1998; 4 (3,4)


 Turkish Neurological Society: 7th years after (Page: 97-100)

K.Selekler (Page: 97-100)

 The new MRI tecniques in acute cerebral ischemia

H. Ersoy, C. Aytekin, A.M. Ağıldere, Ü.S. Benli, U. Can (Page:101-106, abstract)

 Clinical lateralising signs in temporal lobe complex partial seizures

E. Bilir, B. Nazlıel (Page:107-111, abstract)

 The results of Carotid Surgery trialists of Ege University: Effectiveness of EEG monitorisation and selective shunting in carotid endarterectomy

H. Posacıoğlu, F. İslamoğlu, T. Çalkavur, Y. Atay, E. Özkısacık, M. Boğa, İ. Durmaz, M. Yüksel, E. Kumral, A. Hamulu (Page: 112-117, abstract)

 Peripheral and cortical silent period in Parkinson's disease and effectiveness of L-Dopa

S. Özkaynak, B. Aktekin, K. Yaltkaya (Page:118-121, abstract)

 Movement related cortical potentials and L-Dopa in Parkinson Disease

S. Özkaynak, B. Aktekin, K. Yaltkaya (Page:122-126, abstract)

 H-Reflex recovery ratios for alpha motor neuron excitability in Parkinson's Disease

A. Öztürk, H. Uysal (Page: 127-132, abstract)

 Assesment of vasoneural coupling in migraine patients using higher level visual stimuli

N. Uzuner, D. Gücüyener, S. Özkan, G. Özdemir (Page: 133-139, abstract)

 Changes of pattern reversal evoked potentials in estrogen replacement therapy

H. Yılmaz, H. Mavioğlu, E. Erkin, S. Laçin (Page:140-144, abstract)

 Todd's paralysis in status epilepticus

S. Tarlacı, A. Sağduyu (Page: 145-147, abstract)

 6th International Alzheimer's Disease Conference

S. Tekin (Page: 148-149)

 Palilalia in nondominant hemisphere lesions

D. Evyapan, T. Özdemirkıran, Y. Seçil, E. Kumral, H. Sirin (Page: 150-154, abstract)

 Vertical eye movement in a patients with pontine hematomas

M. Selekler, A. Hakyemez, R.E. Toğrol, M. Saraçoğlu, A. Çelebi (Page:155-157, abstract)

 Atrial septal aneurysms as a cause of ischemic stroke: A case report

M.M. Sümer, M. Kahraman, I. Özdemir, M. Moğulkoç (Page: 158-161, abstract)

 Subacute myelo-optic neuropqthy: A case report

E. Vardarlı, G. Gümüşdiş, F. Oksel, V. İnal, S. Tavus (Page: 162-165,abstract)

 Sporadic late onset cerebellar ataxia with photosensitive myoclonus and electrophysisological evaluation

B. Uludağ, S. Tarlacı (Page: 166-169, abstract)