Madagascar Missions # 5 and 6...


Pics given here are not related to missions, exactly...

Mission # 05 - Part - 1...     "Kofana"...     A boring mission... You have to be patient... First take - off... Get 4 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65G x 3, 2 MK - 82 x 3 and 1 fuel tank... Set radar enemies only... Set radar's range 10NM... Go to the way - point 3 that is so close to you... First try to destroy the enemy radars... After you kick the one launcher, set radar 05NM for close combat... Attack everything you detect... By the way use chaff and flare against them... Use everything weapons you have... Be careful that there is a Mig - 21 around you... Fire it up... After you spent your arms go back to the base located at way - point 0 having an altitude of 4,000 ft... Set throttle 30 and auto - pilot for saving fuel... Be careful that at the landing stage there is a T - 80 trying to hunt you... Second take - off... Get 4 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65G x 3, 2 MK - 82 x 3 and 1 fuel tank... There is an enemy ground targets located nearby the small lake... Destroy all of them and land again... Third take - off.. Get 4 AIM - 9M, 2 AGM - 65G x 3 and 3 fuel tanks... Go to the way - point 3, if you did not complete (Of course yes)... At the lane you can detect some ground targets... Kick them out... By the way, while flying to a way - point, set throttle 30 to gain fuel... Destroy the residual enemy targets at the way - point 3... At that time, you will be warned up by the PC... Now, save your CH - 47 Chinooks against to the 2 AH - 1 Cobras and more residual enemy ground weapons... That is OK... Go to the base... Primary objective : 6 SAM units and 2 ZSU - 23 AA guns... Secondary objective : 2 AH - 1 Cobras...     Another attempt... Bonus objective : Completed... 5 trains... I have got, more... Structures, + 1 ZSU - 23 AA gun, + 6 jeeps, + 2 trucks, + 10 T - 80 tanks and + 1 Mig - 21 Fishbed... By the way, i think that there is a bug at that game...

1 Mig - 21, 6 SAMs, 10 T - 80s, 3 ZSU - 23s, 6 Jeeps, 6 Trucks, 2 AH - 1s and 5 Trains...

Mission # 06...     "Kofana"...     Another boring mission... By the way, you have 2 airbases located at the way - point 0... The longest one has an altitude of 1,000 ft... Always try to land it... The shortest one has an altitude of 600 ft... If you have landed at the second one, you have to get 2 fuel tanks (At least)... Because, you have to set the after - burner stage 4... Anyway, let us talk about the game... First take - off... Get 6 AIM 9M, 2 AGM 119 - A Penguin and 1 fuel tank... Prepare everything for the first take - off, immediately... Set radar enemies only... Set radar's range 10NM... Set throttle 100 and do not change until you go back to the base located at the way - point 0... There are 2 F - 15 Eagles, just in front of you... Therefore, you must take - off rapidly and during the take - off stage you must target the closest one while you take - off.. You must destroy the closest one, first... Then, the second one must be go down... Do not miss all the F - 15 Eagles... After that you may get contact with the enemy destroyer using chaff and flare... Attack it... And fire it up... By the way, there are hovercrafts you may detect at the radar's range of 05NM... Destroy you detect... By the way, you may detect an AH - 1 Cobra defending the enemy hovercrafts... Kick it out... After you spent your arms go back to the base located at way - point 0 having an altitude of 2,000 ft... Be careful at the landing stage... Second take - off... If you have destroyed all enemy air targets, get 1 AIM 9M (Do not forget that this game has a dynamic structure), 2 AGM - 65G x 3 and 3 fuel tanks... Set throttle 100 and after burner 4, because of short take - off distance... Go back and fight... Primary objective : 5 Hovercrafts... Secondary objective : 2 F - 15 Eagles... They might be some ground targets nearby the one of the our bases which is located near the small lake... There are jeeps and trucks, also hardened enemy bunkers... I have detected 2 hardened enemy bunkers... I have got more... 3 SAM Shahine units, 6 ZSU - 23 AA guns, 2 Jeeps, 1 Truck, 3 T - 80 tanks, 1 Destroyer and 1 AH - 1 Cobra and some structures... Another attempt... + 1 Jeep...     Another attempt... Bonus objective : Completed... 6 Trains... More... + 5 Trucks, + 3 T - 80 tanks and + 3 Jeeps...

5 Hovercrafts, 2 F - 15s, 3 SAMs, 6 ZSU - 23s, 6 Jeeps, 6 Trucks, 6 T - 80s, 1 Destroyer, 1 AH - 1 and 6 Trains...