Morocco Missions # 1 and 2...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 01...     "Kofana"...     Altitude of the our air base is 1,500 ft... First take - off... Start with arms of 4 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3, 1 MK - 82 x 3 and 2 fuel tanks... Set radar enemies only, radar's range 40 or 80NM and throttle 60... The first target is a Mig - 19, flying at the angle of 70... Destroy it... Take care about the anti aircraft guns... The second target is a C - 130 Hercules, flying at the angle of 45... Kick it out... Then attack 4 T - 63 tanks and the other ground targets... Do not forget the SAM units... Second take - off... Get armed by 4 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3 and 3 fuel tanks... By the way, runway is relatively short... Set throttle 100 and after - burner stage 2 (At least)... Another enemy C - 130 Hercules, flying at the angle of 180... Fire it up... Then, attack the ground targets... You might be required for more take - offs... Primary objective : Mig - 19 Farmer... Secondary objective : 4 T - 63 tanks... Bonus objective (Completed) : 2 Shahine SAM units... I have got more 2 SU - 27 Flanker, 2 C - 130 Hercules, 8 anti aircraft guns and 2 ZSU - 23 AA guns... Of course by rearmed and refueled by returning to the our air base located way - point 0... Another attempt... + 8 trucks, + 2 jeeps, + 2 trains and + 9 M - 113s... By the way, do not forget to land on the runway 4...     Another attempt... + 1 ZSU - 23 AA gun and + 1 Mig - 29 Fulcrum...

1 Mig - 19, 4 T - 63s, 2 SAMs, 2 SU - 27s, 2 C - 130s, 8 AAs, 3 ZSU - 23s, 8 trucks, 2 jeeps, 2 trains, 9 M - 113s and 1 Mig - 29...

Mission # 02...     "Kofana"...     Altitude of the our base is 4,300 ft... First take - off.. Start with 4 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3, 2 MK - 82 x 3, 1 fuel tank... Set radar enemies only and radar's range 40NM... There are 2 Mig - 19s... First one has more altitude than that of you... Kick them out... One by one... Attack anti aircraft guns... Then SAM units... One by one... You might be required to go back to the base... Take care about the anti aircraft guns and last Mig you missed... Second take - off... After landing get 4 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3, 3 fuel tanks... There are some anti aircraft guns near by the base... Be careful... Kick them out and land again... Third take - off... Get the same... Now, do not miss the train... Primary objective : 2 Shahine SAM units... Secondary objective : 2 Mig - 19 Farmers... Bonus objective (Completed) : 3 trains... I have got more 2 trucks, 7 anti aircraft guns, 1 C - 130 Hercules and 2 ZSU - 23 AA guns... Of course by rearmed and refueled... By the way, our forces, an AWACS and wingmen escorted by it, what they are doing...? Secondly, 3 C - 130 Hercules...? No friendly kills at reported... By the way, train is close to you... Another attempt... More + 3 Mig - 29 Fulcrums and + 2 SU - 27 Flankers... By the way, do not forget to land on the runway 2... Another attempt... + 1 anti aircraft gun and + 1 ZSU - 23 AA gun...     Another attempt... + 1 jeep, + 1 M - 113 transport and + 4 trucks...

2 SAMs, 2 Mig - 19s, 3 trains, 6 trucks, 1 jeep, 1 M - 113, 8 AAs, 1 C - 130, 3 ZSU - 23s, 3 Mig - 29s and 2 SU - 27s...