Madagascar Missions # 1 and 2...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 01...     "Kofana"...     Here is a guaranteed strategy... Altitude of the our air base is 4,000 ft... First take - off... Start with arms of 4 AIM - 9M, 4 AGM - 119A and 1 fuel tank... Set radar enemies only... Set radar's range 40NM... Go to the way - point 1 having an angle of 230, directly... Adjust your radar's NM continuously... Because you have AIM - 9Ms which have low NM... At the angle of 230 there are 2 Mig - 25 Foxbats... Main purpose is to destroy all of them... Do not forget to use chaff and flare... After you kick them out, set radar 40NM and try to find the enemy navy... If you detect someone fire your AGM - 119s... Do not close them... If you are detected by them use chaff and flare... After you spent your weapons, go back to the base at way - point 0 having an altitude of 4,000 ft, mentioned above.... Be careful at the landing stage, because our runway is surrounded by the hills... Second take - off... Get 4 AGM - 119A and 1 fuel tank... Go to the way - point 1, setting throttle 30 and auto - pilot... Set radar 40NM... At the distance of 20 set throttle 60, go to the angle of 310, you will find another enemy ship... Destroy it by using the AGM - 119As... Go back to the base... Get the same arms and fuel tank... Third and the further take - offs... Get the same arms and fuel tank... Destroy the ground targets... Notice !!! If you get a quick result, you may get AGM - 84 instead of AGM - 119A... The AGM - 84s are most suitable for the big enemy ships and especially for the ground targets... Primary objective : 1 Cruiser... Secondary objective : 1 Destroyer... Bonus objective (Completed) : 6 trains... I have got more... Structures... 2 Mig - 25 Foxbats, 2 trucks, 4 jeeps, 3 T - 80 tanks, 2 ZSU - 23 AA gun and 4 MTBs... That's OK...     Another attempt... + 1 T - 80 tank and + 1 jeep and + 4 trucks...

1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 6 Trains, 2 Mig - 25s, 6 Trucks, 5 Jeeps, 4 T - 80s, 2 ZSUs and 4 MTBs...

Mission # 02...     "Kofana"...     At the beginning of that mission, it seems to be a hardest one... First take - off... Get armed and fueled by 4 AIM - 120, 4 AGM - 84 and 1 fuel tank... Altitude of the base 4,000 ft... Set radar enemies only... Set radar's range 05NM... Go to the way - point 6 having an angle of 230 and 260, directly... Adjust your radar's NM continuously... Main purpose is to destroy the enemy aircrafts... Do not forget to use chaff and flare... And do not miss them, destroy one by one... If you detect an enemy ship at the radar range of 40NM shoot it... After you spent your arms go back to the nearest way - point... It is so close to the way - point 6 having a distance about 13 for the WP6... At the landing stage, our ground radar must be at the left side, otherwise you are at the opposite side... Be careful... Do not go to way - point 0... You can not land due to an AWACS standing on the runway... If you want to land, you have to kick out it... Repeated info !!! Do not get closer to the enemy destroyer, cruiser and especially the battleship... I warn you... Use radar range of 20 (At least)... Second take - off... If you have destroyed the all enemy airforce, just get 4 AGM - 84 and 1 fuel tank... Go to the way - point 6... Do not forget that the lenght of that runway is so shorth, use after - burner stage 1 (At least)... Kick them out you detected, all targets... Third and more take - offs... Get same... Destroy all you detect... Do it again and again... Primary objective : 1 Cruiser... Secondary objective : 1 Battleship... Bonus objective : Not completed... I have got more... Structures, 1 C - 130 Hercules, 8 jeeps, 6 trains, 11 T - 80 tank, 1 Mig - 21 Fishbed, 2 SU - 27 Flankers, 1 Mig - 25 Foxbat, 24 ZSU - 23 AA guns, 2 SAM Shahine units and 1 Destroyer...     Another attempt... + 1 Cruiser and + 6 trains...

2 Cruisers, 1 Battleship, 1 C - 130, 8 Jeeps, 12 Trains, 11 T - 80s, 1 Mig - 21, 2 SU - 27s, 1 Mig - 25, 24 ZSU - 23s, 2 SAMs and 1 Destroyer...