Madagascar Missions # 3 and 4...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 03...     "Kofana"...     An easy mission... Altitude of our airbase (Way - point 0) is 300 ft... First take - off... Get 4 AIM - 120 AMRAAM, 4 AGM - 84 and 1 fuel tank... First destroy the enemy aircrafts... Then, the Cruiser... That is OK... If you want to have more take - offs, get the same... At the landing stage, be careful that the our ground radar station must be at the left side... Important notice !!! At the take - off stage, you must use more throttle... Primary objective : 1 Cruiser... Secondary objective : 4 Mig - 29 Fulcrums... Bonus objective : Not completed... They might be some ground targets... I have got more... Structures, 2 jeeps, 1 truck, 5 T - 80 tanks, 1 train... If you have more time try to find them...     Another attempt... + 3 jeeps, + 5 trucks, + 3 T - 80 tanks, + 3 ZSU - 23 AAs and + 3 trains...

1 Cruiser, 4 Mig - 29s, 5 Jeeps, 6 Trucks, 8 T - 80 tanks, 3 ZSU - 23s and 4 Trains...

Mission # 04...     "Kofana"...         Another easy mission... Get 6 AIM - 120 AMRAAM and 3 fuel tanks... First destroy the AWACS after that the enemy aircrafts... While you are going to the way - point 2, for the first target, AWACS, set throttle 60, set radar enemies only, and the range's 80NM to handle them... AWACS is at the angle of 90... When you start to combat with the other enemy aircrafts, set throttle 100 and after - burner stage 1 (At least) to have a faster maneuverability... Use chaff and flare against the enemy missiles... After you destroy all of them, do not go to the way - point 0 (Our airbase)... Do not land at the airbase, because it is busy, you may find an AWACS landed... Therefore try to go to the way - point 2, for landing... :))))))))) This game has a dynamic structure... No landing... You have to go to the way - point 0 to land manually... You must kick out your friendly AWACS first, at the first take - off stage... That is OK... Get the same arms and fuel tanks, and try to find bonus objective... They might be some ground targets... If you have more time try to find them... By the way, at the angle of 330 - 340, there are too many ground targets... I have detected some enemy ships, also... Primary objective : 1 AWACS... Secondary objective : 4 SU - 27 Flankers... Bonus objective : Not completed...

1 AWACS and 4 SU - 27s...