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- <b> tags
: The <b> Tag
- background (see background attribute)
: Problems with background images
- audio
- Background Audio
- The loop attribute
- color (see bgcolor attribute)
- images (see background attribute)
- layers (see layers)
- performance considerations of
: Problems with background images
- style properties for
- Color and Background Properties
- The background property
- (see also transparency)
: Creating a Potentially Transparent Image
- background attribute
- <body>
- The background attribute
- Mixing and matching body attributes
- <layer>
: The background and bgcolor attributes
- <base> tag
- The <base> Header Element
- Using <base>
- The <base> Default Target
- base URLs
- URLs
- The <base> Header Element
- Using <base>
- <basefont> tags
: The <basefont> Tag
- baseline alignment
: The align attribute
- behavior attribute (<marquee>)
: The behavior, direction, and loop a...
- below attribute (<layer>)
- The above, below, and z-index attributes
- bgcolor attribute
- <body>
- The bgcolor attribute
- Mixing and matching body attributes
- <layer>
: The background and bgcolor attributes
- <marquee>
: The bgcolor attribute
- <th> and <td>background attribute
- <th> and <td>
: The bgcolor and background attributes
- <tr>
: The bgcolor attribute
- bgproperties attribute (<body>)
: The bgproperties attribute
- <bgsound> tag
- The <bgsound> Tag
- The loop attribute
- bibliographic citations
: The <cite> Tag
- <big> tags
: The <big> Tag
- binary files
: The Flow of Information
- blank lines (see paragraphs)
- _blank target
: Special Targets
- <blink> tags
- The <blink> Tag
- Trivial or Abusive?
- block items
: The display property
- block quotes
- Block Quotes
- The <blockquote> Tag
- <blockquote> tags
: The <blockquote> Tag
- blocks of whitespace
: Creating blocks of space
- body content
: The <body> Tag
- <body> tags
- Structure of an HTML Document
- The <body> Tag
- bug with
: Beyond Extensions: Exploiting Bugs
- color extensions for
- Extensions to the <body>...
- Mixing and matching body attributes
- boilerplates for HTML documents
: Boilerplate HTML Documents
- boldface text
: The <b> Tag
- font-weight property
: The font-weight property
- border attribute
- <embed>
: The align, border, height, width, h...
- <img>
- The border attribute
- Removing the image border
- <object>
: The align, border, height, width, h...
- bordercolor attribute
- <th> and <td>
: The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, ...
- <tr>
: The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, ...
- bordercolordark attribute
- <th> and <td>
: The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, ...
- <tr>
: The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, ...
- bordercolorlight attribute
- <th> and <td>
: The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, ...
- <tr>
: The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, ...
- borders
- frame
- Controlling frame borders and spacing
- The frameborder and bordercolor att...
- images
- The border attribute
- Removing the image border
- The href attribute
- style properties for
- The border properties
- Borders in shorthand
- table
- The hspace and vspace attributes
- The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, ...
- The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, ...
- bottom alignment (see align attribute)
- boundary string
: The Multipart/Mixed-Media Type
- box style properties
- Box Properties
- The width property
- <br> tag
- Paragraphs and line breaks
- The <br> Tag
- The clear attribute
- Mimicking the <spacer>...
- browsers, web (see Mosaic browser)
- Clients, Servers, and Browsers
- Yielding to the Browser
- character entities and
: Character Entities
- client-side image maps and
: Handling Other Browsers
- executable applications
- Applets
- The type and valuetype attributes
- forms and
- Browser Constraints
- Handling limited displays
- ignoring HTML tags
: Ignored or Redundant Tags
- images and
: The <img> Tag
- incompatibilities with
: Handling Style-Less Browsers
- applets
: Supporting incompatible browsers
- embedded objects
: The <noembed> Tag
- frames
: The <noframes> Tag
- JavaScript scripts
: The <noscript> Tag
- tables
: When tables aren't implemented
- Internet Explorer (see Internet Explorer)
- JavaScript for (see JavaScript language)
- Mosaic (see Mosaic browser)
- Netscape Navigator (see Netscape Navigator)
- obtaining
: Browser software
- text-only
- Clients, Servers, and Browsers
- The alt attribute
- buffer space (see whitespace)
- bugs
- in HTML extensions
: Beyond Extensions: Exploiting Bugs
- <img> tag height/width attributes
: Problems with height and width
- multiple <body> tags
: Beyond Extensions: Exploiting Bugs
- bulleted lists (see unordered lists)
- bullets, custom
: Custom Bullets
- buttons
- form action buttons
- Action Buttons
- Multiple buttons in a single form
- mouse (see event handlers, JavaScript)
- radio buttons
: Radio Buttons
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