Madagascar Missions # 9 and 10...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 09... From my French friend,     "Jeffel"... First get 1 AIM - 120, 1 - AIM 9M... No more is required... Except, 1 AGM - 88, 1 AGM - 65G x 3, 1 GBU - 10 and 1 GBU - 12 x 3 for the radar at the way - point 3, no fuel tank is necessary... One of the hardest mission... First, you are on the runway 0... Take - off by after burner... Climb quickly to an altitude of 40,000 ft (Towards sea)... Reduce speed throttle 60... Set your MFD in JTIDS and GM mode and your HUD in NAV mode... Follow the way - point 1... In front of you, there is a SU - 27 Flanker... HUD mode MSLS... Set radar 40NM or 20NM... Select your AIM - 120 and fire... You must have it the first time... If not use your AIM - 9M... You must kick it out... HUD mode NAV follow to the way - point 3... To avoid the guns firing on you, use your rudder... Right... Left... When they fire or when a SAM unit detect you, with chance you will pass that lane without damage... When you close to the way - point 3, set your HUD in the ARM mode to use your AGM - 88 for the SAM radar... Shoot... Turn off your engine (Shift + E)... Set your air brake and flap to reduce the speed when you go down... Destroy with your AGM - 65 all the guns... Destroy the SAM launcher after... Search the HQ and set your HUD in CCIP mode select your GBU - 10... You will have it the first time... It is your first objective... Check your engine... If you want to destroy the area try it, but you can not find more objective and you will have more danger... There are too much guns and so on... So, i prefer to go back to the base (Way - point 0), quickly... Set throttle 100 and climb to an altitude of 40,000 ft... Go to the directly 0... Use the same technique for escaping from the enemy ground shoots.... Near the base, when you arrive, you will be warned up by "secondary objective completed"... In fact the secondary objective in this mission means "return back home" at 0... Very difficult mission i know... But i did it in 18 min. and 46 sec... Without additive fuel tank... Primary objective : Structures... Secondary objective : None... Bonus objective : Not completed... More... 1 SU - 27, 3 anti aircraft guns and 3 SAM units... Here is the your main target... Sent by "Jeffel"...

Enemy command post...

    "Kofana"... First, i have tried to clear the nearest area, before going to the way - point 3... I prefer to be standing at the guaranteed position... Because, you may be in trouble at the returning stage to the our airbase (Way - point 0)... First and the other take - offs... Clear your area... Get armed and fueled by 4 AIM - 120, 2 AGM - 65G x 3, 2 GBU - 12 x 3 and 1 fuel tank... Altitude of the our base is 3,600 ft... Set radar enemies only... Set radar's range between 05NM and 20NM... Try and try again... Clear your area... Be sure that you have destroyed 4 SU - 27s... More take - off... Now, we are going to the way - point 3... At the take - off stage, set the after - burner 4... Gain altitude of 35,000 ft (At least)... Keep your F - 16 by making maneuvers, left and right... Soften the way - point 3... The results i obtained... Primary objective : Enemy command post (A little building)... Secondary objective : None... Bonus objective (Completed) : 1 Mig - 29 Fulcrum... More... 4 SU - 27 Flankers, 14 anti aircraft guns, 8 ZSU - 23 AA guns, 9 SAM Shahine units and some structures...

    "Kofana"...         Another important strategy... First get 4 AIM - 120, 2 AGM - 65G x 3 and 3 fuel tanks... Set throttle 100 and after - burner stage of 1... Go to the way - point 3, directly... Set radar's range 20NM... Turn your F - 16 a little of the left side... Gain altitude, at least 35,000 ft... First destroy the SU - 27 Flanker... Go on... Keep your F - 16 by making maneuvers, left and right... Soften the way - point 3... If you have a ground target, at the radar's 05NM kick it out... Destroy all of them... If you need to go the way - point 0 (Our airbase) get an altitude of 35,000 ft (At least)... Set throttle 60... Try again... Important notice !!! The easiest way to eliminate the ground targets at the way - point 3... Good luck...

Enemy command post, 1 Mig - 29, 4 SU - 27s, 14 AAs, 8 ZSU - 23s and 9 SAMs...

Mission # 10...     "Kofana"...         The final... Our airbase (Way - point 0) has an altitude of 3,600 ft... Get 3 AIM - 9M, 3 AIM - 120 and 3 fuel tanks... Take - off immediately... Set throttle 100 and after burner stage 1... Set radar's range of 40NM... There is an enemy aircraft closing at clock 7 - 8... First kick it out... Then the others... You can complete this mission by 6 missiles... But the Russian one... Click on the image right... Primary objective : 3 C - 130 Hercules... Secondary objective : None... Bonus objective : None... More... 3 F - 15 Eagles and 1 SU - 27 Flanker...

3 C - 130s, 3 F - 15s and 1 SU - 27...