Madagascar Missions # 7 and 8...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 07...     "Kofana"...     Another damned boring mission... Altitude of the our another airbase (Way - point 0) is 4,000 ft... First take - off... Get 4 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65G x 3 and 3 fuel tanks... Prepare everything for take - off, immediately... Set radar enemies only... Set radar's range 10NM... Set throttle 100 and after - burner stage 4... Take - off rapidly... Gain speed and altitude... Just behind of you there is an enemy aircraft and two cobras following each other... Destroy them... Do not miss... Your main purpose is to save and escort our convoy... Do not go away... Just fly around the our base, located at the way - point 1, having an altitude of 4,000 ft... After you destroy all air targets, use your AGMs against to the SCUDs... I have detected some of them at the angle of 10 - 20 and the others at the angle of 270 - 280... By the way, there are some enemy ground targets consisted of anti aircraft guns... Do not forget them... Destroy all you detect... After you spent your arms go back to the base located at way - point 1... Be careful at the landing stage, because there is a hunter... Second take - off... Get the same... Set throttle 100 and after burner 1... Look around... Go to the small lake close to the base... You can complete your bonus mission... Third and more take - offs... Get the same... Destroy all you detect... Again and again... Again and again... Primary objective : 4 SCUD launchers... Secondary objective : Destroying the enemy airforce... 1 SU - 27 Flanker and 2 AH - 1 Cobras... Bonus objective (Completed) : Structures, 2 trucks and 3 jeeps... I have got more... 4 M - 113 transpots, 1 mobile launcher, 1 - 72 tank, 3 T - 80 tanks, 6 trains and 7 ZSU - 23 AA guns... That is OK... Another attempt... + 1 Truck and + 1 T - 72...     Another attempt... + 4 Trucks

4 SCUDs, 1 SU - 27, 2 AH - 1s, 7 Trucks, 3 Jeeps, 4 M - 113s, 1 Mobile Launcher, 2 T - 72s, 3 T - 80s, 6 Trains and 7 ZSU - 23s...

Ground targets - 1...

Ground targets - 2...

Mission # 08...     "Kofana"...     An easy mission... But, you have to be faster than the enemies... Altitude of the our airbase located at the way - point 0 is 600 ft... First take - off... Get armed and fueled by 6 AIM - 120, 2 AGM - 119A and 1 fuel tank... Set radar enemies only... Set radar's range 20 or 40NM... Adjust your radar's range continuously... Leave the throttle 60... Attack to the F - 15 Eagles, one by one... Shut one and turn the other... Shut one and turn the other... Destroy all first 4 F - 15 Eagles... Do not miss... Then land quickly to rearm and refuel... You can land at the way - point 1 or also the way - point 0... All of them are very short... Do not forget to set your after - burner stage 4... Otherwise your landing gears will be damaged... Be careful at the take - off stages... Second take - off... Get the same arms and fuel... Set radar's range 40 or 80NM... Try to find another enemy aircraft and submarines... First, kick the SU - 27 Flanker out (The bonus objective) and then attack to the submarines... Do not forget that when you are getting closer to the enemy submarines to use chaff and flares... Because they have sea - to - air missiles... Attack again and again... There are at least 4 enemy submarines near the area... And also some more F - 15 Eagles... Primary objective : 4 F - 15 Eagles... Secondary objective : 1 Submarine... Bonus objective (Completed) : 1 SU - 27 Flanker... I have got more... 2 more F - 15 Eagles and 2 more submarines... From my French friend...

    "Jeffel"...     Info about the bonus objective... The bonus is a SU - 27 Flanker approaching from the east... Wait for it to destroy it or make your ship fire on it... If you choose the second alternative, try to force it to fly nearby your ship... Then see the result... Funny and amazing...

    "Kofana"...     It is very interesting... It must be tried... I think...
( I did... See the images given below... )

    Another attempt... + 1 truck, + 1 jeep and + 1 ZSU - 23 AA...

6 F - 15s, 3 Submarines, 1 Truck, 1 Jeep, 1 ZSU - 23 and 1 SU - 27...

Submarine is waiting for you...

Submarine in trouble...

Submarine in trouble...

Submarine in trouble...

Our navy convoy...

Done by our navy convoy...