Kenya Missions # 9 and 10...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 09...     "Kofana"...   Very important fresh news - 1...       First of all, there is no need to go to the our main base located at way - point 0, again and again, to rearm and refuel... Because, the distance between WP - 1 and WP - 0 is more than 80 NM, at least... For saving the time, use this runway... I will explain where it is... This runway is near to border and located at the nearby a small lake... Altitude of this runway is 4,600 ft... When you spent your arms and / or fuel, set your destination to WP - 1 by clicking on the "TAB" key... Set your flying angle to 0 and go on at that way... Now, you are being faraway from the WP - 1... It is OK... Keep on your angle of 0... Set your speed 300 - 400 and continue to fly... Keep on your eyes at the distance counter... At the distance of about 26 - 28 NM, set the auto - pilot on... You will find the runway... You will be landed... The exact landing info is here... Angle : 210... Distance : 33 6... Way : 01 173... Be sure that the control tower must be the right side... Get an easy landing... Rearm and refuel... By the way, there might be some enemy Migs following you up... Be careful... For them, if they exist, get 2 AIM - 9M for close combat for a new take - off...

Very important fresh news - 2...       First take - off... Get 4 AIM 120 AMRAAM, 2 AGM - 88, 2 CBU - 87 x 2 and 1 fuel tank... Set radar enemies only and 05NM... By the way, you may try bigger NMs to find the targets... Main purpose of you is to destroy the SAM units... But, if you take a good position fire the enemy aircrafts up... Do not waste time for the enemy aircrafts... Go to the WP - 1, directly... On the 2 enemy runways there are Mig - 25 Foxbats waiting for take - off... First, destroy 2 SAM radar units using by AGM - 88s... Then, burn up the Mig - 25s on the runways... You must be hurry up... After you spent your arms go to the runway explained just above... Land easily and rearm and refuel... Second take - off.. Get armed and refueled by 2 AIM 120 AMRAAM, 2 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3, 2 BLU - 107 x 3 and 1 fuel tank... Go back and fight...

Primary objective : 5 SAM Shahine units and 3 ZSU - 23 AA guns... Secondary objective : 2 Runways... Bonus objective (Completed) : 1 Mig - 25 Foxbat... More... 3 Mig - 25 Foxbats...     + 1 Mig - 21 Fishbed and + 3 ZSU - 23 AA guns...

5 SAMs, 6 ZSU - 23s, 2 Runways, 4 Mig - 25s and 1 Mig - 21...

Mission # 10...     "Kofana"...         May be the hardest game... You are on a that of kind base, at the starting position, at which you can rearm and refuel, but there are SAM units located to hunt you... Now... First take - off... Get 4 AIM 9M, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3 and 3 fuel tanks... Set radar enemies only and range 05NM... Set throttle 100 and after burner stage of 4... You must rapidly take - off... Take off... After you pass an enemy radar shown at the right side, turn off the wheel breaks by W... At that time SAM units are shooting for you... Use chaff or flare... Again and again... Main purpose of you is to destroy the SAM units... Gain enough speed (Setting throttle 2) and altitude (At least 9,000 ft)... Go back to destroy the enemy ground targets... Especially the SAM units... Attack and attack... By the way, if you detect any enemy aircraft destroy it... First of all, destroy the SAM units at the base... Then, if you have more AIMs, attack to the enemy aircrafts... After you spent your arms land on... Second take - off... Get the same... Repeated info... By the way, i have observed that the speed of the enemy aircrafts at last three missions is very high... Therefore use throttle 100 and after burner (Stage 1, at least)... Good luck... Primary objective : 4 Mig - 21 Fishbeds, 1 Mig - 25 Foxbat and 1 Mig - 29 Fulcrum... Secondary objective : 6 SAM Shahine units... Bonus objective : Not completed... I have got more.... Structures and 2 trucks...

4 Mig - 21s, 1 Mig - 25, 1 Mig - 29, 6 SAMs and 2 Trucks...