Morocco Missions # 3 and 4...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 03...     "Kofana"...     First take - off... Start with 6 AIM - 9M and 3 fuel tanks... Set radar enemies only... Let the Mig take - off, standing just in front of you... Fire your AIM's whatever you have locked... Do not forget to keep your HQ against the F - 15's attack... Attack all aircrafts... No more arms, land way - point 1 located at the altitude of 550 ft... Use chaff and flare, if you did miss them... Second take - off... Get the same... For third and more take - offs... Get the same... At the angle of 80 - 90 there are 3 C - 130 Hercules... Kick them out... Go back to the base... More take - offs... Try to get the same... Sometimes it is better to get 3 AIM - 9M and 3 AIM - 120 than getting fully 9 AIM - 9Ms... Keep fighting on... Important !!! At the landing stage you might be at the opposite position... Another important thing... After you landed on the way - point 1, now you have to land on way point - 0 having an altitude of 550 ft, the same as of 1... At the further take - offs, you may go to the lane having an angle of 60, you will find a Mig... Primary objective : F - 15 Eagle... Secondary objective : 2 Mig - 21 Fishbeds... Bonus objective (Completed) : 3 C - 130 Hercules... More, 5 Mig - 19 Farmers and 2 SU - 27 Flankers...     Another attempt... + 2 AA guns, + 2 jeeps and + 2 trucks...

1 F - 15, 2 Mig - 21s, 3 C - 130s, 5 Mig - 19s, 2 SU - 27s, 2 AAs, 2 jeeps and 2 trucks...

Mission # 04...     "Kofana"...     Altitude of the our base is 1,400 ft... Start with 4 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3 and 3 fuel tanks... Set radar enemies only... Here is a guaranteed strategy... First take - off... Fly to your target way - point 5... Attack to the 3 Mig 19's and anti aircraft guns... After you spent your arms go back to the base... But, be careful that there are high mountains and hills at the returning lane... Altitude is at least 12,000 ft... Second take - off... Get same arms and fuels... Fly to the target way - point by setting throttle 30 and gain altitude (Without auto - pilot)... At the distance of 15, set throttle 60, gain speed and attack to the SAM units and anti aircraft guns... Turn back... Third take - off... Get 4 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65 G x 3, 1 BLU - 107 x 3 and 2 fuel tanks... Now, there is nobody... Attack to the runway... It is OK... By the way, if you want to enter the Algerian airspace, you can find additional targets... Primary objective : Runway... Secondary objective : 3 Mig - 19 Farmers... Bonus objective (Completed) : 2 SAM units... I have got more... 8 anti - aircraft guns, 1 C - 130 Hercules, 5 trucks, 1 Mig - 29 Fulcrum, 1 M - 113 transporter, 1 jeep, 2 trains and 2 SU - 27 Flankers... Another attempt... + 3 trains, + 1 C - 130 Hercules, + 2 anti - aircraft guns, + 3 SU - 27 Flankers and + 3 SAM units...     Another attempt... + 1 truck...

Runway, 3 Mig - 19s, 5 SAMs, 10 AAs, 2 C - 130s, 6 trucks, 1 Mig 29, 1 M - 113, 1 jeep, 5 trains, 5 SU - 27s, ...