To have paper included in workshop volume the author(s) of accepted papers must register and pay the registration fee before August, 20 2004. REGISTRATION FEE
Regular Registration 300 EURO
Turkish Participants 350 ml TL
Accompanying Person 150 EURO
The registration fee covers admission to all conference sessions and workshops, the conference materials, lunches and coffee breaks during the conference, the reception, conference dinner and excursion.
The fee for accompanying persons includes lunches, reception, conference dinner, and excursion.
You have to pay your registration fee by bank transfer.
Bank transfer: The payment should be made to one of the following accounts:
EURO account:
Account Holder: Tatyana Yakhno
Bank name: Turkiye Is Bankasi
Bank address: ISBKTRIS
Branch number: 3420
Account number: 0166525 |
TL account:
Account Holder: Emine Ekin
Bank name: Turkiye Is Bankasi
Branch number: 3403
Account number: 1297912 |
The payment should be free of any bank handling charges to the receiver, i.e., all charges for effecting the transfer must be paid by the remitter. Check that your name is clearly legible on the transfer to ensure that the payment will be correctly registered.
N.B. You will not be considered a registered participant until your payment has been received!
Cancellation Policy: A written notification of cancellation should be sent to the conference address. If cancellation is received by September,1 2004 , the registration fee will be refunded. No refund will be issued for cancellations received after September,1 2004 . There will be no refund for no-shows.