Kenya Missions # 5 and 6...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 05... From my French friend, again...     "Jeffel"...     In this mission you will fly with 3 wingmen : F - 16, Mig - 25 or 29 and Mig - 21... First take 5 AIM - 9M, 1 AGM - 65 G x 3, 2 CBU - 87 x 2 and 1 fuel tank... Additional fuel tanks are not necessary... Have an angle of 153 on your HUD... Speed T100... Use mode MSLS to fight 2 Mig - 21s... Go straight of them... At 05NM fire one time... Select the second and fire... With chance you will have both of them... After that, set your radar 40NM, fly straight to the enemy runway at the angle of 190, to destroy waiting on the runway, 1 Mig - 29 and 2 Mig - 21 by your AGM - 65Gs... It is not necessary to try to destroy the first Mig - 29, you can not do it... It always take - off before you arrived... So at 6.5NM use your AGM - 65 G to destroy the two Mig - 21 and the second Mig - 29 on the runway... After launching your AGM - 65 G, you have to fight by the Mig - 29... If you can not do it alone make your wingmen help you... But i did it alone... When you destroy the last Mig - 29, you will have the bonus objective... In this mission the bonus objective is the two first Mig - 21 and all the other planes on the enemy runway (6 planes)... After that go to the way - point 3 to destroy the train... A CBU - 87 is sufficient... Go to angle of 270 to destroy the 3 C - 130 Hercules, use the AIM - 9M you have and your gun to destroy them... After that go to way - point 0 at the speed T50 to gain fuel... Land and finish... Try to make all your wingmen follow you in the mission because they can loose themself and at the end of the mission in the debriefing you will have an info declaring... One or two friends dead... It is not interesting for a good "performance"... So, try to keep them alive giving them order by the CTRL - F5, F6 or F7 keys to make them obligated to stay in alive... Sometimes they can crash themself... Results... Primary objective : 2 trains... Secondary objective : 3 C - 130 Hercules... Bonus objective (Completed): 2 Mig - 29... More... 4 Mig - 21 and structures...     "Kofana"...     Here is my strategy... First take - off... Get armed and fueled by 6 AIM 9M, 2 CBU - 87 x 2 and 1 fuel tank... Set radar enemies only and 20NM... Throttle is 60... At clock 10 there are 2 Migs... First destroy the closest one and doing that set radar 05NM and kick the second one out... Do not miss them... Set throttle 100, radar 80 NM and go to angle of 200.. Find a Hercules and carefully follow it and fire it up... You will see an enemy target at your ground radar... Attack with the wingmen to the ZSU units by CBUs... I think that they must be destroyed, first... Because if you are detected by them you have no chance... You must have an advantage called invisibility to complete the all mission... I had no more time and i have choosen that way... I have completed the mission... Results... Primary objective : 2 ZSU - 23 AA guns... Secondary objective : Not completed... Bonus objective : Not completed... More... 3 Mig - 21, 1 Hercules and structures... I have decided to complete the mission... If you want to continue, at the second take - off, there is a Mig 21 upon the our base waiting for you... And do not forget to get more fuel tanks... Next time i will use my strategy again... Without invisibility... At that time you are the biggest...     "Kofana"...     Here is the solution... Altitude of the our air base is 4,600 ft... First take - off... Start with arms of 6 AIM - 120 AMRAAM and 3 fuel tanks... Set radar enemies only and radar's range 20NM... Try the upper strategy i have given... Give the correct commands to the wingmen... Results... Do not forget the game has a dynamic structure... Primary objective : 3 trains... Secondary objective : 3 C - 130 Hercules... Bonus objective (Completed) : 2 Mig - 29 Fulcrums... More... Structures... 4 Mig - 21 Fishbeds... 2 ZSU - 23 AA guns...     "Kofana"...        Another attempt... The final results (Totally)... Primary objective : 4 ZSU - 23 AA guns... Secondary objective : 3 C - 130 Hercules... Bonus objective (Completed) : 4 Mig - 21 Fishbeds... More... Structures... 2 Mig - 29 Fulcrums... 2 Mig - 19 Farmers... 3 Trains...

4 ZSU - 23s, 3 C - 130s, 4 Mig - 21s, 2 Mig - 29s, 2 Mig - 19s and 3 Trains...

Mission # 06...     "Kofana"...     Altitude of the our air base is 4,600 ft... Here is a guaranteed strategy... First take - off... Start with 4 AIM - 9M, 1 AGM - 65 G x 3, 3 CBU - 87 x 2 and 1 fuel tank... Set radar enemies only and 20NM... Throttle is 60... At the angle of 250, you will find a Mig... Fire it up... Do not miss... After that go to angle of 300 (Way - point 1), set radar 05NM and destroy it immediately... Be careful, do not miss... While you getting closer to the way - point 1 (be sure radar 05NM) attack all enemy ground targets by CBUs... After you spent your arms go back to the base (Way - point 0)... Be careful at the landing stage, because there is a guest commonly called Mig and waiting for you... Second take - off... Get 5 AIM - 9M, 1 AGM - 65 G x 3, 2 CBU - 87 x 2 and 1 fuel tank... At the take - off stage use after burners to gain speed... Be sure that radar set 05NM... Fire that Mig up, immediately... And land again to rearm and refuel... Third take - off... Get same arms and fuel tank as you did just before... Throttle is 60 and go to the way - point 1... Set radar NM what you want to see... At the angle of 265, there is another Mig... Kick it out and finish your job at the way - point 1 by using CBUs... It is OK... Primary objective : 5 SCUD mobile launchers... Secondary objective : 3 fuel dumps... Bonus objective (Completed): 4 Mig - 21 Fishbeds... More... 3 SAM Shahine units...     "Jeffel"...     Get 4 AIM - 9M, 1 AGM - 65 G x 3, 3 CBU - 87 x 2 and 1 fuel tank... Set radar 20NM go to angle of 257 and fight with a Mig - 21... Do not waste time... Shoot quickly... Go to angle of 297 or to the way - point 1... You will see another Mig and shoot it down... At the way - point 1, destroy all you see by CBUs... If you miss the target go back for attacking to destroy it... After destroy 2 ZSUs, go back to the base... You will meet a Mig at the landing...     Another attempt... + 3 enemy trucks and + 2 ZSU - 23 AA guns...

5 SCUDs, 3 fuel dumps, 4 Mig - 21s, 3 SAMs, 3 Trucks and 2 ZSU - 23s...