar to the following:

    pfshalt command succeeded.
  4. Generate a new set of Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard files. Invoke PFSSETUP as $ORACLE_USER:
    $ pfssetup

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSSETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:06 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N]
  5. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    PFSSETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:54 PST 200
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Choose the set of files from the following:
    1] User definitions file
    2] ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files
    3] ORACLE network files
    4] ORACLE instance files
    5] ORACLE network and instance files
    6] All the files
    7] Quit
  6. Choose Option 6:
    PFS_SETUP> 6

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ALL_FILES
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  7. Choose Option 1:
    PFS_SETUP> 1

    You should see output similar to the following:

    The list of affected files is
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N]
  8. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    Backing up directory on /home_oracle/92_sales/pfs/setup/output/SALES/packs  
    Backing up directory on
    /home_oracle/92_sales/pfs/setup/output/SALES/include HOSTA
    Generating ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files
    Generating Packs
    Backing up directory on /home_oracle/92_sales/pfs/setup/output/SALES/network 
    Generating ORACLE network files
    Backing up directory on /home_oracle/92_sales/pfs/setup/output/SALES/pfile 
    Generating ORACLE instance files
  9. Deploy the new set of Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard files. Invoke PFSSETUP as $ORACLE_USER:
    $ pfssetup

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:06 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N]
  10. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:54 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Choose the set of files from the following:
    1] User definitions file
    2] ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files
    3] ORACLE network files
    4] ORACLE instance files
    5] ORACLE network and instance files
    6] All the files
    7] Quit
  11. Choose Option 6:
    PFS_SETUP> 6

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ALL_FILES
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  12. Choose Option 2:
    PFS_SETUP> 2
  13. Delete the existing packs as root:
    # deletepacks
  14. Create the new packs as root:
    # createpacks
  15. Start the packs by using PFSCTL as root.
    # pfsctl

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSCTL for HOSTA: Version - Production on  Feb 01 2001 14:38:00
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
  16. Enter the PFSBOOT command:
    PFSCTL> pfsboot

    You should see output similar to the following:

    pfsboot command succeeded.

Changing Platform-Specific Configuration Parameters

To modify the parameters in Table 3-3 and Table 3-4, you must:

  1. Generate and deploy the user definitions file.
  2. Re-create the packs.

This is necessary in the following situations:

For example, you might need to change the maximum time in seconds to wait when Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard starts a relocatable IP address.

The following steps and examples show how to create a new user definitions file:

  1. Modify the parameters from Table 3-3 and Table 3-4 in the $ORACLE_SERVICE.conf file.
  2. Invoke PFSCTL as root.
    # pfsctl        

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSCTL for HOSTA: Version - Production on  Feb 01 2001 14:38:00
     (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
  3. Shut down the packs:
    PFSCTL> pfshalt

    You should see output similar to the following:

    pfshalt command succeeded.
  4. Generate a new user definitions file. Invoke PFSSETUP as $ORACLE_USER:
    $ pfssetup

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:06 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N]
  5. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:54 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Choose the set of files from the following:
    1] User definitions file
    2] ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files
    3] ORACLE network files
    4] ORACLE instance files
    5] ORACLE network and instance files
    6] All the files
    7] Quit
  6. Choose Option 1:
    PFS_SETUP> 1

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ORACLE_USER_FILE
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  7. Choose Option 1:
    PFS_SETUP> 1

    You should see output similar to the following:

    The list of affected files is
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  8. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    Backing up directory on /home_oracle/92_sales/pfs/setup/output/SALES/include 
  9. Deploy a new user definitions file. Invoke PFSSETUP as $ORACLE_USER:
    $ pfssetup

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ORACLE_USER_FILE
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  10. Choose Option 2:
    PFS_SETUP> 2

    You should see output similar to the following:

    The list of affected files is
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N]
  11. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    Deploying user file
    Backing up directory on /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs/include HOSTA
    Backing up directory on /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs/include HOSTB
  12. Delete the existing packs as root:
    # deletepacks
  13. Create the new packs as root:
    # createpacks
  14. Invoke PFSCTL as root.
    # pfsctl        

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSCTL for HOSTA: Version - Production on  Feb 01 2001 14:38:00
     (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
  15. Start the packs:
    PFSCTL> pfsboot

    You should see output similar to the following:

    pfsboot command succeeded.

Changing Database and Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Configuration Parameters

To modify the parameters in Table 3-4, you must:

  1. Generate and deploy all the files.
  2. Run catpfs.sql to re-create the Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard schema.

This is necessary in the following situations:

For example, you may need to change the $ORACLE_SID parameter, or you may want to configure Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard to support a shared server.

The following steps and examples show how to create new Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard files and Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard schema.

  1. Modify the parameters from Table 3-4 in the $ORACLE_SERVICE.conf file.
  2. Invoke PFSCTL as root:
    # pfsctl 

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSCTL for HOSTA: Version - Production on  Feb 01 2001 14:38:00
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
  3. Shut down the packs:
    PFSCTL> pfshalt

    You should see output similar to the following:

    pfshalt command succeeded.
  4. Generate a new set of Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard files. Invoke PFSSETUP as $ORACLE_USER:
    $ pfssetup

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:06 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N]
  5. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:54 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Choose the set of files from the following:
    1] User definitions file
    2] ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files
    3] ORACLE network files
    4] ORACLE instance files
    5] ORACLE network and instance files
    6] All the files
    7] Quit
  6. Choose Option 6:
    PFS_SETUP> 6

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ALL_FILES
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  7. Choose Option 1:
    PFS_SETUP> 1

    You should see output similar to the following:

    The list of affected files is
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  8. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    Backing up directory on /home_oracle/92_sales/pfs/setup/output/SALES/packs  
    Backing up directory on /home_oracle/92_sales/pfs/setup/output/SALES/include  
    Generating ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files
    Generating Packs
    Backing up directory on /home_oracle/92_sales/pfs/setup/output/SALES/network  
    Generating ORACLE network files
    Backing up directory on /home_oracle/92_sales/pfs/setup/output/SALES/pfile  
    Generating ORACLE instance files
  9. Deploy the new set of Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard files. Invoke PFSSETUP as $ORACLE_USER:
    $ pfssetup

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:06 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  10. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:54 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Choose the set of files from the following:
    1] User definitions file
    2] ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files
    3] ORACLE network files
    4] ORACLE instance files
    5] ORACLE network and instance files
    6] All the files
    7] Quit
  11. Choose Option 6:
    PFS_SETUP> 6

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ALL_FILES
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  12. Choose Option 2:
    PFS_SETUP> 2
  13. Open the database outside of the packs.
  14. Run catpfs.sql to re-create the Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard schema. Enter the following commands:
    $ sqlplus "system/manager as sysdba"
    SQL> @?/pfs/admin/catpfs.sql
  15. Shut down the database.
  16. Invoke PFSCTL as root:
    # pfsctl 

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSCTL for HOSTA: Version - Production on  Feb 01 2001 14:38:00
     (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
  17. Start the packs:
    PFSCTL> pfsboot

    You should see output similar to the following:

    pfsboot command succeeded.

Changing Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Configuration Parameters

To modify the parameters in Table 3-5, you must generate and deploy the user definitions file.

This is necessary if you want to change one of the Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard settings that was originally specified during Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard installation.

For example, you may need to change the location of the initialization parameter file that Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard uses to start up the instance, or you may need to turn on debugging to troubleshoot Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard.

The following steps and examples show how to create a new user definitions file.

  1. Modify the parameters from Table 3-5 in the $ORACLE_SERVICE.conf file.
  2. Invoke PFSCTL as root:
    # pfsctl 

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSCTL for HOSTA: Version - Production on  Feb 01 2001 14:38:00
     (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
  3. Shut down the packs:
    PFSCTL> pfshalt

    You should see output similar to the following:

    pfshalt command succeeded.
  4. Generate a new user definitions file. Invoke PFSSETUP as $ORACLE_USER:
    $ pfssetup

    You should output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:06 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  5. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:54 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Choose the set of files from the following:
    1] User definitions file
    2] ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files
    3] ORACLE network files
    4] ORACLE instance files
    5] ORACLE network and instance files
    6] All the files
    7] Quit
  6. Choose Option 1:
    PFS_SETUP> 1

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ORACLE_USER_FILE
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  7. Choose Option 1:
    PFS_SETUP> 1

    You should see output similar to the following:

    The list of affected files is
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  8. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    Backing up directory on /home_oracle
    /92_sales/pfs/setup/output/SALES/include HOSTA
  9. Deploy a new user definitions file. Invoke PFSSETUP as $ORACLE_USER:
    $ pfssetup

    You should see output similar to the following:

      PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ORACLE_USER_FILE
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  10. Choose Option 2:
    PFS_SETUP> 2

    You should see output similar to the following:

    The list of affected files is
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  11. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    Deploying user file
    Backing up directory on /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs/include HOSTA
    Backing up directory on /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs/include HOSTB
  12. Invoke PFSCTL as root.
    # pfsctl        

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSCTL for HOSTA: Version - Production on  Feb 01 2001 14:38:00
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
  13. Start the packs:
    PFSCTL> pfsboot

    You should see output similar to the following:

    pfsboot command succeeded.

Changing Network Configuration Parameters

To modify the parameters in Table 3-6, you must:

  1. Generate and deploy the user definitions files.
  2. Generate and deploy the Oracle network files.

This is necessary when you want to change one of the network settings that was specified during Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard installation.

For example, you may need to change the port number for the Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard listener.

The following steps and examples show how to create a new user definitions file and new Oracle network files.

  1. Modify the parameters from table Table 3-6 in the $ORACLE_SERVICE.conf file.
  2. Invoke PFSCTL as root:
    # pfsctl 

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSCTL for HOSTA: Version - Production on  Feb 01 2001 14:38:00
     (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
  3. Shut down the packs:
    PFSCTL> pfshalt

    You should see output similar to the following:

    pfshalt command succeeded.
  4. Generate a new user definitions file and new Oracle Network files. Invoke PFSSETUP as $ORACLE_USER:
    $ pfssetup

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:06 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  5. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:54 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Choose the set of files from the following:
    1] User definitions file
    2] ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files
    3] ORACLE network files
    4] ORACLE instance files
    5] ORACLE network and instance files
    6] All the files
    7] Quit
  6. Choose Option 1:
    PFS_SETUP> 1

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ORACLE_USER_FILE
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  7. Choose Option 1:
    PFS_SETUP> 1

    You should see output similar to the following:

    The list of affected files is
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  8. Enter y to continue. You should output similar to the following:
    Backing up directory on /home_oracle/92_sales/pfs/setup/output/SALES/include 
    Press Enter to continue
  9. Press the Enter key. You should see output similar to the following:
    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ORACLE_USER_FILE
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  10. Choose Option 6:
    PFS_SETUP> 6

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:06 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  11. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:54 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Choose the set of files from the following:
    1] User definitions file
    2] ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files
    3] ORACLE network files
    4] ORACLE instance files
    5] ORACLE network and instance files
    6] All the files
    7] Quit
  12. Choose Option 3:
    PFS_SETUP> 3

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ORACLE_NETWORK_FILE
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  13. Choose Option 1:
    PFS_SETUP> 1

    You should see output similar to the following:

    The list of affected files is
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  14. Enter y to continue.
  15. Deploy a new user definitions file. Invoke PFSSETUP as $ORACLE_USER.
    $ pfssetup

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ORACLE_USER_FILE
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  16. Choose Option 2:
    PFS_SETUP> 2

    You should see output similar to the following:

    The list of affected files is
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  17. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    Deploying user file
    Backing up directory on /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs/include HOSTA
    Backing up directory on /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs/include HOSTB
    Press Enter to continue
  18. Press the Enter key. You should see output similar to the following:
    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:54 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Choose the set of files from the following:
    1] User definitions file
    2] ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files
    3] ORACLE network files
    4] ORACLE instance files
    5] ORACLE network and instance files
    6] All the files
    7] Quit
  19. Choose Option 3:
    PFS_SETUP> 3

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ORACLE_NETWORK_FILE
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  20. Choose Option 2:
    PFS_SETUP> 2

    You should see output similar to the following:

    The list of affected files is
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  21. Enter y to continue.
  22. On both nodes, change the network file suffixes as follows:
    • From listener.ora.ded.pfs to listener.ora
    • From tnsnames.ora.ded.pfs to tnsnames.ora
  23. Distribute the tnsnames.ora.ded.clnt.pfs file to the client nodes.
  24. Invoke PFSCTL as root:
    # pfsctl 

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSCTL for HOSTA: Version - Production on  Feb 01 2001 14:38:00
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
  25. Start the packs:
    PFSCTL> pfsboot 

    You should see output similar to the following:

    pfsboot command succeeded.

Changing Database Configuration Parameters

To modify the parameters in Table 3-7, you must generate and deploy the Oracle instance files.

This is necessary if you want to change one of the database settings that was specified during Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard installation.

For example, you may need to change the database domain to mirror the network domain.

The following steps and examples show how to create new Oracle instance files.

  1. Modify the parameters from Table 3-7 in the $ORACLE_SERVICE.conf file.
  2. Invoke PFSCTL as root:
    # pfsctl 

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSCTL for HOSTA: Version - Production on  Feb 01 2001 14:38:00
     (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
  3. Stop the packs:
    PFSCTL> pfshalt

    You should see output similar to the following:

    pfshalt command succeeded.
  4. Generate a new Oracle instance file. Invoke PFSSETUP as $ORACLE_USER.
    $ pfssetup

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:06 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  5. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:32:54 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Choose the set of files from the following:
    1] User definitions file
    2] ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files
    3] ORACLE network files
    4] ORACLE instance files
    5] ORACLE network and instance files
    6] All the files
    7] Quit
  6. Choose Option 4:
    PFS_SETUP> 4

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ORACLE_INSTANCE_FILE
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  7. Choose Option 1:
    PFS_SETUP> 1

    You should see output similar to the following:

    The list of affected files is
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  8. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    Backing up directory on /home_oracle/92_sales/pfs/setup/output/SALES/pfile  
    Generating ORACLE instance files.
  9. Deploy a new Oracle instance file. Invoke PFSSETUP as $ORACLE_USER.
    $ pfssetup

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFS_SETUP for Solaris: Version on Wed Feb  1 15:33:16 PST 2001
    (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    ORACLE_BASE is set to /mnt1/oracle
    ORACLE_HOME is set to /home_oracle/92_sales
    PFS_HOME is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs
    TNS_ADMIN is set to /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/network/admin
    Selected option ORACLE_INSTANCE_FILE
    Choose an operation on the selected files:
    1] Generate only
    2] Deploy only
    3] Generate and deploy
    4] Deinstall
    5] List the affected files
    6] Return to Main Menu
  10. Choose Option 2:
    PFS_SETUP> 2

    You should see output similar to the following:

    The list of affected files is
    Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] 
  11. Enter y to continue. You should see output similar to the following:
    Deploying user file
    Backing up directory on /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs/pfile HOSTA
    Backing up directory on /mnt1/oracle/admin/sales/pfs/pfile HOSTB
  12. Incorporate the Oracle Real Application Cluster Guard initialization parameter files into the existing initialization parameter files by using the IFILE initialization parameter.

    See Also:

    Oracle9i Database Reference for information about the IFILE initialization parameter

  13. Invoke PFSCTL as root:
    # pfsctl 

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PFSCTL for HOSTA: Version - Production on  Feb 01 2001 14:38:00
     (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information.
    DB_NAME is set to sales
  14. Start the packs:
    PFSCTL> pfsboot

    You should see output similar to the following:

    pfsboot command succeeded

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