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Oracle® Database Backup and Recovery Reference
10g Release 2 (10.2)

Part Number B14194-03
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Description of transpt_tbs.gif follows
Description of the illustration transpt_tbs.gif


Description of transpt_tbs_optlist.gif follows
Description of the illustration transpt_tbs_optlist.gif


To create transportable tablespace sets from RMAN backups, instead of the live datafiles of the source database. Also, to create transportable tablespace sets that are recovered to a point in time in the past instead of the present time.

Restrictions and Usage Notes

The limitations on creating transportable tablespace sets described in Oracle Database Administrator's Guide apply to transporting tablespaces from backup, with the exception of the requirement to make the tablespaces read-only.

TRANSPORT TABLESPACE does not perform endian format conversion. If the target platform has a different endian format, then you must use the RMAN CONVERT command to perform the separate step of converting the endian format of the datafiles in the transportable set.

See Also:

"CONVERT" to learn how to convert a tablespace for transport to a target platform with a different endian format.

There are also limitations specific to creating a transportable tablespace set using RMAN:

If you are performing TRANSPORT TABLESPACE without a recovery catalog, the following additional restrictions apply:

Keywords and Parameters

Syntax Element Description
tablespace_name Specifies the name of each tablespace to transport.


Syntax Element Description
AUXILIARY DESTINATION Optional argument that specifies the location for files for the auxiliary instance. The SET NEWNAME and CONFIGURE AUXNAME can be used to override this argument for individual files, and the DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT and LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameters can be used instead of AUXILIARY DESTINATION, if using your own initialization parameter file to customize the auxiliary instance. See Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide for details on the interactions among the different methods of naming the auxiliary instance files.
DATAPUMP DIRECTORY Optional argument that specifies a database directory object where Data Pump Export outputs are created. If not specified, files will be created in the location specified by TABLESPACE DESTINATION. See Oracle Database Utilities for more details on Data Pump Export and database directory objects.
DUMP FILE Optional argument that specifies where to create the export dump file. If not specified, the export dump file is named dmpfile.dmp and stored in the location specified by the DATAPUMP DIRECTORY clause or in the tablespace destination.
EXPORT LOG Optional argument that specifies the location of the log generated by Data Pump Export. If omitted, the export log is named explog.log and stored in the location specified by the DATAPUMP DIRECTORY clause or in the tablespace destination.
IMPORT SCRIPT Optional argument that specifies the filename for the sample input script generated by RMAN for use in plugging in the transported tablespace at the destination database. If omitted, the import script is named impscript.sql. The script is stored in the tablespace destination.
TABLESPACE DESTINATION Argument that specifies the directory where the datafiles for the transported tablespaces are left at the end of the tablespace transport operation.
untilClause Optional argument that specifies a past point in time. If specified, RMAN restores and recovers the tablespaces at the auxiliary instance to their contents at that past point in time before export.


Creating Transporable Tablespaces from Backup with TRANSPORT TABLESPACE: Example In this example, the tablespaces for the transportable set are tbs_2 and tbs_3, the transportable set files are to be stored at /disk1/transport_dest, and the transportable tablespaces are to be recovered to the present time:

transport tablespace tbs_2, tbs_3
   tablespace destination '/disk1/transportdest'
   auxiliary destination '/disk1/auxdest'

Using TRANSPORT TABLESPACE with a Past Point in Time: Example In this example, the tablespaces for the transportable set are tbs_2 and tbs_3, the transportable set files are to be stored at /disk1/transport_dest, and the transportable tablespaces are to be recovered to a specific SCN:

transport tablespace tbs_2, tbs_3
   tablespace destination '/disk1/transportdest'
   auxiliary destination '/disk1/auxdest'
   UNTIL SCN 251982;

Using TRANSPORT TABLESPACE with Custom File Locations: Example This example illustrates the use of the optional arguments of TRANSPORT TABLESPACE that control the locations of the Data Pump-related files such as the dump file, as well as the DATAPUMP DIRECTORY which in this case references a directory object mypumpdir:

   TABLESPACE DESTINATION '/disk1/transportdest'
   AUXILIARY DESTINATION '/disk1/auxdest'
   DUMP FILE 'mydumpfile.dmp'
   IMPORT SCRIPT 'myimportscript.sql'
   EXPORT LOG 'myexportlog.log';