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Oracle® Business Intelligence Discoverer Administration Guide
10g Release 2 (
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25 Dialog reference

This chapter contains comprehensive reference information for each dialog in Discoverer Administrator.

List of reference dialogs

This section contains an alphabetical list of links to the reference dialogs used in Discoverer Administrator.

"Alphabetical Sort dialog"

"Business Area Properties dialog"

"Changing Identifier Warning dialog"

"Choose Folder dialog (for an item, condition or join)"

"Choose user or table/view dialog"

"Condition Properties dialog"

"Conditions dialog"

"Confirm Business Area Delete dialog"

"Confirm Delete dialog"

"Confirm Folder Delete dialog"

"Connect dialog"

"Create EUL Wizard dialog"

"Create EUL Wizard: Step 2 dialog"

"Create EUL Wizard: Step 2 dialog (Oracle Applications EUL)"

"Custom Folder dialog"

"Custom Folder Properties dialog"

"Database Information dialog"

"Database Storage Properties dialog: List of tabs"

"Database Storage Properties dialog: Materialized Views tab"

"Database Storage Properties dialog: Mappings tab"

"Database Storage Properties dialog: Properties tab"

"Database Storage Properties dialog: Tablespaces tab"

"Edit Hierarchy dialog: Items tab"

"Delete EUL dialog"

"Edit Calculation dialog"

"Edit Hierarchy dialog: Items tab (select date items that will use this date hierarchy)"

"Edit Hierarchy dialog: Items tab (select items to include in this hierarchy)"

"Edit Hierarchy dialog: Name tab"

"Edit Item Class dialog: Alternative Sort tab"

"Edit Item Class dialog: General tab"

"Edit Item Class dialog: List of values tab"

"Edit Item Class dialog: Options tab"

"Edit Item Class dialog: Select Items tab"

"Edit Join dialog: Items tab"

"Edit Join dialog: Options tab"

"Edit Summary dialog: Choose Items tab"

"Edit Summary dialog: Combinations tab"

"Edit Summary dialog: General tab"

"Edit Summary dialog: Refresh tab"

"EUL Manager dialog"

"EUL Upgrade Error dialog"

"EUL Upgrade dialog"

"Export Wizard Step 1 dialog"

"Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog (to export selected business areas)"

"Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog (to export selected objects)"

"Export Wizard: Step 2/3 dialog"

"Folder Properties dialog"

"Hierarchy Properties dialog"

"Hierarchy Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Impact dialog"

"Import PL/SQL Functions dialog"

"Import Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Import Wizard: Step 2 dialog"

"Import Wizard: Step 3 dialog,"

"Install/Uninstall Sample Data Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Install/Uninstall Sample Data Wizard: Step 2 dialog"

"Install Sample Data Wizard: Step 3 dialog"

"Item Class Properties dialog: General tab"

"Item Class Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Item Hierarchy Node Properties dialog"

"Item Properties dialog"

"Items dialog"

"Join Properties dialog"

"Load Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Load Wizard: Step 2 dialog"

"Load Wizard: Step 3 dialog"

"Load Wizard: Step 4 dialog"

"Load Wizard: Step 5 dialog"

"Manage Folders dialog: By Business Area tab"

"Manage Folders dialog: By Folder tab"

"Manage Folders dialog: Orphaned Folders tab"

"Manage Scheduled Workbooks dialog"

"Matching Values dialog"

"New Condition dialog (Advanced)"

"New Condition dialog (select an item or folder for)"

"New/Edit Condition dialog"

"New Date Format dialog"

"New Item dialog"

"New Item dialog (select a folder for)"

"New Join dialog (select a folder for)"

"Online Dictionary Options dialog"

"Open Business Area dialog"

"Options dialog: Connection tab"

"Options dialog: Default EUL tab"

"Options dialog: Query Governor tab"

"PL/SQL Functions dialog: Arguments tab"

"PL/SQL Functions dialog: Functions tab"

"Privileges dialog: Privileges tab"

"Privileges dialog: Query Governor tab"

"Privileges dialog: Scheduled Workbooks tab"

"Privileges dialog: User/Role tab"

"Properties dialogs"

"Refresh Business Area dialog"

"Refresh Summaries dialog"

"Refresh Wizard dialog"

"Repository Users dialog"

"Responsibilities dialog"

"Schedule Workbook dialog: General tab"

"Scheduled Workbook dialog: Parameter values"

"Schedule Workbook dialog: Schedule tab"

"Security dialog: Business Area - > User tab"

"Security dialog: Users - > Business Area tab"

"Select User/Role dialog"

"Summary Properties dialog"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): List of dialogs"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings: List of dialog tabs"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Folders tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Analyze tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Deletion tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Query Usage tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Query User tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Not Analyzed dialog"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Recommended Summaries dialog"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Step 2 Analyze Folders dialog"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Step 3 Allocate Space dialog"

"Summary Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Summary Wizard: Step 2 dialog"

"Summary Wizard: Step 3 dialog (using query statistics)"

"Summary Wizard: Step 3 dialog (using external tables)"

"Summary Wizard: Step 3 dialog (using query statistics)"

"Using Help"

"Values dialog"

"Workarea: Data tab"

"Workarea: Hierarchies tab"

"Workarea: Item Classes tab"

"Workarea: Summaries tab"

Alphabetical Sort dialog

Discoverer displays this warning dialog when you attempt to sort:

For more information about folders and items, see:

"What are folders?"

"What are items?"

n Folders/Items will be alphabetically sorted. The existing order will be lost.

The above message displays the number of folders or items (n) that will be alphabetically sorted and also indicates that the existing display order will be lost if you click the Yes button.

Do you want to continue?

Don't show this dialog again

Select this check box to disable further display of this warning during the current session.


Use this button to proceed.

Discoverer will sort the folders/items.


Use this button to abandon the alphabetical sort.

Discoverer will display the Workarea.

Business Area Properties dialog

Use this dialog to view or change the properties of a business area. For example, to change a business area name, description, or identifier.

For more information, see:

"What are business areas?"

"How to edit business area properties"

This dialog has two tabs: General and Dependents. Click each tab to view or edit properties.

General tab


This field displays the business area name.


This field displays a text description of the business area.

The contents of this field are displayed in the description line of the Discoverer Plus Query Wizard (for more information, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Plus User's Guide..


A unique name that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects. When matching objects common to different EULs, Discoverer uses identifiers to locate objects in different EULs that refer to the same business object. For more information, see "What are identifiers?".

Warning: It is not advisable to change an identifier as it can affect the relationships between EUL objects.

Dependents tab

Note that dependents do not apply at the business area level.

Automatically save changes after each edit

Use this check box to save changes each time a field in this dialog is updated.

Changing Identifier Warning dialog

This dialog is displayed when you attempt to save changes to an item's identifier, to warn you of the implications of changing an identifier.

Identifiers are unique names that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects (e.g. business areas, folders, items, worksheets, parameters, joins, conditions, calculations). For example a folder named Sales in EUL 'A' might refer to the same business object to which the folder Sales Figures in EUL 'B' refers. Both folders have the same identifier and can therefore be recognized as being the same object.

Warning: It is not advisable to change an identifier as it can affect the relationships between EUL objects.

Some examples of why you might want to change an identifier are as follows:

If you do change an identifier, then matching identifiers in other EULs should also be updated to reflect the change.

Are you sure you want to proceed?


Use this button to proceed. This enables you to make changes to the identifier.


Use this button to abandon the change.

Discoverer displays the Properties dialog.

Don't show this warning again during this session

Select this check box to disable display of this warning during a session.

Choose Folder dialog (for an item, condition or join)

Use this dialog to select a folder in which to store new items, conditions, or joins. Discoverer might display the Choose Folder dialog in any of the following cases:

This dialog is also displayed as:

New Join dialog
New Item dialog
New Condition dialog

For more information, see:

"What are folders?"

"What are items?"

"What are joins?"

"What are conditions?"

Business area

Use this drop down list to select a business area.

Choose a folder from the expandable list below.

Choose Join dialog

Use this dialog to select one or more joins once you have added items to a complex folder.

Discoverer displays the Choose Join dialog when you select items from two folders that are joined using more than one join.

For more information, see:

"About joining two folders using more than one join"

"How to create complex folders"

Choose Join

Use this field to select one or more joins.

Choose user or table/view dialog

Use this dialog to:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Choose user dialog

For more information, see:

"What are folders?"

"What is manual summary folder creation?"


Use the drop down list to select the database that contains the required user or table/view.

Use the list to select the user or table or view that you want.

Condition Properties dialog

Use this dialog to view or change the properties of a condition.

Note: Where more than one condition is selected, if you choose the Properties option then any changes made to a property will affect all the selected conditions.

For more information, see:

"What are conditions?"


Use this field to enter a descriptive condition name. This name appears in condition lists, and on Discoverer worksheets.


Use this field to enter a brief description for the condition. This description is displayed in condition lists to help Discoverer users choose which condition they want to use.


Use this drop down list to specify the condition as Mandatory and Optional as follows:


This field displays the order in which this item appears in the Discoverer Plus Object Selection Wizard. For example, you might want to display all conditions before items.


This field displays the formula that defines the condition.

Click this field to display the "Edit Condition dialog".

For more information about valid server syntax, see the Oracle Server SQL Language Reference Manual.


A unique name that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects. When matching objects common to different EULs, Discoverer uses identifiers to locate objects in different EULs that refer to the same business object. For more information, see "What are identifiers?".

Warning: It is not advisable to change an identifier as it can affect the relationships between EUL objects.

The Dependents tab displays two columns:


Displays one or more object types (e.g. folders, items) that have a dependency on the selected condition.


Displays the name of each object listed in the Type column.

Automatically save changes after each edit

Use this check box to save changes each time a field in this dialog is updated.

Conditions dialog

Use this dialog to select an existing condition to use when you create or edit a condition.

For more information, see:

"What are conditions?"

Discoverer displays this dialog when you choose the Select Condition... option from the drop down list in the Item field of the New/Edit Condition dialog.

Select a condition:

Choose a condition to display in the Item field of the New/Edit Condition dialog.

Use the OK button to display the selected condition in the Item field.

The condition that you select here is used in the current condition statement of this condition.

Confirm Business Area Delete dialog

Use this dialog to manage how you delete a business area. For example, to check the impact of removing a business area before doing so.

Note: Folders that have no business area become orphaned folders. These folders still exist in the EUL, but are no longer visible in the Workarea. You can view and delete orphaned folders by using the Tools | Manage Folders option from the Discoverer main menu.

For more information, see:

"What are business areas?"

"How to delete a business area"

Are you sure you want to delete this business area?


Use this button to remove the selected business area.


Use this button to cancel the action, and close this dialog with no change to the business area or EUL.


Use this button display the "Impact dialog". The Impact dialog displays a list of all objects that will be affected or removed if you remove the selected business area.

Confirm Delete dialog

Use this dialog to manage how you remove an item. For example, to check the impact of removing an item before doing so.


Use this button to removes the selected item from the business area.


Use this button to cancel the action and close the dialog without changing the business area.


Use this button to display the "Impact dialog". The Impact dialog displays a list of all objects that will be affected or removed if you remove the selected item.

Confirm Folder Delete dialog

Use this dialog to manage how you delete a folder. For example, to check the impact of removing a folder before doing so.

Note: A folder removed from the business area but not the EUL, and which is not referenced in any other business area is known as an orphan folder.

For more information, see:

"What are folders?"

"How to delete folders from a business area"

Are you sure you want to delete this folder?


Use this button display the "Impact dialog". The Impact dialog displays a list of all objects that will be affected or removed if you delete the selected folder.

Connect dialog

Use the Connect dialog to connect to a different End User Layer. This dialog also appears when you first run Discoverer Administrator. You cannot work in Discoverer Administrator unless you are connected to an EUL.


For more information, see:

"Differences with the Discoverer Connect dialog in Oracle Applications mode"


Use this field to enter your authorized database user name.


Use this field to enter authorized database password to match the user name.


Use this field to enter the name of the database that you are connecting to.

Oracle Applications User

This optional check box is displayed when Discoverer is configured to use both standard Discoverer EULs and Oracle Applications EULs.

If you DO NOT want to connect to an Oracle Applications EUL, make sure that this option is NOT selected.

If you DO want to connect to an Oracle Applications EUL, make sure that this option is selected.

Connect button

Use this button to connect to the database using the connection details entered.

Note: You cannot be connected to more than one End User Layer at a time. When you establish a new connection, all open business areas close and the connection to the current database terminates. You are prompted to save any changes before the new connection is established. If the new connection fails, you remain connected as the original user id.

Create EUL Wizard dialog

Use the Create EUL Wizard to help you create a new End User Layer (EUL). In this dialog you define the owner of the new EUL.

For more information, see:

"What is an End User Layer?"

Who will own the EUL?

Grant EUL access to PUBLIC

Select this check box to specify that the new EUL is accessible to all users in the current database.

Clear this check box to specify that the EUL owner is the only database user that is able to access data through this EUL.

Note: It is recommended that you clear the Grant EUL access PUBLIC check box, where security is an issue. The EUL owner can subsequently define business area access and privileges for users and roles or responsibilities as required (for more information, see "Controlling access to information").

New EUL is for use by Oracle Applications users ONLY

Select this check box to restrict EUL access to Oracle Applications users. Clear this check box to create a standard EUL.

Note: The choice that you make here is final. You cannot change a standard EUL into an Oracle Applications EUL (and vice versa).

Enter the EUL user's password


If you want a new database user to own the new EUL, use this field to enter a username for the new database user. A new database user will be created.


If you want an existing database user to own the new EUL, use this button to display the "Select User dialog" where you can search for and select the database user that will own the new EUL.


If you want a new database user to own the new EUL, use this field to enter a password for the new database user.

If you want an existing database user to own the new EUL, use this field to enter the password for that user.

This field is grayed out if you have specified that the current user (i.e. the username you used to start Discoverer Administration) will own the EUL.

Confirm password

If you want a new database user to own the new EUL, use this field to re-enter the password for the new user.

This field is grayed out if you have specified that an existing user will own the new EUL.

Create EUL Wizard: Step 2 dialog

Use this dialog when you want a new database user to own a new EUL. Use this dialog to select the default and temporary tablespace for the new user.

Note: These settings are database settings.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Create EUL Wizard: Step 3 dialog

For more information, see:

"What is an End User Layer?"

Default Tablespace

Use this field to select the database tablespace in which to store the Discoverer EUL tables, metadata, workbooks and worksheets for this user.

For more information about EUL space requirements and storage parameters, see "What are the space requirements and storage parameters for a typical EUL?".

For a default configuration, you typically choose the USR tablespace here.

Temporary Tablespace

Use this field to select the database tablespace where temporary data is stored for this user. For a default configuration, you typically choose TEMP here.

Create EUL Wizard: Step 2 dialog (Oracle Applications EUL)

Use this dialog when you are creating a new Oracle Applications EUL. Use this dialog to select the schema (containing the Oracle Applications FND (Foundation) tables) and enter a password for the schema. The FND tables contain the metadata for the Oracle Applications.

For more information, see:

"What is an End User Layer?"

"What are Oracle Applications?"

Select the schema containing the Oracle Applications FND tables


Use this drop down list to select the schema that contains the FND tables.


Use this field to enter the password for the schema.

Custom Folder dialog

Use this dialog to create and edit custom folders. You do this by entering a SQL select statement. Like other folders, cu stom folders require joins in order for their data to relate to other data in the business area.

For more information, see:

"What are custom folders?"

"How to create custom folders"

Enter the SQL to define the custom folder

Use this field to enter the SQL statement that will define the folder. For example:


The Discoverer Administrator then creates items for each of the select list items. In Discoverer Plus, end users can use custom folders to build queries in exactly the same way as for other folders.

You can enter up to 2,000,000,000 characters in this field.


Use this field to enter a name for the folder.

Validate SQL

Use this button to validate the SQL statement at any time before saving it. An invalid SQL statement prompts an error message.


Use this button to validate the SQL statement and save the custom folder.


Custom Folder Properties dialog

Use this dialog to look at or change the properties of the currently selected custom folder.

For more information, see:

"What are custom folders?"


Use this field to enter a name for the folder.


Use this field to enter a brief description for the folder.

Visible to user

Use this field to choose whether you want Discoverer end users to be able to see this folder in Discoverer Plus.


This read-only field displays Yes when the SQL statement used to create the custom folder is valid.

Custom SQL

Use this field to display the "Custom Folder dialog", where you can change the SQL statement used to create the custom folder.


A unique name that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects. When matching objects common to different EULs, Discoverer uses identifiers to locate objects in different EULs that refer to the same business object. For more information, see "What are identifiers?".

Warning: It is not advisable to change an identifier as it can affect the relationships between EUL objects.

Automatically save changes after each edit

Use this check box to save changes each time a field in this dialog is updated.


Database Information dialog

Use this dialog to view the name of the database to which you are currently connected and the functions available. For example, to check that you have configured the database correctly.

For more information, see:

"What are the prerequisites for using Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Administrator?"

Connected to:

Use this field to find out the name of the database to which you are connected. This field is a concatenation of your user name, the @ symbol and the database name.

The list box displays database configuration information as well as any functionality not available to this database user and why the functionality it is not available.


If summary management is displayed as not available:

Database Storage Properties dialog: List of tabs

Use these tabs to edit the database storage properties for summary folders. For example, to change the tablespace allocation, cache setting or refresh type.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Database Storage Properties dialog

Note: Database storage properties do not apply to summary folders based on external summary tables.

For more information about summary folders, see:

"Managing summary folders"

"Creating summary folders manually"

"How to edit database storage properties of summary combinations for a summary folder"

The Database Storage Properties dialog consists of four tabs:


Use the "Database Storage Properties dialog: Properties tab" to view and set database storage properties.


Use the "Database Storage Properties dialog: Mappings tab" to view the mappings between the items in the summary combination and database columns.


Use the "Database Storage Properties dialog: Tablespaces tab" to view storage attributes for available tablespaces, including the available space in each tablespace. This information can help you to select a tablespace on the Properties tab.

Materialized Views (Oracle9i (or later) Enterprise Edition databases)

Use the "Database Storage Properties dialog: Materialized Views tab" to view and set database storage properties that are specific to Oracle9i (or later) Enterprise Edition databases.

Database Storage Properties dialog: Materialized Views tab

Use this tab to view and set database storage properties that are specific to Oracle9i (or later) Enterprise Edition databases.

Note: Database storage properties do not apply to summary folders based on external summary tables.

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"

"What are materialized views?"

"Creating summary folders manually"

"How to edit database storage properties of summary combinations for a summary folder"

The following table lists the properties and their default values, where appropriate. When you select a property, the panel at the bottom of the dialog displays a description of the purpose of the property.

Property Default Value Range Create/Edit
Parallel Inserts No Yes/No/Default yes
No. of Processes 1
yes, if Parallel Inserts set to yes
Logging Same as user's tablespace Yes/No yes
Cache No Yes/No yes, if Logging set to yes
Refresh Type Full Full/Incremental yes
Refresh On demand On demand/On commit yes
Last Refresh

Incremental Load



Parallel Inserts

Use this property to choose whether to use parallel inserts when refreshing summary folders.

No. of processes

Use this property (if Parallel Inserts is set to Yes) to set the number of parallel processes used when refreshing summary folders.


Use this property to enable or disable database logging.


Use this property to enable or disable database caching.

Refresh Type

Use this property to specify whether the summary folder Refresh Type is Incremental or Full.

Refresh Mode

Use this property to specify whether the summary folder Refresh Mode is On demand or On commit.

Last Refresh

This read-only property indicates the date when the last summary folder was refreshed.

Incremental Load

This read-only property indicates the types of inserts to the detail/fact table that can be incrementally refreshed.


This read-only property indicates whether the detail tables have changed since the last summary folder refresh.

Database Storage Properties dialog: Mappings tab

Use this read-only tab to find out how summary combinations are stored in the database. You can see how combination items map to columns in this materialized view.

Note: Database storage properties do not apply to summary folders based on external summary tables.

For more information, see:

"What are summary combinations?"

"About folders and summary folders in Discoverer"

"What to consider when defining summary combinations?"

"Guidelines for setting up summary combinations"

"How to edit database storage properties of summary combinations for a summary folder"


This column displays the name of the item in the business area.

Database column

This column displays the column to which the item is mapped.


This column displays the data type of the item.


Database Storage Properties dialog: Properties tab

Use this dialog to view and set database storage properties and the materialized view name (or summary table name in Oracle Standard Edition databases).

Note: Database storage properties do not apply to summary folders based on external summary tables.

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"

"Creating summary folders manually"

"How to edit database storage properties of summary combinations for a summary folder"

The following table lists the properties and their default values. When you select a property, the panel at the bottom of the dialog displays a description the purpose of the property and the datatype it will accept.

Property Datatype Default Value* Range Create/Edit
Table Owner** alphanumeric current user
Table Name alpha EUL generated
Tablespace** alphanumeric SYSTEM
Initial Extent** numeric 10K
Next Extent numeric 10K minimum data block yes
% Increase numeric 50% >=0% yes
Min. Extent** numeric 1 1-Maximum Extent yes
Max. Extent numeric 121 > Minimum Extent yes
% Free numeric 10% 0-100% yes
% Used numeric 40% 0-99% yes
Status alpha

# Rows numeric

Error alpha

Last Refreshed


Note: In the above table, if you change a **non-dynamic storage property that affects existing summary data, Discoverer recreates the summary folder, this might take some time.

Values for the attributes Status, # Rows, Error and Last Refreshed are only available for summary folders that have been built. Therefore, when you use the Summary Wizard, these fields are grayed out, but when you edit the summary folder, these fields display appropriate values.

Database Storage Properties dialog: Tablespaces tab

Use this read-only tab to view database storage attributes for available tablespaces, including the available space in each tablespace.

Note: Database storage properties do not apply to summary folders based on external summary tables.

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"

"Creating summary folders manually"

"How to edit database storage properties of summary combinations for a summary folder"


This column displays the name of the tablespace.

Free Space

This column displays the amount of free space remaining in the tablespace.

Used Space

This column displays the amount of space currently used.


This column indicates whether the tablespace automatically extends when more space is required.

Delete EUL dialog

Use this dialog to verify the name of the EUL that you want to delete. Discoverer Administrator only enables you to delete the EUL to which you are currently connected.

For more information, see:

"What is an End User Layer?"

"How to delete an End User Layer"


This field displays the name of the EUL that you want to delete. Because you can only delete the current EUL, the name you see in this field is the name of the EUL to which you are currently connected.


Use this button to delete the current EUL.


Use this button if the name displayed in the EUL text box is not the EUL you want to delete.

To delete a different EUL, close the EUL Manager dialog and reconnect to the EUL you want to delete.

Edit Calculation dialog

Use this dialog to edit items and calculated items.

For more information, see:

"What are items?"

"What are calculated items?"

"How to edit calculated items"

For example:


Use these radio buttons to display calculations, functions, and item that you can use to build a calculation. To include items in the calculation, paste them into the Calculation field.


Use this button to the add the item currently selected in the Show list to the Calculation. The item is copied into the Calculation field at the position of the cursor.


Use this field to edit the name of the item or calculated item.


Use this field to enter the calculation details (for calculation examples, see Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Plus User's Guide).

To create a calculation, you one or more of the following methods:

Operator buttons + - x / % ( )

Use these buttons to add operators to the calculation. Operators are copied into the Calculation field.

Note: When you use arithmetic expressions in a calculation, the multiply and divide operators are executed first, regardless of their position in the calculation. If you have more than one operator of the same precedence, they are evaluated from left to right.

For example, the calculation Price – Discount * Quantity is evaluated as Discount*Quantity subtracted from Price. If you use parentheses around the subtraction expression (Price – Discount), the subtraction is executed before the multiplication.


Use this button to validate and save the calculation, as follows:


Edit Hierarchy dialog: Items tab

Use this dialog to manage date hierarchies for use in Discoverer workbooks.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Hierarchy Wizard: Step 2 dialog

You can create a date hierarchy in one of two ways:

For more information, see:

"What are hierarchies?"

"What are date items?"

"What are date format masks?"

Select date formats for the hierarchy

New Format

Use this button to display the "New Date Format dialog", where you can define a customized date format mask.

Note: This button is only displayed when you are creating a date hierarchy using the Hierarchy Wizard.


This editable field displays a brief description of the data format currently selected in the right hand pane.

(Format pane)

To use a predefined format, select from the items listed in the left hand pane and move them to the right hand pane.

You can select more than one item by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking another item.


Use this button to move the selected item up one level in the hierarchy.


Use this button to move the selected item down one level in the hierarchy.


Use this button to group the selected items at the same level in the hierarchy.


Use this button to ungroup previously grouped items to their previous levels in the hierarchy.

Edit Hierarchy dialog: Items tab (select date items that will use this date hierarchy)

Use this dialog to specify which items in the business area use a defined hierarchy. For example, if you create a hierarchy: Year - Month - Week - Day, you might want to specify year, month, week, and day items here. When Discoverer users drill on these items, they can use this hierarchy in the drill path.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Hierarchy Wizard: Step 3 dialog

For more information, see:

"What are hierarchies?"

"How to create date hierarchies and templates"

Available Items

Use this drop down list to select a business area.

Select the items to use this hierarchy from the expandable list below.

To select items, move them from the Available Items list to the Selected Items list.

You can select more than one item by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking another item.

Selected items

This field displays the selected items that will use this hierarchy.

To select items, move them from the Available field to the Selected field.

Edit Hierarchy dialog: Items tab (select items to include in this hierarchy)

Use this dialog to create or edit items to include in hierarchies for use in Discoverer workbooks.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Hierarchy Wizard: Step 2 dialog

For more information, see:

"What are hierarchies?"

"What are item hierarchies?"

Select items to include in this hierarchy.

Use this drop down list to select a business area that contains the items that you want to use in the hierarchy.

Use the expandable list below to select one or more items. To add items to the hierarchy, move items from the left-hand list to the right-hand list.


This field displays a brief description of the item format currently selected in the right hand list.


Use this button to move the selected item up one level in the hierarchy.


Use this button to move the selected item down one level in the hierarchy.


Use this button to position selected items on the same level of the hierarchy. Use grouped items so the Discoverer end user can drill from one item to display two levels of detail (e.g. the user could drill from Product to description and full description).


Use this button to ungroup the selected items, which means that they are no longer on the same level of the hierarchy.


Edit Hierarchy dialog: Name tab

Use this dialog to enter a name and description for a hierarchy.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Hierarchy Wizard: Step 3 dialog (name hierarchy)
Hierarchy Wizard: Step 4 dialog (name hierarchy)

For more information, see:

"What are hierarchies?"

Hierarchy Name

Use this field to enter a name for the hierarchy.

Hierarchy Description

Use this field to enter additional information about the hierarchy.

Set as default date hierarchy

(Displays when you create a date hierarchy)

Select this check box for Discoverer to use this date hierarchy as the default date hierarchy.

Edit Item Class dialog: Alternative Sort tab

Use this dialog to select the item on which to base the alternative sort.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Item Class Wizard: Step 2 dialog (select the item containing the alternative sort sequence)
Item Class Wizard: Step 3 dialog (select the item containing the alternative sort sequence)
Item Class Wizard: Step 4 dialog (select the item containing the alternative sort sequence)

For more information, see:

"Maintaining items and item classes"

Select the item containing the alternative sort sequence:


Use this field to select an item on which to base the alternative sort.

Note: The alternative sort item must be in the same folder as the list of values.

Edit Item Class dialog: General tab

Use this dialog to enter a name and description for a new item class.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Item Class Wizard: Step 3 dialog (enter name and description)
Item Class Wizard: Step 5 dialog (enter name and description)
Item Class Wizard: Step 6 dialog (enter name and description)

For more information, see:

"Maintaining items and item classes"

Item class name

Use this field to enter a name for the new item class. Discoverer Administrator enters a default name for you that you can use. This name is used to identify the item class in other dialogs.

Item class description

(optional) Use this field to enter a brief description for the new item class.

Edit Item Class dialog: List of values tab

Use this dialog to select the item on which to base the list of values.

For more information, see:

"Maintaining items and item classes"

This dialog is also displayed as:

Item Class Wizard: Step 2 dialog (select the item that generates the LOV)

Select the item that generates list of values:

Business area:

Use this field to select an item on which to base the list of values. You can choose from any business area in the EUL.


Edit Item Class dialog: Options tab

Use this dialog to change advanced list of value (LOV) options for an item class. The settings made here affect how Discoverer Plus users select and display LOV options.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Item Class Wizard: Step 4 dialog (advanced options for list of values)
Item Class Wizard: Step 5 dialog (advanced options for list of values)

For more information, see:

"Maintaining items and item classes"

Retrieve values in groups of

Use this spin box to specify the maximum number of rows to display to an end user (for each array fetch of data from the database), when a list of values is expanded in Discoverer Plus.

Discoverer end users see the results of each database array fetch as a block of data that they can scroll up and down. End users can also easily display the next block of data (for more information, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Plus User's Guide).

This setting is useful in Discoverer where a LOV might contain many rows, as it removes the risk of having to wait to retrieve all the values from the database at once. Discoverer displays the LOV values in blocks of a specific number of rows.

Note: The value set here is used as a default when the Require user to always search for values check box is cleared (for more information, see the "Require user to always search for values" item below).

Note: In Discoverer Plus, the server will always fetch from the database, the number of rows specified in the Retrieve values in groups of field no matter how large the number is. However, the maximum number of values that can be fetched by the client from the server is 100.

This means that if the Discoverer manager sets the fetch size to be 1000, (more than the 100 maximum above), in Discoverer Plus the rows are always fetched by the client in groups of 100. If the Discoverer manager sets the fetch size to be 50, (less than the 100 max), in Discoverer Plus the rows are always fetched in groups of 50.

Sort the values and remove duplicates

Select this check box to hide duplicate values and alphabetically sort the display order of the list of values (for an item class) in Discoverer.

Clear this check box to display duplicate values and display rows in the same order as the values stored in the database.

This option enables you to decide whether LOV statements should automatically add the DISTINCT and ORDER BY clauses. If you know that your data is already distinct and ordered (or if it doesn't matter if your data is returned this way) then you can choose to turn this setting off.

Note: The time taken to display large lists of values depends upon how long it takes to complete a search of the database tables. Clearing this check box can improve the time taken to display large lists of values.

Show values in "Select Items" page of Worksheet Wizard

Select this check box to display LOV items in the Select Items dialog of the Worksheet Wizard (the item navigator) in Discoverer Plus.

Clear this check box not to display LOV items in the Select Items dialog of the Worksheet Wizard (the item navigator) in Discoverer Plus.

Note: In the Item Navigator, the LOV does not use the array fetch size (as specified in the "Retrieve values in groups of" spin box). In this specific instance only, Discoverer will fetch all the values first before they are displayed. If you have millions of rows, this could potentially take a long time and you would want to have this option selected.

Require user to always search for values

Sometimes, for performance reasons you might want to force end users to query a subset of the LOV. To do this you use this check box.

Select this check box when you want Discoverer to display a Search Criteria field that forces end users to enter search criteria to reduce the list of values to a subset of the whole list.

Clear this check box when you want Discoverer to display the number of rows specified in the Retrieve values in groups of spin box (for more information, see "Retrieve values in groups of").

Cache list of values during each connection

Select this check box to cache the LOV (during the current session) once it has been displayed for the first time. Use a cache when your data is static during your session. This is the recommended setting.

Clear this check box to fetch LOVs from the database each time. This option is most useful when the data is extremely dynamic and you wish end users to always see the very latest (up-to-the-second) list of values.

Edit Item Class dialog: Select Items tab

Use this dialog to specify which items in the business area will use the new item class. For example, if you create a list of values on Month (January, February, March etc.), you might want to specify all month items here. When Discoverer end users query on month, they can choose from January, February, March etc.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Item Class Wizard: Step 2 dialog (select items that use this item class)
Item Class Wizard: Step 3 dialog (select items that use this item class)
Item Class Wizard: Step 4 dialog (select items that use this item class)

For more information, see:

"Maintaining items and item classes"

Select the items that use this item class.

Available items:

Use this drop down list to select a business area.

Use the field to select the items to use this item class from the expandable list below.

To select items, move them from the Available items list to the Selected items list.

You can select more than one item by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking another item.

Selected items

This field displays the items that will use the item class.

To select items, move them from the Available items list to the Selected items list.


Edit Join dialog: Items tab

Use this dialog to create a new join, or to edit an existing join.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Join Wizard: Step 1 dialog

For more information, see:

"What are joins?"

"What are single item joins?"

"How to create joins"


Use this field to enter the name of the join. This name is displayed in the Discoverer Administrator Workarea. Discoverer end users only see this name when two or more joins exist between two folders, and the end user has to choose between them.


Use this field to enter additional information about the join. This description is displayed in the Discoverer Administrator Workarea. Discoverer end users only see this description when two or more joins exist between two folders, and the end user has to choose between them.

Master Items

Use this field to select the item in the master folder that you want to join. Fields are prefixed with the folder name, for example Products.Product Key.

Choose More items to display the "New Join dialog", where you can select a folder or item from anywhere in the EUL.


Use this drop down list to select how you want to match the items in the master folder and the detail folder. For example, choose the equals (=) operator to find an exact match between the two items.

List of join operators:

Operator Equi or Non-equi Join? Description
= equi relates rows that have equivalent values for specified items
< > non-equi not equal
< non-equi less than
<= non-equi less than or equal
>= non-equi greater than or equal
> non-equi greater than

Note: For more information about non-equi joins, see "What are non-equi-joins?".

Detail Items

Use this drop down list to select the item in the detail folder that matches the item in the master folder. The detail item folder can be in the same business area as the master folder, or in a different business area.

Choose More items to display the "New Join dialog", where you can select a folder or item from anywhere in the EUL.


Use this button to add a join item to the join. Here, you can create multi-item joins by selecting another master folder, operator, and detail folder.


Use this button to remove the currently selected join item from the join.

Edit Join dialog: Options tab

Use this dialog to specify whether detail items exist in the master folder and optionally specify an outer join and the join relationship (also known as the cardinality of the join).

This dialog is also displayed as:

Join Wizard: Step 2 dialog

For more information, see:

"What are joins?"

"What are single item joins?"

"What effect do joins have on query results and query performance?"

"How to create joins"

Choose the join details

Use this option to specify whether Discoverer can assume that detail item values exist in the master folder for this join. For more information about which radio button to select, see "Examples of how joins can affect query results from complex folders".

For more information about when to use these settings, see "Examples of how joins can affect query results from complex folders".

No outer joins

Use this radio button to not create any outer joins, and return all matching master and detail rows.

Outer join on detail

Use this radio button to create an outer join on the detail table. This returns all master rows that have no corresponding detail items, as well as all matching master and detail rows. For more information, see "What are outer joins?".

Outer join on master

Use this radio button to create an outer join on the master table. This returns all detail rows that have no corresponding master items, as well as all matching detail and master rows. This construct is rare in real business scenarios. To use this construct you must select the Detail item values might not exist in the master folder radio button. For more information, see "What are outer joins?".

One to one join relationship between master and detail

Select this check box to create a one-to-one relationship instead of a one-to-many relationship between the master and detail tables. There is no real master and detail in this case, because each row in the master table can correspond to no more than one row in the detail table.

This setting has no effect on the SQL that Discoverer generates, because SQL does not know about the cardinality of joins. It only affects the fan trap detection (for more information, see "What are fan traps, and how does Discoverer handle them?").

For more information about join relationships, see "What are one-to-many joins, one-to-one joins, and many-to-many joins?".

Edit Summary dialog: Choose Items tab

Use this dialog to select which items to add to a summary folder.

Note: You can select any axis items and math functions, but if the items are from different tables, a join must exist between the tables.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Summary Wizard: Step 3 dialog (add items to summary folder)
Summary Wizard: Step 4 dialog (add items to summary folder)

For more information, see:

"What are summary folders?"

"What is manual summary folder creation?"

Available items

Use this field to select items to add to the summary folder.

To select an item to add to the summary folder, move it from the Available items field to the Selected items field.

You can select more than one item by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking another item.

Selected items

This field contains items selected for the summary folder.

Edit Summary dialog: Combinations tab

Use this dialog to specify when you want Discoverer to use summary folders.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Summary Wizard: Step 4 dialog (add combinations of items)
Summary Wizard: Step 5 dialog (add combinations of items)

For more information, see:

"What is manual summary folder creation?"

"What are summary combinations?"

"What to consider when defining summary combinations?"

"Guidelines for setting up summary combinations"

"How to create summary folders based on items in the EUL"

Add combinations of items to this summary folder by clicking "Add Combination" and checking desired items

You need to choose the summary combinations that are to be pre-built and managed by the End User Layer. Each summary combination should reflect the type of analysis the user will want. The Summary Wizard displays one column for each possible summary combination of axis items and summary folders.


This column displays the axis items selected for this summary folder.


In each column, select the check box for each axis item in a summary combination to create a summary folder that reflects your requirements. Discoverer will build the results data for the summary folder when you finish using the wizard. The results data is available when a Discoverer end user runs a worksheet where the query matches a summary combination from this summary folder.

Add Combination

Use this button to add a new summary combination column.

Remove Combination

Use this button to delete the selected summary combination column.

Estimate Space

Use this button to display an estimate of the database space required to store the summary combinations you have created.


Use this button to view and edit database storage properties for the selected summary combination. For more information, see "Database Storage Properties dialog".


This field displays the status and any database error message for a selected summary combination. If the summary folder for this combination was not built, Discoverer displays the server error message here. For more information about Status field values, see the "Summary Properties dialog" Notes section.

Edit Summary dialog: General tab

Use this dialog to enter a name and description for a summary folder. For summary folders based on materialized views or summary tables, you can also configure when to build the summary folder. For example, you might want to build a summary folder immediately.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Summary Wizard: Step 5 dialog (name summary folder)
Summary Wizard: Step 6 dialog (name summary folder)
Summary Wizard: Step 7 dialog (name summary folder)

For more information, see:

"About folders and summary folders in Discoverer"

"What is manual summary folder creation?"

For summary folders based on summary tables or materialized views

Here you can name a summary folder and schedule its build times.

Provide a name and description for this summary folder


Use this field to enter a name for the summary folder. Discoverer Administrator creates a default name for you that you can use.


(optional) Use this field to enter additional information about the summary folder.

When would you like to build this summary folder?

For summary folders based on external summary tables

Here you can name the summary folder and provide a description.

Provide a name and description for this summary folder


Use this field to enter a name for the summary folder. Discoverer Administrator creates a default name for you that you can use.


(optional) Use this field to enter additional information about the summary folder.

Edit Summary dialog: Refresh tab

Use this dialog to set the refresh date and time for a summary folder.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Summary Wizard: Step 4 dialog (refresh summary folder)
Summary Wizard: Step 5 dialog (refresh summary folder)
Summary Wizard: Step 6 dialog (refresh summary folder)

For more information about refreshing summary folders see:

"How does ASM work?"

"Why must you refresh summary data?"

"What happens when a summary folder is refreshed?"

For summary folders (based on Discoverer summary tables or materialized views) refreshed by Discoverer

For summary folders refreshed by Discoverer, you can decide whether to refresh the summary automatically. If so, you can specify the date and time and the interval that you want to repeat the refresh.

When was this summary folder last refreshed by Discoverer?

These read-only fields display the date and time of the last refresh.

Automatically refresh this summary folder, starting on:

Use this check box to specify the date, time and repeat period that you want to apply to the refresh of this summary folder.

For summary folders (based on external summary tables) refreshed by another application

For summary folders refreshed by another application (i.e. using external summary tables), you can decide whether you want Discoverer to refresh the summary folder automatically, and if so you specify a date and time and the interval that you want to repeat the refresh.

Manage the refresh of this summary

Use this check box if you want Discoverer to manage the refresh of this summary folder.

Note: Be aware that if you use this option, you give Discoverer full control over the external summary table. For example, if you delete the summary folder that is based on a managed external summary, you also delete the external summary folder.

When was this summary last refreshed?


Use this field to enter the date and time the summary data was last refreshed. Discoverer uses this information to determine when summary folder data should be used.

Automatically refresh this summary folder, starting on:

Use this check box to specify the date, time and repeat period that you want to apply to the refresh of this summary folder.

EUL Manager dialog

Use this dialog to create and maintain End User Layers (EULs). This dialog also enables you to install the Discoverer sample data in the current EUL. The Discoverer sample data is an example business area that you can make available to Discoverer end users, enabling them to create and view workbooks and worksheets.

For more information, see:

"What is an End User Layer?"

"How to create an End User Layer for an existing database user"

"How to delete an End User Layer"

Connected to EUL: <EULName>

This field displays the name of the EUL to which you are currently connected.

Create an EUL

Use this button to display the "Create EUL Wizard dialog", where you can:

Delete an EUL

Use this button to display the "Delete EUL dialog", where you delete the current EUL. Note that you can only delete the current EUL.

Install the sample data

Use this button to display the "Install/Uninstall Sample Data Wizard: Step 1 dialog", where you install the sample data into the current EUL. If the sample data has not been installed before, you must have sufficient database privileges to create the sample data user (for more information, see "What privileges do you need to create an End User Layer in an Oracle database?").

Uninstall the sample data

Use this button to display the "Install/Uninstall Sample Data Wizard: Step 1 dialog", where you delete the sample data business area and optionally remove the sample data, database tables and data from the current EUL. Note that the sample data database user is not deleted.

EUL Upgrade dialog

This dialog informs you that you must upgrade the EUL tables before you can use the current version of Discoverer Administrator.

Upgrading the EUL tables requires existing users to install the equivalent version of Discoverer Plus, Discoverer Desktop or Discoverer Viewer in order to continue running queries and reports.

We recommend that you export the EUL tables before starting the upgrade process.

Discoverer suggests two ways to proceed:

For more information, see:

"Upgrading from earlier versions of Discoverer"

"What is an End User Layer?"

"How to export an EUL using the standard database export utility")

Yes, I have completed a database export

Select this radio button to confirm that you have backed up the EUL by performing a database export. When you have selected this radio button, the Upgrade button is enabled.


Use this button to begin the EUL upgrade.

EUL Upgrade Error dialog

Use this dialog to find out about errors that have occurred during the EUL Upgrade process. This dialog appears automatically during the upgrade process if an error has occurred. The error messages displayed in this dialog enable you to diagnose and correct upgrade issues.


The error message typically includes an Oracle Database Error number. For example, the error number ORA-02298 is displayed when a table has orphaned child records. For more information about Oracle database error messages, see Oracle9i Database Error Messages in the Oracle documentation library.

For more information, see:

"Upgrading from earlier versions of Discoverer"

"What is an End User Layer?"

Export Wizard Step 1 dialog

Use this dialog to choose the Discoverer objects that you want to export to a file. You can export the entire EUL, one or more business areas, one or more EUL objects (e.g. folders, item classes, workbooks, the automated summary management (ASM) policy).

For more information, see:

"About copying EULs and EUL objects by exporting and importing"

"Creating and maintaining business areas"

What do you want to export?


Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog (to export selected business areas)

Use this dialog to select the business areas to export.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog

For more information, see:

"What is an End User Layer?"

"About copying EULs and EUL objects by exporting and importing"

Which business areas do you want to export?


This field displays all accessible business areas in the EUL.

To export a business area, move it from the Available field to the Selected field.


This field displays the business areas that will be exported.

To select a business area, move it from the Available field to the Selected field.

Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog (to export selected objects)

Use this dialog to select EUL objects to export (e.g. business area definitions, folders, workbooks).

This dialog is also displayed as:

Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog

For more information, see:

"What is an End User Layer?"

"About copying EULs and EUL objects by exporting and importing"

Which objects do you want to export?

Use this drop down list to select the type of object to display in the Available field (e.g. business area definitions, folders, item classes, item hierarchies, date hierarchies).


This field displays all available objects in the EUL for the currently selected object type (e.g. if you chose item classes from the Which objects do you want to export drop down list, all item classes in the EUL are listed in this field).

To export an EUL object, move it from the Available field to the Selected field.


This field displays the EUL objects that you want to export.

Relationships between business areas and folders are displayed in the Selected field.

To select an EUL object, move it from the Available field to the Selected field.

Export Wizard: Step 2/3 dialog

Use this dialog to specify where you want to save the export file.

You can also:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog
Export Wizard: Step 3 dialog

For more information, see:

"What is an End User Layer?"

"About copying EULs and EUL objects by exporting and importing"

Where do you want to save the file?

Use this field to specify the name and location of the export file in which to save the exported objects. The export file will have .eex as the suffix.

Use the Browse button to specify the export file name and location using the Save As dialog.

Hint: It is a good idea to give the export file a name that suggests the kind of EUL objects the file contains. A descriptive name makes it easier to locate the file when you want to import it into another EUL later.

The following objects will be exported:

This field displays all of the objects that will be exported to the export file.

Generate additional XML for exported workbooks

Select this check box to save workbooks in XML format within the .eex file.

Clear this check box to only save workbooks in binary format within the .eex file.

Discoverer Administrator saves exported EUL objects in XML format in the export file, with the exception of workbooks. By default, workbooks are saved in binary format. By saving workbooks additionally in XML format you can view workbook definitions in an XML browser.

Save export commands as text file (*.txt)

Select this check box to create an additional text file containing the commands that were used to create this export. You might save export commands as a text file, in order to re-use them in the Discoverer command line interface (for more information, see "About using the Discoverer command line interface").


Folder Properties dialog

Use this dialog to set properties for the currently selected folder. For example, to change the name of a folder, or to specify whether the folder is visible to end users.

For more information, see:

"What are folders?"

"How to edit folder properties"

"What is complex folder reach through?"

The Folder Properties dialog displays the following tabs for a simple folder, for more information, see:

The Folder Properties dialog displays additional tabs for a complex folder, for more information, see:

Folder Properties dialog: General tab

Use this tab to configure the properties of the current folder.

For more information, see "What are folders?".


Use this field to enter a unique name for the folder. The contents of this field are displayed in the Discoverer Plus folder selection dialog. The name of the folder must be unique in the End User Layer. You cannot have two folders with the same name, even in different business areas.

Note: If you change the name of an item, this might affect the names of secondary elements (e.g. joins, hierarchies, hierarchy nodes, item classes) that have the Auto generate name property set to Yes (for more information, see "About generating and updating EUL item names automatically").


Use this field to enter a brief description of the folder. The contents of this field are displayed on the description line of the Query Wizard.

Visible to user

Use this field to specify whether the folder is displayed to the end user in the Discoverer Plus Query Wizard. Choose Yes to display this folder. You can use this property to hide items that are not directly of value to the end user, but need to be included in the business area because of joins or calculations. Folders not visible to the end user will be displayed in Discoverer Administrator in gray to indicate their hidden status.


This field specifies the location of the source database which stores the table corresponding to the folder. To change the database, click this field to display the Choose Database dialog and select from the drop down list.

Note: This field is read-only for complex folders.


This field specifies the database user ID or owner of the table or view corresponding to the folder.

Note: This field is read-only for complex folders.

To change the owner, either type in the owner directly or click on the field and then click the button to display the Choose user dialog where you can select from the list.

The Owner field can be left blank. In this case the owner property is not specified in subsequent SQL references (through Discoverer Plus) to that folder. For example, a SQL select statement could now read as follows:

select <column> from <table> 

rather than:

select <column> from <owner>.<table>  

This is useful as it enables you to create/maintain an EUL for which the tables or table owners are not yet available, or to which the EUL administrator does not have access. It also enables multiple users (such as Oracle Applications users) each with their own schema in an EUL, to access their schema tables when making queries in Discoverer Plus.


This field displays the name of the database object that corresponds to this folder. If a new table or view name has been chosen, it will appear here. To change the object, click this field to display the "Choose user or table/view dialog" and select from the list. You can choose an object from a different owner or a different business area.

If you select an Object name, the Database and Owner fields will also be re-populated with the database and owner values of the selected Object (irrespective of whether the Owner field was blank or not).

Note: This field is read-only for complex folders.

Optimizer hints

Use this field to place a specific optimizer hint against the folder. The hint is not visible in Discoverer Plus. For more information about how to use optimizer hints, see an appropriate release of the Oracle designing and tuning for performance documentation.


A unique name that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects. When matching objects common to different EULs, Discoverer uses identifiers to locate objects in different EULs that refer to the same business object. For more information, see "What are identifiers?".

Warning: It is not advisable to change an identifier as it can affect the relationships between EUL objects.

Automatically save changes after each edit

Use this check box to save changes each time a field in this dialog is updated.


Folder Properties dialog: Dependents tab

The Dependents tab displays two columns (Type and Name) that clarify the extent to which other objects (e.g. folders, joins, items, item classes, summaries, conditions, calculations, workbooks, scheduled workbooks) are dependent on the selected folder.

For more information, see "What are folders?".


This field displays the type of item that has a dependency on the current folder. For example, folders, conditions, summaries, workbooks, scheduled workbooks.


This field displays the name of each item that has a dependency on the current folder.

Folder Properties dialog: Components tab

This tab displays all component folders (and their items and joins) that are used by this complex folder.

For more information, see "What are complex folders?".

Use the + and - icons to expand and collapse the tree.

Note: This tab is only displayed for complex folders.

Folder Properties dialog: Reach-Through tab

This tab displays the base folders that you can define as reach through enabled for the currently selected complex folder. If a worksheet contains items from the complex folder, Discoverer end users can add additional items from reach through enabled base folders.

For more information, see "What is complex folder reach through?".

<folder name>

Use the check box to enable reach through for this base folder.

Note: This tab is only displayed for complex folders.

Hierarchy Properties dialog

Use this dialog to set hierarchy properties. For example, to change the name or description of a hierarchy.

For more information, see:

"What are hierarchies?"


Use this field to change the name of the hierarchy. By default, the name is derived from the item on which the hierarchy is based.

Note: This field becomes read-only if the Auto generate name property is set to Yes.

Auto generate name

Use this field to change the value of the Auto generate property to Yes or No. When the Auto generate name property is set to Yes, Discoverer enables the names of some types of End User Layer (EUL) items to be dynamically generated, whenever a folder or item name (used in this type of hierarchy) is changed.

This field becomes read-only when the Auto generate name property is not applicable to this item class.

For more information about this property, see "About generating and updating EUL item names automatically".


Use this field to change the description of the hierarchy. The contents of this field are displayed on the description line of Discoverer Plus's Query Wizard.


Use this field to change the unique name that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects. When matching objects common to different EULs, Discoverer uses identifiers to locate objects in different EULs that refer to the same business objects.

Warning: It is not advisable to change an identifier as it can affect the relationships between EUL objects.

Automatically save changes after each edit

Use this check box to save changes each time a field in this dialog is updated.

Hierarchy Wizard: Step 1 dialog

Use this dialog to select the type of hierarchy that you want to create. For example, to select a date hierarchy when you want Discoverer end users to be able to drill into time-based data.

For more information, see:

"What are hierarchies?"

"What are item hierarchies?"

"How to create item hierarchies"

"How to create date hierarchies and templates"

Which type of hierarchy do you want to create?


Impact dialog

Use this dialog to assess the impact of refreshing or deleting an object (e.g. business area, folder, item, item class, join, condition, hierarchy).

Based on the information displayed, you can determine if it is safe to carry out the current action against the object.

For more information, see:

"Confirm Business Area Delete dialog"

"Confirm Delete dialog"

"Confirm Folder Delete dialog"


Use this column to view any dependent EUL objects that might be affected by the current action you are taking. The EUL objects listed here can include workbooks, scheduled workbooks, summary folders, business areas, folders, items, joins, conditions and item classes.

If you select a row, Discoverer displays text that indicates the effect the current action will have on the EUL object.

The following table lists the messages that Discoverer can display when workbooks, summary folders or other EUL objects are affected by the current action:

Scenario Message Discoverer displays in Impact dialog
Workbook definitely affected The object you are deleting is referenced by this workbook
Workbook might be affected A probable impact to this workbook has been detected. Please open and close the workbook to re synchronize it with the current EUL.
Summary You will need to remove the object from the summary before being able to delete it.
Item Class This object will be updated.
All other eul objects This will be deleted.


Use this column to view the name of the EUL objects that might be affected by the current action you are taking.


Import PL/SQL Functions dialog

Use this dialog to select the PL/SQL function that you want to import into the End User Layer.

For more information, see:

"Why do you need PL/SQL functions?"

"How to register custom PL/SQL functions automatically"

"How to register custom PL/SQL functions manually"

The functions listed in this dialog have been defined in the database using SQL commands. For more information about defining PL/SQL functions in the database, see the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference.

Note: To register a PL/SQL function you must have EXECUTE privilege on the function.

Show PL/SQL functions where Owner matches

Use this field to enter search criteria to filter the PL/SQL functions that you want to display in the Select functions to import field.

Note: This field might improve performance when there are very large numbers of PL/SQL functions to display.


Use this button to search for functions that match the search criteria that you entered in the Show PL/SQL functions where Owner matches field, and list the results in the Select functions to import field.

Select functions to import

Use this list to select one or more functions that you want to import from the database.

You can select more than one function by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking another function.


Use this button to import the functions selected and display to the "PL/SQL Functions dialog: Functions tab".

Import Wizard: Step 1 dialog

Use this dialog to choose which EUL export files to import. For example, you might want to import a business area definition stored in a file called sales.eex.

For more information, see:

"About copying EULs and EUL objects by exporting and importing"

"How to import EUL objects from a file using the Import Wizard"

Add the files you would like to import

This field displays the list of files that you have selected for import.


Use this button to display the Open File dialog, where you select the export file (.EEX) that you want to import.

When you have selected one or more files to import, the files appear in the Add the files you would like to import field.


Use this button to remove a highlighted export file from the list of files that you want to import.

Import Wizard: Step 2 dialog

Use this dialog to choose how to treat objects that have the same name or identifier, common to the EUL that you exported the objects from and the EUL that you are importing the objects into.

For more information, see:

"About copying EULs and EUL objects by exporting and importing"

"How to import EUL objects from a file using the Import Wizard"

If two objects match then what action should occur?

Preserve display related properties

This check box is activated when you select the Refresh the object radio button.

Select this check box to preserve the following workbook display properties:

How you would like objects to be matched up?

Discoverer can use one of the following methods for determining, during an import, whether an object from one EUL is the same as an object in another EUL.

Should the current user take ownership of imported workbooks?

Import Wizard: Step 3 dialog,

Use this dialog to start the import process and monitor its status as Discoverer processes each EUL object.

When you click the Start button, the status bar at the top of the page shows the percentage of the import that has completed.

For more information, see:

"About copying EULs and EUL objects by exporting and importing"

"How to import EUL objects from a file using the Import Wizard"


Use this button to start the import process.


Use this window to monitor messages as they are displayed. Two types of message are displayed:

Save log...

Use this button to specify the import log file name and location using the Save As dialog. The log file will have .txt as the suffix.

Hint: It is a good idea to give the log file a similar name to that of the export file that you are importing. A descriptive name makes it easier to locate the file later on.

Clear Log

Use this button to clear the messages from the Log field.


Use this button to abort the import. You might want to abort the import if there are warning messages in the Log field.

When you abort an import, everything that has already been imported is rolled back.


Use this button after a successful import to commit the import transactions to the database.


Install/Uninstall Sample Data Wizard: Step 1 dialog

Use this dialog to confirm the name of the EUL when you are installing or removing the sample data business area, data and tables.

If the EUL shown in this dialog is not the current EUL, click Cancel, close the EUL Manager dialog, and reconnect to the correct EUL.

For more information, see:

Install Sample Data Wizard: Step 1 dialog

Use the Install Sample Data Wizard to help you install the sample data tables, data, and other necessary files.

You can only install the sample data in the current EUL.


This field displays the name of the EUL where the sample data information will be installed.

Uninstall Sample Data Wizard: Step 1 dialog

Use the Uninstall Sample Data Wizard to uninstall the sample data and tables from the current EUL.

Note: When you uninstall the sample data:


This field displays the name of the EUL from where the sample data information will be uninstalled.

Remove the sample data tables

Use this checkbox to decide whether or not to remove the sample data and tables from the current EUL as follows:

Install/Uninstall Sample Data Wizard: Step 2 dialog

Use this dialog to confirm the sample data user's password when you are installing or removing the sample data business area, data and tables.

For more information, see:

Install Sample Data Wizard: Step 2 dialog

Use this dialog to specify a password for the new VIDEO5 database user that is required to install the sample data.


This field displays the name of the sample data database user (VIDEO5) and is read-only.


Use this field to enter the password for the VIDEO5 database user. If this is the first time the sample data has been installed in the current database, you create the password by entering it in this field.

Confirm password

Use this field to re-enter the password you entered in the Password field to confirm the VIDEO5 database user password. If the sample data was previously installed in any EUL in the current database, you will not need to confirm this password.


Use this button to install the sample data in the current EUL.

Uninstall Sample Data Wizard: Step 2 dialog

You must know the VIDEO5 database user password to uninstall the sample data.

Note: When you uninstall the sample data:


This read-only field displays the name of the sample data database user (VIDEO5).


Use this field to enter the password for the VIDEO5 database user.


Use this button to uninstall the sample data from the current EUL.


Install Sample Data Wizard: Step 3 dialog

Use this dialog to select the default and temporary tablespace for the VIDEO5 database user.

For more information, see:

"EUL Manager dialog"

Default Tablespace

Use this field to select the database tablespace in which to store the VIDEO5 data. The tablespace you select must have at least 10 MB free.

For more information about EUL space requirements and storage parameters, see "What are the space requirements and storage parameters for a typical EUL?".

For a default configuration, you typically choose the USR tablespace here.

Temporary Tablespace

Use this field to select the database tablespace where temporary data is stored for the VIDEO5 database user. For a default configuration, you typically choose TEMP here.

Item Class Properties dialog: General tab

Use this dialog to set item class properties. For example, to change the name or description of an item class.

For more information, see:

"Maintaining items and item classes"

"How to edit item properties"


Use this field to change the name of the item class. By default, the name is derived from the item on which the item class is based.

Note: This field becomes read-only if the Auto generate name property is set to Yes.

Note: If you change the name of an item class, this might affect the names of secondary elements (e.g. joins and items in complex folders) that have the Auto generate name property set to Yes (for more information, see "About generating and updating EUL item names automatically").

Auto generate name

Use this field to change the value of the Auto generate property to Yes or No. When the Auto generate name property is set to Yes, Discoverer enables the names of some types of End User Layer (EUL) items to be dynamically generated, whenever a folder or item name (used in this type of item class) is changed.

This field becomes read-only when the Auto generate name property is not applicable to this item class.

For more information about this property, see "About generating and updating EUL item names automatically".


Use this field to change the description of the item class. The contents of this field are displayed on the description line of Discoverer Plus's Query Wizard.

Fetch in groups of

Use this field to change the maximum number of values that are returned with each fetch from the database.

Sort Values

Use the drop down list to sort the item class values or display them in the order that they are stored in the database.

Show in Wizard

Select Yes from this drop down list to show item class values in the Select Items page of the worksheet Wizard. This enables users to expand the LOV when selecting items to include in a worksheet.

Select No from this drop down list not to show item class values in the Select Items page of the worksheet Wizard. Users are not able to expand the LOV when selecting items to include in a worksheet.

Display Search Dialog

Select Yes from this drop down list to require users to always search for values whenever the LOV is expanded.

Cache LOV

Select Yes from this drop down list to store each LOV value in memory when the LOV is expanded for the first time.

Select No from this drop down list to retrieve values from the database each time the LOV is expanded.


Use this field to change the unique name that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects. When matching objects common to different EULs, Discoverer uses identifiers to locate objects in different EULs that refer to the same business objects.

Warning: It is not advisable to change an identifier as it can affect the relationships between EUL objects.

Automatically save changes after each edit

Use this check box to save changes each time a field in this dialog is updated.

Item Class Wizard: Step 1 dialog

Use this dialog to choose the type of item class that you want to create. For example, to choose to create a list of values (LOV) that Discoverer end users can use when choosing parameter values to restrict workbooks.

For more information, see:

"Maintaining items and item classes"

Select item class attributes:

List of values

Use this check box to create a set of the unique values that exist for an item. The values correspond to those found in a database column.

Alternative sort

Use this check box to sort items by criteria you define. Items are normally sorted in ascending or descending order according to ASCII sort values. Sometimes, however, you might want to sort data objects in an alternative order. For example, you might want to sort sales regions North, South, East, and West in that order, so the alternate sort order would be North=1, South=2, East=3 and West=4.

Drill to detail

Use this check box to allow users to drill from summary information into more specific information. These items do not need to be in the same folder.


Item Hierarchy Node Properties dialog

Use this dialog to set item or date hierarchy node properties. For example, to change the name or description of an item or date hierarchy node.

For more information, see:

"What are hierarchies?"


Use this field to change the name of the item or date hierarchy node. By default, the name is derived from the item on which the hierarchy is based.

Note: This field becomes read-only if the Auto generate name property is set to Yes.

Auto generate name

Use this field to change the value of the Auto generate property to Yes or No. When the Auto generate name property is set to Yes, Discoverer enables the names of some types of End User Layer (EUL) items to be dynamically generated, whenever a folder or item name (used in this type of hierarchy) is changed.

This field becomes read-only when the Auto generate name property is not applicable to this item class.

For more information about this property, see "About generating and updating EUL item names automatically".


Use this field to change the description of the item or date hierarchy node. The contents of this field are displayed on the description line of Discoverer Plus's Query Wizard.


Use this field to change the unique name that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects. When matching objects common to different EULs, Discoverer uses identifiers to locate objects in different EULs that refer to the same business objects.

Warning: It is not advisable to change an identifier as it can affect the relationships between EUL objects.

Automatically save changes after each edit

Use this check box to save changes each time a field in this dialog is updated.

Item Properties dialog

Use this dialog to set item properties. For example, to change the name or formula of an item.

For more information, see:

"Maintaining items and item classes"

"How to edit item properties"

The Item Properties dialog contains two tabs:

Item Properties dialog: General tab

Use this tab to configure the item.


Use this field to change the name of the item. By default, the name is derived from the database column on which the item is based.

Note: This field becomes read-only if the Auto generate name property is set to Yes.

Note: If you change the name of an item, this might affect the names of secondary elements (e.g. joins and items in complex folders) that have the Auto generate name property set to Yes (for more information, see "About generating and updating EUL item names automatically").

Auto generate name

Use this field to change the value of the Auto generate property to Yes or No. When the Auto generate name property is set to Yes, Discoverer enables the names of some types of End User Layer (EUL) items to be dynamically generated, whenever a folder or item name (used in this type of item) is changed.

This field becomes read-only when the Auto generate name property is not applicable to this type of item.

For more information about this property, see "About generating and updating EUL item names automatically".


Use this field to change the description of the item. The contents of this field are displayed on the description line of Discoverer Plus's Query Wizard.

Data type

This read-only field displays the data type of the item, supplied by the column definition in the data dictionary. This field is not editable because it identifies the data type directly from the dictionary.


Use this field to display the "Edit Calculation dialog" where you change the item's formula. A formula displayed in this field means the item is a derived item. A derived item is created, by applying a calculation to an existing item. For example, a derived item can be the calculation for percentage profit. Deriving items in the business area means users do not have to know complex formulas themselves in order to calculate analysis results. A field containing a column name indicates that it is not a derived item and that its data comes directly from the database column (in this case, the field is read-only).

Database column

This field displays the derivation of the item. It consists of the owner's user name, the table name and column name. If this field is blank, the column has been created from a formula.

Visible to User

Use this field to specify whether the item is visible to Discoverer end users:

Note: You typically use the No option to hide items that must be present in the folder to be used in calculations, but are of no value or are inappropriate to display to the end user. Other hidden items might contain data such as primary and foreign keys or sensitive data such as salary information.

Item Class

Use this field to change the item class to which the item belongs. Use the list to select an alternative item class. This field is active only when the item is an axis item.

Date Hierarchy

Use this field to change the date hierarchy that is applied to the item. A list is available of valid date hierarchies that can be applied to the item. The field is inactive when the item is not a date item.

Default position

Use this field to change where the item is positioned by default on worksheets (e.g. Side, Page, Top, Datapoint)

Default aggregate

Use this field to change the aggregate type for the item (if numeric).


Use this field to change the heading. Discoverer displays the Heading property of each item used in a worksheet. By default, the heading is the item's Name property, which is derived from the database column on which the item is based.

Format mask

Use this field to change the default format mask used to display the item in Discoverer end user workbooks. The syntax uses standard Oracle formats found in the Server SQL Language Reference Manual, which is supplied with your Oracle database. By default, a listing shows sample format masks appropriate for the item's data type. You can enter your own format mask if the samples do not list the one you want.

Note: Discoverer Administrator does not currently enable you to use the Euro currency symbol in the format mask. However, you can specify the Euro currency symbol in the format mask using Discoverer Plus. For more information, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Plus User's Guide.


Use this field to change the alignment of data displayed in Discoverer Plus. Select an alignment from the drop down menu. The default selection, General, right aligns numeric data, and left aligns date and text data.

Word Wrap

Use this field to specify whether text data wraps in Discoverer Plus.

Note: Setting this to Yes can impact on performance in Discoverer Plus when accessing large amounts of text data.

Case Storage

Use this field to specify how text items are stored in the database, independent of how they are displayed. The Discoverer end user does not see this information. It enables you to optimize the use or display of this information in end-user workbooks. For example, if the data is already being stored correctly, you do not need to modify the text using the Display case option. Setting this value can improve the user's performance when running queries with conditions. If the data is always stored in uppercase in the database, set the value to uppercase. If the data is stored in lowercase, set the value to lowercase.

Display case

Use this field to change how items are displayed in workbooks.

Default width

Use this field to change the item's default width (i.e. in characters) when displayed in end user reports. This value is only used if Use Default Width is set in Discoverer Plus (under Tools | Options | Table).

Replace NULL with

Use this field to change how Discoverer displays null characters. For example, null = We're out... order now!, null = 0, null = nothing visible, or space.

Content type

Use this field to specify that the item contents are to be used to launch an external application. Choose FILE if the data item contents require another application to run, such as Microsoft Excel or an Internet browser. Choose <NONE> if the data type does not require another application.

Note: Setting this field to FILE only enables the item contents to display the data by launching an external application, when you are using Discoverer Desktop.

If the item contains a binary large object (BLOB), the file extension determines the application (i.e. which .exe executable file) to use to view the item. For example, .DOC uses MS Word, .WAV plays a sound through the currently registered sound player for WAV files. These associations are set up in your computer's operating system.

Note: If the content is an image that is stored in the database, choose NONE (for more information, see "About drilling out to other applications").

Max char fetched

Use this field to view (or specify, for LONG data types) the maximum amount of characters retrieved in a SQL call to the database. This option is particularly useful for specifying the number of characters retrieved for LONG data types. The purpose of restricting the total number of characters is that sometimes there are hundreds or thousands of characters in a data element and it would be inefficient or unnecessary to retrieve the entire data element.

Note: This field only displays values for LONG, LONG RAW and BLOB datatypes.

Alternative display value

Use this field to specify a descriptive label for items that have the Content Type set to <FILE>. This label is displayed in Discoverer Plus, Discoverer Viewer, and Discoverer Desktop. The label you specify here is used in the text for the drill link in Discoverer Desktop. For example, you might enter 'Click here to display the report in Wordpad' to replace the default field value \files\Report.doc.

Note: Setting the Content type field to FILE only enables you to drill on the item to display the data by launching an external application, when you are using Discoverer Desktop.

When a Discoverer Desktop end user clicks on a drill link, the file is opened in the application associated with the file type. For example, if you select a link for a *.DOC file, Discoverer Desktop might invoke Microsoft Word to display the file.

Indexed item

Use this field to select an indexed item to associate with the current item. Discoverer uses the indexed item to improve query performance when a parameter is based upon this item. The value of the indexed item you select here can be displayed in lists of values in Discoverer Plus and Discoverer Desktop when users create, edit and select parameter values.

When you select an item from the drop down list, make sure that the item has a database index icon beside it (the icon indicates that the item represents an indexed column in the database). Selecting an item that is not indexed might not improve query performance.

You can specify an indexed item for any EUL item, subject to the following conditions:


Use this field to change the unique name that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects. When matching objects common to different EULs, Discoverer uses identifiers to locate objects in different EULs that refer to the same business objects.

Warning: It is not advisable to change an identifier as it can affect the relationships between EUL objects.

Note: The primary use for the formula and database columns is for tracking the source of the item's data. For example, if something has changed in the underlying database or data dictionary, this field provides an audit trail identifying the data's original source. It provides information to the Discoverer manager about exactly where the data came from.

Automatically save changes after each edit

Use this check box to save changes each time a field in this dialog is updated.

Item Properties dialog: Dependents tab

This read-only tab displays two columns (i.e. Type and Name) that clarify the extent to which other objects (e.g. folders, joins, items, item classes, summary folders, conditions, calculated items) are dependent on the selected item.


This field displays one or more object types (e.g. folders, items) that have a dependency on the selected item.


This field displays the name of each object listed in the Type column.

Items dialog

Use this dialog to select an item to use when you create or edit a condition.

For more information, see:

"What are conditions?"

Discoverer displays this dialog when you choose the Select Item... option from the drop down list in the Value(s) field of the New/Edit Condition dialog.

Select an item:

Choose an item to display in the Value(s) field of the New/Edit Condition dialog.

Use the OK button to display the selected item in the Value(s) field.

The item that you select here is used in the current condition statement of this condition.

Join Properties dialog

Use this dialog to configure join properties. For example, to change the name of a join or change its cardinality (i.e. Join relationship property).

The Join Properties dialog contains two tabs:

Note: You can use the Join Properties dialog to inspect and edit more than one join item at a time. Select a join to view its properties. If you select more than one join and make a change to a property that is common to the selected joins, the changes apply to all selected joins.

Note: Discoverer can improve query performance for end users by removing unwanted joins (also known as join trimming). For more information, see "What effect do joins have on query results and query performance?".

For more information, see:

"What are joins?"

"How to view or edit joins"

Join Properties dialog: General tab

Use this tab to configure the join.


Use this field to change the name of the join. By default, Discoverer Administrator will name the join item by combining the master and detail folder names in the form: Master Folder - > Detail Folder.

Note: This field becomes read-only if the Auto generate name property is set to Yes.

Auto generate name

Use this field to change the value of the Auto generate name property to Yes or No. When the Auto generate name property is set to Yes, Discoverer enables the names of some types of Joins to be automatically updated whenever a folder or item name (used in this join) is changed.

For more information about this property, see "About generating and updating EUL item names automatically".


Use this field to change the description of the join. By default, Discoverer Administrator will describe the join item by combining the master and detail folder names in the form: Master Folder - > Detail Folder.


Use this read-only field to view the folder name at the master end of the join relationship.


Use this read-only field to view the folder name at the detail end the join relationship.


Use this field to display the "Edit Join dialog: Items tab", where you specify how the items are joined.

Outer join on

Use this field to specify an outer join on the detail or master folder. This field can display the values None, Master folder or Detail folder.

Use an outer join on the detail folder when you want to return:

Use an outer join on the master folder when you want to return:

Join details

Use this field to specify that detail items always exist in the master folder, or whether detail items might not exist in the master folder.

This field can display the following values:

Join relationship

Use this field to specify the type of join relationship (i.e. the cardinality of the join) as follows:


This field displays a unique name that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects. When matching objects common to different EULs, Discoverer uses identifiers to locate objects in different EULs that refer to the same business object.

Warning: It is not advisable to change an identifier as it can affect the relationships between EUL objects.

Automatically save changes after each edit

Use this check box to save changes each time a field in this dialog is updated.

Join Properties dialog: Dependents tab

The Dependents tab displays two columns (i.e. Type and Name) that clarify the extent to which other objects (e.g. folders, joins) are dependent on the selected join.


This column displays one or more object types (e.g. folders, items) that have a dependency on the selected join.


This column displays the name of each object listed in the Type column.

Load Wizard: Step 1 dialog

Use the Load Wizard to choose how you want to open a business area. For example, you might want to:

For more information, see:

"What is the Load Wizard?"

"How to create a business area using the Load Wizard"

What do you want to do?

Create a new business area

Use this button to create a new business area. Discoverer displays the field "Where do you want to load the metadata from?".

Open an existing business area

Use this button to open an existing business area. Discoverer displays the field "Select one or more business areas to open".

If you choose Create a new business area, Discoverer displays the following options:

Where do you want to load the metadata from?

If you choose Open an existing business area, Discoverer displays the following options:

Select one or more business areas to open

Use this field to choose one or more business areas to open. Click the appropriate check boxes or use the Select All and Clear All buttons to help you select the business areas.


Load Wizard: Step 2 dialog

Use this dialog to define which objects you want to load into the new business area. Your choices depend on where you choose to get your metadata.

For more information, see:

"What is the Load Wizard?"

"How to create a business area using the Load Wizard"

Select a database link

Use this drop down list to specify which database to use as the data source.

Note: A database link sets up a connection from one database to another, and is created in the database. You can set up multiple database links in a database. If you are unsure, ask your Database Administrator for more information.

Select the users whose tables you want to load [for loading meta data from an online dictionary]

Use this field to choose one or more users whose tables can be loaded from the data source named in the Select a Database Link field. Click the appropriate check boxes or use the Select All and Clear All buttons to help you select the users.

Select the schemas you want to load [for loading meta data from a gateway]

Use this field to choose one or more schemas (i.e. object owners) whose objects can be loaded from the database link named in the Select a Database Link field. Click the appropriate check boxes or use the Select All and Clear All buttons to help you select the schemas.

Load user objects that match

Use this field to enter Oracle wildcard characters to find objects to load. This is helpful if you do not remember the names of the tables you want to load. By default all objects owned by the userid you selected will be loaded (i.e. when the percent (%) symbol is displayed in this field).

For further information about wildcards see "Loading from the online dictionary"

Load Wizard: Step 3 dialog

Use this dialog to select the schema objects that you want to load into the new business area.

For more information, see:

"What is the Load Wizard?"

"How to create a business area using the Load Wizard"


This field displays all schema objects (i.e. tables and views) available for inclusion in the new business area. Select one or more schema objects from the Available field and move them to the Selected field.


This field displays all tables and views that you have selected to be included in the new business area. Each table and view that you select will be a folder in the new business area.


Load Wizard: Step 4 dialog

Use this dialog to configure the joins and additional objects that Discoverer generates when data is loaded into the new business area.

For more information, see:

"What is the Load Wizard?"

"How to create a business area using the Load Wizard"

Do you want to create joins?

Yes, create joins from:

Use this check box to create joins on items in the business area.

What additional objects do you want to generate?

Summaries based on folders that are created

Use this check box to use automated summary management (ASM) to create summary folders after the load process, based on folders that Discoverer creates.

ASM attempts to create a set of suitable summary folders after analyzing the table structure. Selecting this option might slightly increase duration of the business area load, but should give end users improved query performance.

Note: Do not choose this option if you are going to run ASM, or if your database space is low.

Date hierarchies:

Use this check box to automatically create date hierarchies for date items.

Choose a hierarchy from the drop down list of default date hierarchy formats. The date hierarchy is applied to all date columns in the business area. Creating a date hierarchy enables end users to drill up/down through date items. For example, from years to quarters or from months to days.

Automatically generating date hierarchies inserts additional (i.e. calculated) items into the folder. An extra item is created for every date item in each node in the date hierarchy. For example a date hierarchy containing year|quarter|month|day applied to a table with three date columns, generates an additional 12 items in the folder. For more information, see "Creating and maintaining hierarchies".

Default aggregate on data points

Use this check box to specify a default aggregate for numeric items.

Choose an aggregate from the drop down list. The default aggregate is SUM.

List of values for items of type:

Use this check box to generate lists of values based on the types you select. This option automatically creates lists of values for each axis item of each type specified, except character items longer than 40 characters. The values are derived from the values in the database column.


Load Wizard: Step 5 dialog

Use this dialog to enter a name and description for the business area and to configure how data is loaded into the business area.

For more information, see:

"What is the Load Wizard?"

"How to create a business area using the Load Wizard"

What do you want to name this business area?

Use this field to enter a name for your new business area. Use a short name that reflects the business function of the business area. For example, Web Usage Analysis.

What Description do you want for this business area?

Use this field to enter a description for your new business area. Use this field to provide additional information about the business area, such as who created it, the intended audience, or more specific details about its scope.

How do you want to generate object names?

Replace all underscores with spaces

Use this check box to replaces underscores with spaces. For example, Region_Name is converted to Region Name.

Remove all column prefixes

Use this check box to removes prefix characters that are common to all columns. For example, if a table name is EMP and its column names are EMP_Number, EMP_Name, and EMP_Address, the corresponding names in the business area become Number, Name, and Address.


Use this check box to capitalize (then choose an option from the drop down list) as follows:

Which objects do you want to sort?

Sort Folders

Use this check box to sort folders alphabetically within a business area.

Sort Items

Use this check box to sort items alphabetically within a folder.

For information about using the command line interface to sort folders and items during a business area load, see "/load".

For information about sorting folders and items in a business area, see:

Manage Folders dialog: By Business Area tab

Use this tab to assign multiple folders to a single business area. For example, to add multiple folders to a new business area.

For more information, see:

"What are folders?"

Business area

Use this drop down list to select a business area to which you want to assign one or more folders.

Available folders

This list displays available folders not currently assigned to the business area selected. Orphaned folders are also shown in the list.

To assign folders to the current business area, move the folders from the Available folders list to the Current folders list.

Current folders

This list displays folders currently assigned to the business area.

To remove a folder from the current business area, move the folder from the Current folders list to the Available folders list.


Manage Folders dialog: By Folder tab

Use this tab to assign single folders to multiple business areas. For example, to assign a new folder to multiple business areas.

For more information, see:

"What are folders?"


Use this drop down list to select the folder that you want to assign.

If you select a folder that is not assigned to any business area, the folder is an orphaned folder.

Available business areas

This list displays all available business areas to which you can assign the current folder.

To assign the current folder to a business area, move the business area from the Available business areas list to the Current business areas list.

Current business areas

This list displays business areas to which the current folder is assigned.

To remove a business area from the current folder, move the business area from the Current business areas list to the Available business areas list.


Manage Folders dialog: Orphaned Folders tab

Use this tab to view or delete orphaned folders from the current EUL. Orphaned folders are folders that are not owned by any business areas.

For more information, see:

"What are folders?"

"How to remove an orphaned folder from the EUL"

Orphaned Folders

This list displays all orphaned folders in the current EUL.


Use this button to delete a highlighted orphaned folder from the current EUL.


Manage Scheduled Workbooks dialog

Use this dialog to monitor and maintain workbooks that Discoverer end users have scheduled. For example, you might want to check on the progress of a workbook being processed, or to remove a scheduled workbook that was created by a Discoverer end user but is no longer required.

For more information, see:

"What are workbooks and scheduled workbooks?"

Show workbooks for

Use the Select button next to this field to display the "Select User/Role dialog" where you can search for and select the user or role whose scheduled workbooks you want to view or edit. For example, choose jchan to display the scheduled workbooks for jchan.

Select all users

Use this check box to display scheduled workbooks for all users.

Scheduled workbooks

This field displays a list of the scheduled workbooks that are owned by the selected user or role. The workbooks listed are either scheduled to run or have already run and are ready to use. The list contains the following fields:


This read-only field displays any additional information about the selected workbook.


Use this button to display the "Schedule Workbook dialog: General tab", where you change the settings for the selected workbook. This option is only available for workbooks that have not yet been processed.

View Error

Use this button to display a description of why a selected workbook could not be run successfully. This option is only available for workbooks that could not be scheduled due to an error.


Use this button to un-schedule the workbook and remove the workbook from the list in the Scheduled workbooks field. Any workbooks resulting from previous runs of this workbook are removed.


Use this button to check the database for any changes to the schedule since you opened this dialog.


Matching Values dialog

Discoverer displays this dialog when you are defining an indexed item for an item in a folder, and Discoverer has determined that the list of values (LOV) associated with the indexed item in the current folder is created on another item (i.e. either in the current folder, or in another folder).

Use this dialog to confirm that the list of values (LOV) associated with the indexed item in the current folder exactly matches another LOV in another folder.

For more information, see "How to assign an indexed item to an item".


Use this button if you are sure that the values of the items referred to in this dialog, exactly match each other.

Note: If you use the OK button but the values of the items displayed in the Matching Values dialog do not exactly match each other, results returned when parameters are used in conditions might be incorrect.


New Condition dialog (Advanced)

Use this dialog to create a new condition for use in the business area.

For more information, see:

"What are conditions?"

"What are the different types of condition?"

"How to create simple conditions"

"How to create advanced conditions"

Advanced conditions contain multiple criteria. For example:


Use this field to enter a name for the new condition.

Generate name automatically

Select this check box for Discoverer to create a name for you.

Clear this check box to enable the Name field and enter a condition name.


Use this field to enter additional information about the condition. This description is displayed when you select this condition in the Workarea, and in Discoverer Plus. Make your description useful to both you and your users.


This field displays the name of the folder that will store the condition. This is the location you selected when you chose Insert | Condition.


Use this drop down list to choose the condition type:


Use this field to specify the filter criterion that you want to use.

Match case

Use this check box to match upper and lower case text data exactly. When selected, the match value 'New York' would not return data for 'new york'.


Use this button to add one or more new criteria lines to the condition. Use this button to display the Add, Delete, And, Or and Not buttons.


Use this button to insert a new criterion line to the condition. By default, the new item is grouped with a logical AND, which means that data must match all criteria contained within the AND group.


Use this button to remove the currently selected filter criterion from the condition.


Use this button to insert a new criterion line to the condition. The new item is grouped with a logical AND, which means that data must match all criteria contained within the AND group.


Use this button to insert a new criterion line to the condition. The new item is grouped with a logical OR, which means that data much match at least one of the criteria contained within the OR group.


Use this button to invert the condition for the currently selected group. The item is grouped with a logical NOT AND or NOT OR, which means that data must not match the criteria contained with the NOT group.


New Condition dialog (select an item or folder for)

Use this dialog to choose where you want to store the new condition.

For more information, see:

"What are conditions?"

"What are the different types of condition?"

"How to create simple conditions"

"How to create advanced conditions"

For example, if you do not select a folder before choosing Insert ¦ Condition, you select a folder here.

This dialog is also displayed as:

New Condition dialog

Business Area

Use this drop down list to select a business area. Then, choose the folder in which to store the condition from the expandable item list below.

New/Edit Condition dialog

Use this dialog to create a new condition, or edit a condition in the business area.

This dialog is also displayed as:

New Condition dialog
Edit Condition dialog

For more information, see:

"What are conditions?"

"What are the different types of condition?"

"How to create simple conditions"

"How to create advanced conditions"

Simple conditions typically contain one filter criterion. For example:


Use this field to enter a name for the new condition.

Generate name automatically

Select this check box for Discoverer to create a name for you.

Clear this check box to enter a name for this condition.


Use this field to enter additional information about the condition. This description is displayed when you select this condition in the Workarea, and in Discoverer Plus. Make your description useful to both you and your users.


This field displays the name of the folder that will store the condition. This is the location you selected when you chose Insert | Condition.


Use this drop down list to choose the condition type:


Use this field to specify the filter criterion that you want to use.

Match case

Use this check box to match upper and lower case text data exactly. When selected, the match value 'New York' would not return data for 'new york'.


Use this button when you want to create more than one filter criterion. Here, you display additional fields and buttons used to create advanced conditions (see "New Condition dialog (Advanced)").

New Date Format dialog

Use this dialog to create a new date format. For example, you might want to create a new format for Year containing the last two digits only of a typical four digit year (e.g. to display the digits 01 to represent 2001, 02 to represent 2002 and so on).

You can use the new format in date hierarchies.

For more information, see:

"What are date hierarchies?"

"What are date items?"

"What are date format masks?"

Date format group

Use this drop down list to choose the group in which you want the new date format to be included (e.g. Year, Quarter, Month).

New Format

Use this field to enter the date format mask that you want to use. For example, use Mon-YYYY to display the month plus the four digits of the year.


New Item dialog

Use this dialog to create items based on EUL objects and/or functions. Items can be derived items, aggregate calculated items or aggregate derived items.

For more information, see:

"What are items?"

"What are calculated items?"

"How to create calculated items"

For example:


Use these radio buttons to display calculations, functions, and item that you can use to build a calculation. To include items in the calculation, paste them into the Calculation field.


Use this button to the add the item currently selected in the Show list to the Calculation. The item is copied into the Calculation field.


Use this field to enter a name for the item or calculated item. Discoverer Administrator creates a default name for you.


Use this field to enter the calculation details (for calculation examples, see Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Plus User's Guide).

To create a calculation, you can use any or all of the following methods:

Operator buttons + - x / % ( )

Use these buttons to add operators to the calculation. Operators are copied into the Calculation field.

Note: When you use arithmetic expressions in a calculation, the multiply and divide operators are executed first, regardless of their position in the calculation. If you have more than one operator of the same precedence, they are evaluated from left to right.

For example, the calculation Price – Discount * Quantity is evaluated as Discount*Quantity subtracted from Price. If you use parentheses around the subtraction expression (Price – Discount), the subtraction is executed before the multiplication.


Use this button to validate and save the calculation, as follows:


New Item dialog (select a folder for)

Use this dialog to choose where you want to store the new item. For example, if you do not select a folder before choosing Insert ¦ Item, you select a folder here.

Discoverer displays this dialog when the currently selected folder does not use the item that you are about to create.

This dialog is also displayed as:

New Item dialog

For more information, see:

"What are items?"

"What are folders?"

Business Area

Use this drop down list to select a business area, then choose the folder in which to store the item from the expandable item list below.

New Join dialog (select a folder for)

Use this dialog to choose where you want to store the new join. For example, if you do not select a folder before choosing Insert ¦ Join, you select a folder here.

The Choose Folder window might appear in any of the following cases:

This dialog is also displayed as:

New Join dialog

For more information, see:

"What are joins?"

"What are business areas?"

"How to create joins"

Business Area

Use this drop down list to select a business area. Then, choose the folder in which to store the join from the expandable item list below.

Online Dictionary Options dialog

Use this dialog to specify what types of tables and views you want to see in the "Load Wizard: Step 2 dialog". For example, you can display all tables and views accessible to a user, not just those owned by a user.

For more information, see:

"What is the Load Wizard?"

Which tables (and views) do you want to see?

What types of tables (and views) do you want to see?


Open Business Area dialog

Use this dialog to specify which business areas you want to open in the Discoverer Administrator Workarea. For example, you might want to work with your own business area and the Video Stores Tutorial business area.

For more information, see:

"What are business areas?"

"Loading from the online dictionary"

"Loading from a Gateway"


This list displays business areas that are available. To open business areas, move the business areas from the Available list to the Selected list.


This list contains the business areas that will open in the Workarea. If you do not want to open business areas in this list, move these business areas from the Selected list to the Available list.


Options dialog: Connection tab

Use this dialog to specify the connection details to display in the "Connect dialog". For example, if you always connect to Oracle Applications EULs, you might configure the Connect dialog to prompt you to enter Oracle Applications connection details.

For more information, see:

"How to start Discoverer Administrator"

"Options dialog: Default EUL tab"

What type of EULs would you like to connect to?

Applications EUL Settings

Use these fields with an Oracle Applications EUL. Discoverer Administrator uses default values for both these fields if you do not enter any values.

Gateway User ID (GWYUID) / password

Use this field to specify the user name and password of the public Gateway (i.e. identified by the Gateway User ID/password) that Discoverer Administrator is to use when logging in to an Oracle Applications EUL. Use the forward slash (/) character to separate the user name and password.

You enter a Gateway User ID to override the default values (APPLSYSPUB/PUB) that Discoverer uses.

If you do not specify a Gateway User ID and password, Discoverer Administrator will use the default values specified above.

Foundation Name (FNDNAM)

Use this field to specify the FND schema that owns the core Oracle Applications tables and views.

Enter a Foundation Name to override the default value (APPS) that Discoverer uses.

If you do not specify a Foundation Name, Discoverer Administrator will use the default value specified above.


Options dialog: Default EUL tab

Use this dialog to specify the default EUL to connect to when you start Discoverer Administrator.

For more information, see:

"What is an End User Layer?"

"How to start Discoverer Administrator"

"Options dialog: Connection tab"

Which EUL would you like as your default?

Select a default EUL:

Use this field to choose which EUL you want to connect to by default when you start Discoverer Administrator. When you next connect to Discoverer Administrator, the Load Wizard will display business areas from the EUL that you chose here.


Options dialog: Query Governor tab

Use this dialog to specify the time that Discoverer Administrator or Discoverer Desktop waits for a query to return its data before displaying an error message. This setting might be useful for example, when you try to expand a long list of values (LOV) and Discoverer displays an error message before the LOV can be displayed. If you increase the value of this setting, Discoverer has more time to display the list of values before displaying the error message.

For more information, see:

"What are lists of values?"

"How to view the list of values for an item"

"Options dialog: Connection tab"

"Options dialog: Default EUL tab"

Cancel value retrieved after:

Use this field to define the maximum time (in seconds) you want to wait while Discoverer retrieves list of values items.

Note: This tab is displayed only if the user is connected to a database

PL/SQL Functions dialog: Arguments tab

Use this dialog to define arguments for PL/SQL functions that are registered.

You can register PL/SQL functions that have been defined in the database, using SQL commands.

For more information, see:

"Why do you need PL/SQL functions?"


This field displays Oracle-supplied PL/SQL functions and user-defined PL/SQL functions that have already been registered for use with Discoverer Administrator.


This field displays a list of arguments defined for the function currently selected in the Functions field.


Use this button to create a new argument. Discoverer generates a default argument name and fields are initialized with default values. You can then edit the default values to configure the new argument as required.


Use this button to delete the currently selected argument. The argument is removed from the Arguments field.

Move Up/Move Down

Use these buttons to rearrange the list of arguments in the Arguments field. This is useful if an argument is out of place ordinally, or if the function itself has been modified and you need to update the function definition.

Attributes for <argument selected in Arguments field>

This area displays information about the selected PL/SQL function.


Use this field to enter the argument name. When you add an argument, a default name is created by Discoverer Administrator.


Use this field to enter additional information about the argument. When you add an argument, a default description is created by Discoverer Administrator.

Data Type

Use the drop down list to specify the argument data type for this field (the default is Number).


Use this field to change the unique name that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects.



PL/SQL Functions dialog: Functions tab

Use this dialog to manage PL/SQL functions available to Discoverer Administrator. To register functions, you can:

For more information, see:

"Why do you need PL/SQL functions?"

"How to register custom PL/SQL functions automatically"

"How to register custom PL/SQL functions manually"


This field displays a list of Oracle-supplied PL/SQL functions and user-defined PL/SQL functions that have already been registered for use with Discoverer Administrator. When the Available in Discoverer Plus check box is selected, these registered functions are also available to Discoverer end users to use in calculations.

Attributes for <function selected in Functions field>

This area displays information about the selected PL/SQL function.

Function Name

Use this field to enter a name for the function. The Function Name can be different from the Display Name.

Display Name

Use this field to enter a name for the function. This name will be visible in the Discoverer Administrator in the Edit Calculation window, and in Discoverer Plus if the Available in Discoverer Plus check box has been selected.


Use this field to enter the user ID of the owner of the function. Changing this value enables you to move the reference from a development environment to a production environment.


Use this field to enter the package that contains this function. A package is used in the Oracle database to group many functions together by category for easier management.

Database Link

Use this drop down list to select the database that stores the function. This is a particularly useful feature if you are using distributed databases.

Return Type

Use this drop down list to enter the data type of the data returned by the function. For example, a function might return a character string (char) or a number.


Use this field to enter additional information about the function.


Use this field to change the unique name that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects. When matching objects common to different EULs, Discoverer uses identifiers to locate objects in different EULs that refer to the same business object.

Available in Discoverer Plus

Use this check box to enable Discoverer end users to use this function in calculations.


Use this button to test the validity and accuracy of the information you have entered. The Discoverer Administrator generates a test SQL statement that includes the PL/SQL function and tests the query. This test validates the existence of the function (i.e. by properly naming and locating it), its owner, and tests the data return type.


Use this button to register a new PL/SQL function. A default function name is generated and fields are initialized with default values. You can then edit the default values to configure the new function as required.


Use this button to remove the PL/SQL function currently selected in the Functions field.


Use this button to display the "Import PL/SQL Functions dialog", where you search for and select the PL/SQL functions (defined in the database) that you want to import. Once you have imported PL/SQL functions, you register them so that Discoverer Administrator can use them. For more information, see "How to register custom PL/SQL functions automatically".


Privileges dialog: Privileges tab

Use this tab to grant privileges to users or roles (role is replaced with responsibility for Oracle Applications users). For example, you can enable Discoverer Plus and Discoverer Desktop end users to create and edit queries, drill down, and drill out, but prevent them from saving workbooks to the database.

For more information, see:

"About Discoverer and security"

Show privileges for

Use the Select button next to this field to display the "Select User/Role dialog" where you can search for and select the user or role whose privileges you want to change. For example, choose jchan to display the privileges for jchan in the Administration Privilege and Desktop and Plus Privilege fields.

Administration Privilege

Use this check box to grant or revoke the ability of the currently selected user or role to use Discoverer Administrator.

Desktop and Plus Privilege

Use this check box to grant or revoke the ability of the currently selected user or role to use Discoverer Desktop and Discoverer Plus.

Use the check boxes in the fields under the Administration Privilege and Desktop and Plus Privilege check boxes, to grant or revoke privileges to the currently selected user or role as follows:

<description field>

This field displays a brief description about the currently selected privilege.

Select an Oracle system profile

Use this drop down list to specify an Oracle system profile to apply to the user. This allows you to apply pre-defined sets of privileges to users and roles.


Privileges dialog: Query Governor tab

Use this tab to view and edit the query configuration for a specified user or role (role is replaced by responsibility for Oracle Applications users). For example, to limit the number of rows that can be retrieved for the user jchan.

For more information, see:

"Controlling access to information"

Show query limits for

Use the Select button next to this field to display the "Select User/Role dialog" where you can search for and select the user or role whose query limits you want to change. For example, choose jchan to display the query limit settings for jchan in the Query Governor area.

Query Governor

Warn user if predicted time exceeds... Seconds:

Select this check box to display a warning to the Discoverer end user if a query takes longer than the amount of time specified.

This privilege is only available when using an Oracle database.

Prevent queries from running longer than... Minutes:

Select this check box to limit the query time for the selected user.

Limit retrieved data to... Rows:

Select this check box to limit the number of rows a users query can return. The limit you set here is a maximum. The end user can set a limit that is lower. When a query has reached the maximum number of records set by you or the end user, the query stops and the data retrieved so far is returned to the end user. For example, if the check box is selected and the value 1000 is entered, only the first 1000 rows of a query are displayed on a Discoverer end user worksheet.

Clear this check box for Discoverer to attempt to retrieve all rows in a query. Note that for performance reasons, it is not recommended that you clear this check box when queries might return hundreds of thousands of rows or more.

Privileges dialog: Scheduled Workbooks tab

Use this tab to specify scheduled workbook settings for a specified user or role (role is replaced by responsibility for Oracle Applications users). For example, to limit the number of workbooks that a user can schedule, or to define the expiry date of scheduled workbooks.

For more information, see:

"Scheduling workbooks"

"About Discoverer and security"

"How to set scheduled workbook limits"

Show scheduling limits for

Use the Select button next to this field to display the "Select User/Role dialog" where you can search for and select the user or role whose scheduling limits you want to change. For example, choose jchan to display the scheduled workbook settings for jchan.

Note: If you select a user or role that does not have schedule workbook privileges, the configuration details are disabled. If you want the user or role to have this privilege, see "How to specify a user or role (responsibility) to perform a specific task":

Select the user to own the tables which store any workbook results

Use this drop down list to select the user name of the database user that will own the scheduled workbooks tables.

<Is user required to schedule workbooks?>

Use these radio buttons to specify if or when a user is required to schedule workbooks.

Limit number of scheduled workbooks

Use this check box to specify the maximum number of workbooks that a user can schedule.

Note: This option enables you to prevent users from submitting so many scheduled workbooks that no other jobs on the DBMS_JOB queue can run

Expire results

Use this check box to limit the lifetime of scheduled workbook results (days). Results due for deletion are deleted when the user disconnects from the EUL.

Commit size

Use this check box to specify the number of rows that are committed to the result table at a time, when Discoverer processes the scheduled workbook. For example, if 1000 rows need to be written and the Commit size is 100, 10 writes are performed. On large result sets, server performance is improved by setting the commit size higher than the default (although little gain will be achieved by setting the Commit size higher than 1000).

Restrict the hours during which a workbook may be scheduled

Use this check box to specify when a user can schedule workbooks. This could be exploited to prevent users from scheduling workbooks at peak times.

Privileges dialog: User/Role tab

Use this tab to configure specific privileges for users and roles. For example:

Note that Oracle Applications users have responsibilities instead of roles.

For more information, see:

"About Discoverer and security"

"How to specify a user or role (responsibility) to perform a specific task"

Show users/roles with privilege

User this drop down list to choose a privilege that you want to look at. For example, choose Save Workbooks to Database to display the users and roles that have this privilege in the Show field.


Use this check box to look at user privileges.


Use this check box to look at role privileges. This option is only available when you are using an Oracle database.

Show: (Users/Roles list)

This field displays all users and roles and whether they have the currently selected privilege. A privilege is applied to a user or role when the check box next to the user or role is selected. The list is updated when you select a new privilege in the Show users/roles with privilege field.

Privilege Description

This field displays additional information about the currently selected privilege.

Properties dialogs

Choose one of the following help topics:

Refresh Business Area dialog

Use this dialog to look at differences that have been found between the folders and items in the current business area and source tables in the database to which they link. For example, if a new primary key has been detected in the source database, you can use this dialog to correct this in the business area and continue the refresh. You can also assess the impact that changes will have on other objects in the business area.

For more information, see:

"Creating and maintaining business areas"

"How to synchronize a business area with the database"


This field displays the name of the item that is different.


This field displays the type of change that has occurred. For example, the source table has a new foreign key.


This field displays the effect that completing the refresh will have on the object and the check box enables you to switch the action on or off.


Use this button to start the refresh using the options selected.


Use this button to display the "Impact dialog". The Impact dialog displays a list of objects that will be affected or removed if you refresh this business area.

Refresh Summaries dialog

Use this dialog to refresh the currently selected summary folder. For Oracle Enterprise Edition databases you can also specify an incremental refresh if available (for more information, see the Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide for conditions).

For more information about refreshing summary folders, see:

"How does ASM work?"

"Why must you refresh summary data?"

"What happens when a summary folder is refreshed?"

When would you like to refresh this summary?

Perform Incremental refresh

Select this check box to perform an incremental refresh, available against Oracle Enterprise Edition databases only.

An incremental refresh is faster than a full refresh as it incrementally adds the new data that has been inserted into the tables.

During a summary folder refresh with Oracle Standard Edition databases a full table scan is carried out.

Clear this check box to refresh the summary using a full table scan.


Refresh Wizard dialog

Use the Refresh Wizard to refresh business areas in the current End User Layer. For example, when you make modifications to the database, the refresh facility synchronizes the business area with the data dictionary, incorporating database modifications into the business area.

Refresh Wizard Step 1

Use this dialog to specify how you want a business area to be refreshed.

Refresh business areas from:


Use this button to start the refresh process from the online dictionary.


Refresh Wizard Step 2

Use this dialog to select the gateway application that you want to refresh from.

Select the application you want to refresh from

Use this drop down list to select the gateway application that you are using as the source for the current EUL.


Use this button to start the refresh process from the selected gateway application.

Repository Users dialog

There might be a single database user that all Discoverer end users can exploit, or different ones created for each database user. The advantage of having a single database user is that individual end users do not need additional privileges to process scheduled workbooks, but the disadvantage is that space quota is shared, and so could be exhausted by a single user. Having multiple repository users provides a greater degree of control.

Responsibilities dialog

Use this dialog to select an Oracle Applications responsibility with which to connect to an Oracle Applications EUL.

For more information, see:

"Using Discoverer with Oracle Applications"

Responsibility list

Use this drop down list to select the responsibility that you want to connect to the database with.


Use this button to connect to the database as the selected responsibility.

Schedule Workbook dialog: General tab

Use this dialog to:

For more information, see:

"Scheduling workbooks"

Name this scheduled workbook:

This read-only field displays the name of the scheduled workbook.


Use this field to enter additional information about the scheduled workbook. Discoverer end users will see this information when deciding which workbook to open.

Scheduled workbooks save results each time they run. Do you want to keep all versions of results?

How long do you want to keep the results?

Delete results automatically after: _ days

Use this spin box to specify the interval in days between running this workbook and automatically deleting the workbook results. For example, you might want to delete the results set of a weekly report every seven days.


Use this button to display any parameters used in this scheduled workbook.

Scheduled Workbook dialog: Parameter values

Use this dialog to view parameter values required by worksheets. For example, a workbook might use the parameter '2001' when it is required to display data for the year 2001.

For more information, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Plus User's Guide.

Parameter list

This area contains one or more fields in which you view the parameter values for the scheduled worksheet. Each field can also display a name.

Schedule Workbook dialog: Schedule tab

Use this dialog to specify when you want Discoverer to process the scheduled workbook. For example, you might want Discoverer to process a workbook at 1:00 a.m. every Sunday morning.

For more information, see:

"Scheduling workbooks"

Sheets included in the scheduled workbook:

Lists all the sheets included in the currently selected scheduled workbook.

Schedule this workbook on:

Use these fields to specify when you want Discoverer to process the scheduled workbook.


Use this spin box to specify the time at which you want Discoverer to process the scheduled workbook. The current time is displayed by default.


Use this spin box to specify the date on which you want Discoverer to process the scheduled workbook. The current date is displayed by default.

How often do you want to repeat this schedule?

Use these fields to specify how often you want Discoverer to process this scheduled workbook.

Security dialog: Business Area - > User tab

Use this tab to grant or revoke multiple user access to a single business area. For example, to give a group of Discoverer end users access to the Video Store Tutorial business area so that users can use the sample data to learn about Discoverer Plus.

To grant a single user access to multiple business areas at once, use the "Security dialog: Users - > Business Area tab".

For more information, see:

"Controlling access to information"

Business area

Use this drop down list to select the business area to which you want to grant access. The drop down list displays business areas that you currently have open. If you cannot see the business area to which you want to grant access, reconnect to Discoverer and open that business area.

Available users/roles

Use this field to choose which users and roles you want to grant access to the selected business area. To grant access, move user names and roles from the Available users/roles field to the Selected users/roles field.

Selected users/roles

Use this field to see which users have access to the selected business area. To revoke access, move user names and roles from the Selected users/roles field to the Available users/roles field.



Use this check box to display Discoverer users in the Available users/roles field.


Use this check box to display Discoverer roles in the Available users/roles field.

Allow Administration

Use this check box to grant both access and administration rights to the users selected in the Selected users/roles field. The operations the user can perform on the granted business area depend on the user's Administration privileges.


Security dialog: Users - > Business Area tab

Use this tab to grant or revoke user access to multiple business areas. For example, to grant a new Discoverer end user access to a number of business areas in the End User Layer.

To grant multiple users access to a single business area, use the "Security dialog: Business Area - > User tab".

For more information, see:

"Controlling access to information"


Use the Select button next to this field to display the "Select User/Role dialog" where you can search for and select the user or role that requires access.

Available business areas

Use this field to choose which business areas you want to grant access to the selected user or role. To grant access, move business areas from the Available business areas field to the Selected business areas field.

Selected business areas

Use this field to see which business areas the selected user or role has. To revoke access, move business areas from the Selected business areas field back to the Available business areas field.

Allow Administration

Use this check box to grant both access and administration rights on the selected business areas to the user selected.


Select User/Role dialog

Use this dialog to search for and select the database user or role (or Oracle Applications responsibility) which you want to display privileges, query limits and scheduling limits. For example, to narrow your search you might want to list only database usernames that begin with the letter C.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Select User dialog

For more information, see:

"About Discoverer task privileges"

"Privileges dialog: Privileges tab"

"Privileges dialog: Query Governor tab"

"Privileges dialog: Scheduled Workbooks tab"

Search in

Use this drop down list to specify whether to search for users or roles (or Oracle Applications responsibilities).

Search by

Use this drop down list to specify how you want to match against the value that you type in the Search for field. For example, to find all database usernames starting with the letter T, choose Starts With and type T in the Search for field.

Search for

Use this field to enter the text that you want to search for. For example, to find all database usernames starting with the letter T, type T and choose Starts With from the Search by drop down list. You can also use the wildcards % and _. For example, if you enter the text N%, Discoverer Administrator will search for all usernames that start with the letter N. However, if you enter N_T, Discoverer Administrator will search for usernames that start with N and where the third letter of the username is T.

Case Sensitive

Use this check box to specify whether you want to match upper and lower case letters exactly when searching (e.g. when selected, the search term 'New York' would find 'New York', but would not find 'NEW YORK', 'new york', or 'new York').


Use this button to start the search according to the search criteria that you have specified and display matching values in the Results list below.

Use this button to start the search according to the search criteria that you have specified and display matching values in the Results list up to a maximum of 100,000 rows. The maximum number of rows displayed here is determined by the Registry setting MaxNumListRows (for more information, see "What are the Discoverer Administrator and Discoverer Desktop registry settings?").

If you click Go when the Search for field is empty, all users/roles specified by the Search In value are displayed.


This list displays the results of the search. Use this list to select a database user (or role). Select a name in the list and click OK.


Summary Properties dialog

Use this dialog to view and configure properties for this summary folder. For example, to look at the status, or change the next refresh date for a summary folder.

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"

"What are summary folders?"

"What are Discoverer summary tables?"

"What are materialized views?"

"Why must you refresh summary data?"


Use this field to enter a name for the summary folder.


Use this field to enter a description for the summary folder.


This read-only field indicates whether a summary folder is managed or external.

Available for queries

Use this field to specify whether this summary folder can be used for worksheets run in Discoverer Plus. For example, when a Discoverer end user opens a worksheet that displays items from this summary folder Discoverer Plus might use the summary folder to display the worksheet results.


This read-only field displays the current point in the life cycle of this summary folder. Only summary folders that have the status Complete, are available for queries.

The following list explains the meaning of values displayed in the Status field:

Last refreshed

This read-only field displays the date when this summary folder last received up-to-date data from the database. This is only available for managed summary folders.

Next Refresh

Use this field to change the date when this summary folder will next receive up-to-date data from the database. This is only available for managed summary folders.

Refresh Interval

Use this field to change how often this summary folder receives up-to-date data from the database. This is only available for managed summary folders.


Use this field to change the unique identifier that Discoverer uses to identify EUL and workbook objects. Discoverer uses identifiers to locate objects in different EULs that refer to the same business object.

Automatically save changes after each edit

Use this check box to save changes each time a field in this dialog is updated.

Summary Wizard (ASM): List of dialogs

The Summary Wizard enables you to use the Automated Summary Management facility to create and maintain the best set of summary folders for your organization's needs with the minimum of manual intervention.

For more information about ASM Summary Wizard dialogs, see:

"Summary Wizard: Step 1 dialog"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Step 2 Analyze Folders dialog"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings: List of dialog tabs"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Step 3 Allocate Space dialog"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Not Analyzed dialog"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Recommended Summaries dialog"

Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings: List of dialog tabs

The preset default values found within Advanced Settings enable ASM to create and maintain the best set of summaries for your needs. If you want you can further refine the default setting to alter how ASM creates and maintains your summaries.

The Advanced Settings define which objects in the database to consider for inclusion in the ASM process and influence what ASM produces.

The Advanced Settings (Change Default Settings dialog) displays the following tabs:

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Analyze tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Folders tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Query User tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Query Usage tab"

"Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Deletion tab"

Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Folders tab

Use this tab to specify which folders are analyzed by ASM. By default all folders are included. For example, you might have a large data warehouse and wish to only analyze the most important folders (for instance the fact tables) to reduce analysis time.

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"


This list displays folders that are not included in the ASM analysis. Choose folders for analysis by moving folders from the Available list to the Included list.


This list displays folders that are included in the ASM analysis. Remove folders from the ASM analysis by moving folders from the Included list to the Available list.


Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Analyze tab

Use this tab to specify which folders to analyze and specify an optimization level. For example, to perform a complete analysis on all folders, not just those that have not already been analyzed.

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"

How do you wish to analyze the selected folders?

When would you like a folders analysis to expire?

After _ days

Use this field to specify how long to use analyzed summary data. After this period, folders will be re-analyzed when you run ASM. The default for this is 30 days.

How would you like the analysis to be optimized?

Use this slider bar to increase the speed of analysis or the range of folders analyzed.

Max Speed

At this level, around 10% of folders are analyzed. This level produces a basic set of summaries without taking too long. For example, if you have a large data warehouse and wish to minimize analysis time.


At this level, you get an equal balance between speed and range.

Max Accuracy

At this level, 100% of folders are analyzed (default setting). This setting enables the widest range of summaries to be created by ASM. For example, if you have a relatively small data warehouse or where analysis time is not an issue.

Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Deletion tab

Use this tab to configure how you purge (i.e. remove) summary folders that are out-of-date. For example, to make more space available in the database.

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"

Delete specific summary folders if

Last queried more than _ days ago

Use this field to delete summary folders if they were last used by Discoverer end users more than the number of specified days. For example, delete summary folders not used for seven days.

Created more than _ days ago

Use this field to delete summary folders if they were created before a specified time. For example, delete summary folders created more than two weeks ago.

Average usage less than _ times per _ over the last _ _

Use these fields when you want to finely control which summary folders are purged. For example, delete summary folders used less than ten times per week over the last two weeks.

Always retain the following summaries

Use this check box to exclude particular summary folders from the purge. For example, to maintain important summary folders that you always need to use.

Summaries to be retained

This field displays folders that are excluded from the purge. Include folders in the purge by moving folders from the Summaries to be retained field to the Available summaries field.

Available summaries

This field displays all folders that are included in the purge. Select folders to be excluded from the purge by moving folders from the Available summaries field to the Summaries to be retained field.


Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Query Usage tab

Use this tab to select which queries are considered for summary recommendation. For example, to include only queries run at a specific time when Discoverer Plus users are working.

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"


Use this drop down list to define which queries are considered for ASM.

All queries

Use this option to consider recommendations for summaries based upon all queries previously run.

Queries run since last execution

Use this option to consider recommendations for summaries based upon those queries run since the last execution of ASM.

Specific queries

Use this option to consider queries run at particular times, specified below.

Move the slider to the position which best reflects the nature of your users queries

Use this slider bar to determine whether during analysis the constructed summary data favors predetermined (performance) or ad hoc (coverage) queries.


Use this setting to optimize the summaries maintained by ASM to reflect historical queries. In other words, the summaries will give great performance improvements where queries stay much the same over time.

For example, ASM might recommend a list of five exact match summaries, corresponding one-to-one with previously run queries (where ASM determines there is a benefit).


A balance between predetermined and ad hoc queries (the default).


Use this setting to increase the coverage of a summary giving a potential performance gain for queries that have never been run before, but are closely related to previous system usage. However, the cost of this is that the individual performance gain for the previously run queries might not be as high.

For example, ASM might combine the five exact-match summaries to form fewer but more general summaries. These would provide benefit not only for the five previously run queries but also for a greater number of other potential queries (i.e. there would be a gain in overall coverage).

Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Query User tab

Use this dialog to use Query Performance Statistics (QPP) from selected users in the ASM process. For example, to base ASM on a sub-set of users that require maximum performance when using Discoverer Plus.

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"


This list displays users that are not included in the ASM process. Select users for analysis by moving users from the Available field to the Included field.


This list displays users that are included in the ASM process. Remove users from the ASM process by moving users from the Included field to the Available field.


Summary Wizard (ASM): Not Analyzed dialog

Use this dialog to specify how you deal with folders that cannot be analyzed. For example, when you do not have analyze privileges on a particular database.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Not Analyzed dialog

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"

_ out of _ folders could not be analyzed. Would you like those folders to be excluded from the automatic summary creation?


Use this button to exclude folders that could not be analyzed.


Use this button to include folders that could not be analyzed.


Use this button to get more information about the folders that could not be analyzed.


Use these notes to understand, and help to resolve the following issues:

Summary Wizard (ASM): Recommended Summaries dialog

Use this dialog to look at which summaries Discoverer intends to use and change the included list if required. Discoverer might mark existing summaries for deletion when they fall outside the current ASM policy.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Recommended Summaries dialog

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"


Use this check box to include a recommended folder in the ASM summary creation/deletion process.


This field displays the action that will be carried out as part of the ASM process if the Include check box is selected.


This field displays the Discoverer folder name.

Existing space used

This field displays the amount of space currently being used for summary folders.

Total space required

This field displays the total amount of space that is needed for the recommended summary folders.


Summary Wizard (ASM): Step 2 Analyze Folders dialog

Use this dialog to automatically analyze your database structure and recommend which summaries you need.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Summary Wizard: Step 2 dialog

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"

(Progress indicator)

Use this bar to monitor the progress of the database analysis. When analysis is in progress, the cube above the bar revolves.


Use this button to begin the folder analysis.

The first time this process is run, the analysis is based on default values. Any changes made to these values (through Advanced Settings) will be applied during subsequent folder analysis.


Use this button to resume folder analysis after you have stopped the process using the Stop button.


Use this button to pause the folder analysis.

Total folders in policy

This field displays the number of folders included in the ASM policy.

Folders analyzed

This field displays the number of folders in the ASM policy that have been analyzed.

Advanced Settings

Use this button to display the "Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings dialog: Analyze tab", where you can edit a range of default settings upon which folder analysis is based (known as the ASM Policy).


Summary Wizard (ASM): Step 3 Allocate Space dialog

Use this dialog to specify the ASM performance required against the amount of tablespace available for ASM. For example, to maximize ASM performance using the minimum of tablespace. You can also analyze the performance gain achieved by increasing the amount of tablespace.

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"

Performance vs. Space (KB)

Use this graph to evaluate the performance gain achieved by using the specified amount of allocated tablespace. As you change the amount of tablespace, you can see the performance impact displayed as a factor value.

Tablespace to use for summaries

Use this drop down list to specify which tablespace you want to use to store the summary tables.

Create summaries to fill

Use this field when you know how much tablespace is available and you want to evaluate the performance for the value.

Estimated performance gain

This figure is a factor value that represents the number of times faster that queries will run if ASM creates the recommended summaries.

Recommended Summaries

Use this button to display the "Summary Wizard (ASM): Recommended Summaries dialog", where you specify which summaries will be created/removed for optimum performance gain given the space currently allocated.

Advanced Settings

Use this button to display the "Summary Wizard (ASM): Change default settings: List of dialog tabs", where you define the ASM policy.


Summary Wizard: Step 1 dialog

Use this dialog to specify how you want to create Discoverer summary folders. For example, to have Discoverer automatically create summaries for you.

For more information, see:

"Managing summary folders"

"Creating summary folders manually"

How do you want to create these summaries?

Summary Wizard: Step 2 dialog

Use this dialog to choose how to create summary folders. For example, to use query statistics collected on Discoverer Plus users to determine which summaries to create.

For more information, see:

"Creating summary folders manually"

"Managing summary folders"

How do you want to create this summary folder?

Summary Wizard: Step 3 dialog (using query statistics)

Use this dialog to specify how you collect query statistics for estimating best summaries. For example, to use query statistics where queries exceed a specified amount of CPU time.

This dialog is also known as:

Summary Wizard: Step 3 dialog

For more information, see:

"Creating summary folders manually"

"Managing summary folders"

Specify search criteria to obtain statistics on query performance, then click "Search"

Use these criteria to search for statistics to populate the Select a query to be summarized field.

Show query statistics from within the last _

Use this field to specify how recent the query statistic must be to qualify for the query list.

Average CPU Time exceeds _

Use this field to specify the minimum time required to execute the query on the database server.

Average elapsed time exceeds _

Use this field to specify the minimum time required to execute the query on the client workstation.

Number of queries exceeds _

Use this field to specify the minimum number of runs executed for the selected query. The runs might have been executed by different users at different times, but all used the same combination of folders and items.


Use this button to search for query statistics matching the search criteria specified above and display them in the Select a query to be summarized list.

Select a query to be summarized

This list displays query statistics matching the search criteria specified.

Select a query from the list to display the query's folders, joins and items in the lower right panel of the dialog, and activate the Next button.

The #Hits column records the number of times a query has been run by end users.


Summary Wizard: Step 3 dialog (using external tables)

Use this dialog to map an external database table to the End User Layer (EUL). Run the Summary Wizard once for each external table you want to register.

External summary folders reference tables created with an application external to Discoverer. The column and item names might differ from those generated by Discoverer.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Summary Wizard: Step 3 dialog

For more information, see "Creating summary folders manually"

Select an external summary table

Use the Select button to display the "Choose user or table/view dialog", where you select a table within the current database.

Available Items

Use the drop down list to select the business area that you want to map to the external summary table.

Use the field to map EUL items (i.e. for the current business area) to corresponding database columns in the external summary table displayed in the Mapped Items field.

Map items in one of the following ways:

Mapped Items:

The database columns in the external summary table mapped to corresponding items in the EUL

Using Help

Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Administrator provides comprehensive online context sensitive Help and reference information.

For more information, see "About Discoverer Administrator documentation and online help".

Values dialog

Use this dialog to select one or more values to use when you create or edit a condition.

For more information, see:

"What are conditions?"

Discoverer displays this dialog when you choose the Select Multiple Values option from the drop down list in the Values field of the New/Edit Condition dialog.

Select values:

Select one or more check boxes next to corresponding values to include the selected values in the Value(s) field in the Conditions dialog.

Use the Select All button to select all the values displayed in the Select Values field.

Use the Select None button to clear all the values displayed in the Select Values field

The value(s) you select here are used in the current condition statement of this condition.

Workarea: Data tab

Use the Data tab to view the business areas, folders and items in the EUL that Discoverer end users see in Discoverer Desktop, Discoverer Plus and Discoverer Viewer. Folder items include axis items, data point items, joins, conditions, and calculated items. Discoverer Administrator displays folders and items that might be hidden to end users.

For more information, see:

"What is the Workarea?"

"About the tabs in the Workarea window"

In the Data tab you can move items from one folder to another. You can also create, edit and delete folders, complex folders, items, conditions, joins and delete business areas.

Note: If you change the name of a primary element (i.e. a folder or item) in this tab, it might affect the name of each secondary element whose Auto generate name property is set to Yes. If you change the name of a primary element when dependent secondary elements have their Auto generate property set to Yes, Discoverer will reset the Auto generate property for each dependent secondary elements to No. For more information, see "About generating and updating EUL item names automatically".

Use the Properties dialog to examine and modify many attribute values as well as view the types and names of dependents for business areas, folders and items.

Workarea: Hierarchies tab

Use the Hierarchies tab to view the hierarchies in the EUL grouped by business area. Discoverer end users can use hierarchies in worksheets to drill down through hierarchically organized items.

For more information, see:

"What are hierarchies?"

"About the tabs in the Workarea window"


Use this drop down list to change which types of hierarchy are displayed. You can choose to view user or system defined hierarchies, and choose to display the different types of hierarchies (e.g. item, date or all hierarchies).


Workarea: Item Classes tab

Use the Item, Classes tab to view item classes in the EUL grouped by business area.

For more information, see:

"Maintaining items and item classes"


Use this drop down list to change which types of item class are displayed. You can choose to view user or system defined classes, and choose to display the different types of class (e.g. list of values or alternative sort).


Workarea: Summaries tab

Use the Summaries tab to manage summary folders in the EUL grouped by business area. From here you can:

For more information, see:

"What is the Workarea?"

"About folders and summary folders in Discoverer"

Summaries tab

Use the list to select a summary folder.

To see a list of menu options available for a summary folder, right click the cube icon that represents the summary folder. Discoverer represents summary folders as follows:

Summary folder How the summary folder is represented in Discoverer
valid summary folder. a cube icon with a clock face
valid external summary folder a cube icon
broken summary folder a cube icon with a yellow warning triangle
