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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Part Number B12161-02
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Testing Workflow Definitions Using the Developer Studio
The Developer Studio in Oracle Applications lets you view workflow definitions stored in your database. If you have workflow administrator privileges, you can also run a test workflow process for a workflow definition. Workflow administrator privileges are assigned in the Workflow Configuration page. See: Setting Global User Preferences, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
Although you can run a test workflow process against any Oracle Workflow database, it is recommended that you create a separate environment for testing purposes. You should set up test users and roles in your test environment before you begin.
Note: If you plan to use e-mail to view notifications, you can send all notifications to a single test e-mail address by setting the Test Address configuration parameter when you configure a notification mailer. For more information, please refer to the Oracle Workflow Manager sections of the Oracle Applications Manager online help for Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, or to the Oracle Workflow Manager sections of the Oracle Enterprise Manager online help for standalone Oracle Workflow.
Note: For information about the Launch Processes page in standalone Oracle Workflow, see: Testing Workflow Definitions.
See Also
To Search for Workflow Definitions in the Developer Studio
To Run a Test Workflow Process
To Search for Workflow Definitions in the Developer Studio
2. Search for the workflow definitions you want to review. The search criteria are:
- Workflow Type - Select the workflow item type you want to review. The display name for the workflow type you select populates the Workflow Type field, and the internal name for the workflow type you select populates the Type Internal Name field.
- Type Internal Name - Enter the internal name of the workflow type you want to view, if you want to enter the internal name directly instead of selecting a value. You can enter a partial value to search for workflow types whose internal names begin with that value.
3. If you have workflow administrator privileges, you can run a test workflow process by selecting the run icon for that workflow definition. See: To Run a Test Workflow Process.
Note: If a workflow definition does not include any runnable processes, its run icon is disabled.
Additionally, if a workflow process begins with a Receive event activity, you cannot use the Developer Studio to test the process. Instead, you should raise a test event from the Event Manager to trigger an event subscription that launches the process. See: To Raise a Test Event.
See Also
Testing Workflow Definitions Using the Developer Studio
To Run a Test Workflow Process
To Run a Test Workflow Process
2. In the Workflow Identifier region, specify the identifying details for the workflow process you want to run.
- Workflow Owner - Optionally specify an owner for the process. The default value is your user name.
- Item Key - A unique item key to identify the process instance.
Note: The item key for a process instance can only contain single-byte characters. It cannot contain a multibyte value.
- User Key - An optional user-friendly identifier that you can use to locate the workflow process in the Status Monitor and other Oracle Workflow user interface components.
- Process - The name of the workflow process to test. If the workflow item type includes only one runnable process, Oracle Workflow automatically displays that process. If the workflow item type includes more than one runnable process, select the process that you want to test.
3. The Workflow Attributes region displays any item attributes associated with the workflow item type. Enter values for any item attributes that are required to initiate the process.
4. Select the Run Workflow button. To initiate the workflow process, the Run Workflow page calls the Workflow Engine CreateProcess() and StartProcess() APIs for the specified workflow item type and item key. It also calls the Workflow Engine SetItemOwner() and SetItemAttr() APIs to set the process owner and all the item type attributes to the specified values.
5. To view the status of the workflow process, choose the Status Monitor tab and search for the process in the Workflows search page. See: Accessing the Administrator Monitor, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
6. If the process you are testing includes notifications, choose the Notifications tab to view and respond to the notifications in the Worklist. See: To View Notifications from the Advanced Worklist, Oracle Workflow User's Guide.
Alternatively, if you have set the notification preference of the recipients to receive e-mail notifications, you can use an e-mail reader to view and respond to the notifications. If you specified a test e-mail address for the notification mailer, you can connect to that e-mail account to access all notifications for the process. See: Reviewing Notifications via Electronic Mail, Oracle Workflow User's Guide.
See Also
Testing Workflow Definitions Using the Developer Studio
To Search for Workflow Definitions in the Developer Studio
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