Kenya Missions # 1 and 2...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 01...     "Kofana"...     Here is a guaranteed strategy... Altitude of the our airbase (Way - point 0) is 6,500 ft... First take - off... Start with arms of 4 AIM - 120 AMRAAM, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3, 1 CBU - 87 x 2, 1 BLU - 107 x 3 and 1 fuel tank... Set radar enemies only... Set radar's range 20NM... Wait for the Hercules, just in front of you, to take - off one by one... You will see a Mig at clock 1... After take - off, kick it out... Then, you will contact with the other one... Destroy it, too... First, you have to destroy all enemy aircrafts... Then attack to the ground targets... At the angle of 160 there are some enemy ground targets (At the way - point 1)... Be careful that your radar's range must have been adjusted to 05NM at the close combat... After you spent your weapons, go back to the base to rearm and refuel... Second take - off... Get armed by 4 AIM - 120 AMRAAM, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3, 2 CBU - 87 x 2 and 1 fuel tank... Attack again to the enemy targets all you see... For third or the other take - offs, get the same weapons... After you completed your missions, land to the base... But, there may be a Hercules landed before you... You have to destroy it... It will be recorded as "Friendly kill", forget it... Primary objective : Runway... Secondary objective : Mig - 21 Fishbed... Bonus objective (Completed) : 2 Mig - 25 Foxbats... I have got more... Structures and 3 ZSU - 23 AA guns...     Another attempt... + 2 Mig - 29 Fulcrums...

Runway, Mig - 21, 2 Mig - 25s, 3 ZSU - 23 AAs and 2 Mig - 29s...

Mission # 02 - Part 1...     "Kofana"...         Here is another guaranteed strategy... Altitude of the our air base (Way - point 0) is 6,500 ft... First take - off... Start with arms of 6 AIM - 120 AMRAAM and 3 fuel tanks... Set radar enemies only... Set radar's range 40NM... First, detect them... Set speed 100 and after - burner stage of 1... When you are getting closer them, set radar's range 20NM... Because, you can get the best result by AIM - 120 AMRAAM at this range... Just in front of you, there are Migs... Get locked the closest one... Destroy it, smoothly... Fight carefully and fire all enemy aircrafts up, do your best... After you spent your arms, go to the our airbase (Way - point 0)... Second take - off... Get armed and fueled by 4 AIM - 120 AMRAAM, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3, 2 MK - 82 x 3 and 1 fuel tank... Set radar's range 05NM for close combat... Attack again to the enemy targets (Way - point 1) all you see... Do not get closer to the ZSUs... Do not forget the truck convoy which are the bonus objective... If you need for third or the other take - offs, get the same weapons as you did at the second take - off... After you completed your missions, land to the base... Primary objective : 4 ZSU - 23 AA guns... Secondary objective : 5 Mig - 21 Fishbeds... Bonus objective (Completed) : 3 trucks... I think that show must go on... There are more enemy targets (Especially, the ground ones)... Anyway...

4 ZSU - 23s, 5 Mig - 21s and 3 trucks...