Morocco Missions # 9 and 10...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 09...     "Kofana"...     An easy mission... Altitude of the our base is 100 ft... First take - off... Start with 4 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65G x 3, 2 LAU - 3A x 3 and 1 fuel tank... Set radar enemies only... Set radar's range of 40NM and find the Mig... Kick it out... Then attack to the enemy tanks attacking to the airbase... But, be careful... Attack and attack... If you spent your arms go back directly to the our air base located at way point 0 using throttle 60... Do not waste time... Land carefully... Second take - off... Get same arms and fuel... Important notice... The length of the our air base is very short... You have to close having an altitude of 1,800 ft and a speed of 300 knts... If you did not, you have to adjust somethings for take - off... You may use after burner stage of 4 and take - off at the air speed of about 100 knts... For the further take - offs, get altitude of 5,000 ft, by setting throttle 30 and autopilot... At the distance of 20 to the target, set throttle 60 and gain speed... Go to the way - point 1 and attack... Primary objective : 3 T - 72 tanks... Secondary objective : 1 Mig - 25 Foxbat... Bonus objective (Completed) : T - 63 tank at the airbase... I got more somethings... Structures, 4 T - 63 tanks, 7 anti aircraft guns, 3 ZSU - 23 AA guns, 1 jeep, 2 trucks and 2 trains...     Another attempt... + 1 jeep, + 2 trains and + 2 M - 113 transports...

3 T - 72s, 1 Mig - 25, 5 T - 63s, 7 AAs, 3 ZSU - 23s, 2 jeeps, 2 trucks, 4 trains and 2 M - 113s...

Mission # 10...     "Kofana"...     Another damned mission... Get 6 AIM - 120, 2 CBU - 87 x 2, and 1 fuel tank... Set radar enemies only and the range at 40 NM... Detect the enemy aircrafts... Do not change the throttle 60... First target is a C - 130 Hercules... Fire it... And at about an angle 340, here are the learjet and the it's friends... First attack to the learjet... Do not miss... After that, kick the Mig - 29 and the others... After you fired up the learjet, the primary objective will be completed... I have detected a convoy near this area which is the secondary objective... I attacked to them by CBUs... Do not enter to the Algerian border, if you want to kick the convoy (Of course you want)... I have attacked all targets detected... Namely, you must destroy all air and ground targets rapidly... If you miss one of them, especially the convoy, you will find yourself in trouble... Because, you have to go to the our base to rearm and refuel... It is not close... If you choose that way, set throttle 20... Land and get just 1 CBU - 87 x 2 and 3 fuel tanks... Good luck... By the way, there are more ground targets very close to the our base located at the way - point 0... So, here are the results... Primary objective : Learjet... Secondary objective : 11 trucks... Bonus objective : Not completed... I got more somethings... 2 C - 130 Hercules, 3 Mig - 29 Fulcrum, 2 Mig - 21 Fishbeds, 2 anti aircraft guns, 2 trains and 1 more truck... I think that show must go on... By the way, the bonus objective might be the 2 SAM units... Another attempt... + 1 C - 130 Hercules, + 1 Mig - 29 Fulcrum, + 3 anti aircraft guns and + 2 SU - 27 Flankers...     Another attempt... + 2 ZSU - 23... Still no bonus objective ???

Learjet, 12 trucks, 3 C - 130s, 4 Mig - 29s, 2 Mig - 21s, 5 AAs, 2 trains, 2 SU - 27s and 2 ZSU - 23s...