Morocco Missions # 5 and 6...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 05...     "Kofana"...     Here is a guaranteed strategy... First take - off... Start with 4 AIM - 120 AMRAAM, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3, 2 CBU - 72 and 1 fuel tank... Set radar enemies only... First target is the enemy aircrafts, and the second is the enemy ground forces attacking your base... First destroy F - 15 Eagles closing you... One by one... Do not miss all of them... If you accomplish this attack, then you will get the primary objective... For the enemy ground forces, mainly consisted of SAM units, anti - aircraft guns and of course T - 72 tanks, use the CBUs, carefully... Shoot what you see as a target... Then go to the ground targets... After you spent your arms, land on the base located way - point 1, carefully... Second take - off... Get 4 AIM - 120 AMRAAM, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3 and 3 fuel tanks... Do it the same work... For the enemy ground forces use the AGMs... Now, there are 4 T - 72 tanks on the ground... Attack and attack... It is OK... Primary objective : 3 F - 15 Eagles... Secondary objective : 2 T - 72 tanks attacking to our base... Bonus objective (Completed) : The other 2 T - 72 tanks... I got more, 1 Mig - 21 Fishbed, 1 truck, 1 jeep, 1 M - 113 transport, 1 train and more important 2 SU - 27 Flankers...     Another attempt... + 3 trucks, + 3 trains, + 2 Mig - 21 Fishbeds, + 3 ZSU - 23 anti - aircraft guns, + 1 C - 130 Hercules and + 1 Mig - 29 Fulcrum...

3 F - 15s, 4 T - 72s, 3 Mig - 21s, 4 trucks, 1 jeep, 1 M - 113, 4 trains, 2 SU - 27s, 3 ZSU - 23s, 1 C - 130 and 1 Mig - 29...

Mission # 06...     "Kofana"...     Here is another the damned mission... Altitude of the our air base is 550 ft... Start with 6 AIM - 9M and 3 fuel tanks... This mission is especially related to wingmen control... Control - F1 : Wingmen attack my target... Control - F2 : Section attack my target... Control - F3 : Formation attack my target... Control - F4 : Wingman rejoin formation... Control - F5 : Line abreast right... Control - F6 : Line abreast left... Control - F7 : Line astern... Control - F8 : Echelon right... Control - F9 : Echelon left... Control - F10 : Close - up formation... Control - F11 : Spread - out formation... You will choose your commands... Radar's status depends on the your commands... First take - off... There are 3 wingmen waiting for your commands... By the way, set throttle 100 and radar's range 80 NM... There is an enemy C - 130 Hercules... You may play it... About angle of 320, now is the contact time... Attack to the Migs... And try to force the learjet to land... Do not allow it to escape... First destroy the first 2 Mig - 19 Farmers... By the way, do not forget the learjet... Everytime it tries to escape to go home... After you destroy the Migs, force it to land to the base... You may meet some more guests consisting of Mig - 19s... Call wingmen to help you... Important !!! If you force the learjet, while you are trying to kill some bugs, set your radar friends and enemies... First force the learjet... Do not forget... If you use the wingmen commands rapidly and correctly, you can destroy the Migs and force the learjet... Be sure that the learjet was landed... Go to the our base located at way - point 0... Second take - off... Get the same... Just in front of you, there are 2 Mig - 19s... Fire them up... Of course, by the help of your wingmen... By the way, apply my friend's observations for more jobs...

    "Jeffel"...     Try to make all your wingmen follow you in the mission because they can loose themself and at the end of the mission in the debriefing you will have an info declaring... One or two friends dead... It is not interesting for a good "performance"... So, try to keep them alive giving them order by the CTRL - F5, F6 or F7 keys to make them obligated to stay in alive... Sometimes they can crash themself...

    "Kofana"...     By the way, you can use also F8, F9, F10 and F11 keys... Third take - off.. Get the same arms and fuel tanks... Go to the angle of 70 - 80, by flying your forces... Set radar's range 80NM... Also set the throttle 100 (At least)... At the angle of 10 - 20, there are more enemy aircrafts, SU - 27 Flankers... I have detected 2 of them... But, must be more... It may be the reason of the uncompleted bonus objective... Set the after burner stage 1 (At least)... They are flying like the crazy horses... Destroy them immediately... Do not miss them... By the way, you will have not enough fuel... Go back to the base... Set throttle 30 and auto - pilot... Climb at least 11,500 ft... Find your base located at the way - point 0 and land easily... I have tried for the bonus objective for about 2 hours (All included)... No man... I did decide to stop... But, there is the bonus objective at which i have described above... I have decided to stop... No fourth take - off... Primary objective : Forced learjet to land... Secondary objective : 2 Mig - 19 Farmers... Bonus objective : Not completed... I got more 2 Mig - 19 Farmers, 1 C - 130 Hercules and 2 SU - 27 Flankers... I think that show must go on... In addition, timing of the commands for the wingmen is very important... And must be trained before... At the start section of the game...     Another attempt... + 2 Mig - 19 Farmers...

Forced learjet, 6 Mig - 19s, 1 C - 130 and 2 SU - 27s...