- % wildcard, 5.4.1
- < > operator, 25
- < operator, 25, 25
- <= operator, 25, 25
- = operator, 25
- access privileges
- how to grant to VIDEO5 database user, 27.9
- adding
- objects to business areas, 5.4.1, 5.4.2
- aggregate calculated items
- about, 11.3
- and analytic functions, 11.5
- restrictions, 11.4
- aggregate derived items
- about, 11.6
- examples, 11.7
- AggregationBehavior registry setting
- specifying the default behavior for Discoverer Desktop (and Discoverer Plus), 21.5
- alternative sort item class
- creating, 9.17
- alternative sorts, 9.5
- examples, 9.6
- analytic functions
- Discoverer and database support for, 11.5
- apps_fndnam
- command modifier, 22.17.2, 22.19.2
- apps_gwyuid
- command modifier, 22.17.3, 22.19.3
- ASM, 14.12
- after bulk load using Load Wizard, 14.13
- command line interface, 14.14
- how does it work?, 14.6
- operating system scheduler, 14.15
- policy, 14.9
- using a batch file, 14.15
- ways to run, 14.8
- what is ASM?, 14.5
- ASO encryption certification, 7.3
- assigning user IDs to databases, 5.4.1
- auto generate name property
- about, 9.14
- AutogenNameOnCreate
- registry setting, 21.5
- Automated Summary Management, 14.5
- axis items, 25
- base folder items
- reaching through to, 6.12
- business areas, 3.3.2
- about, 5.1
- building, 5.2
- components, 5.4.4
- copying between EULs, 5.7
- creating
- prerequisites, 5.2
- creating and maintaining, 5
- creating with the Load Wizard, 5.4
- deleting, 5.9
- designing, 5.2
- exporting, 4.15
- loading objects, 5.4.1, 5.4.2
- opening, 5.5, 5.6
- properties, 5.8
- refresh objects, 5.10
- synchronizing with the DB, 5.10
- business intelligence
- about, 1.6.1
- calculated items
- about, 11.1
- creating, 11.8
- deleting, 11.11
- drill to pre-defined worksheet, 11.12
- editing, 11.10
- editing properties, 11.9
- calculations
- concatenate items, 11.1
- removing carriage returns, 11.1
- carriage returns in calculations, 11.1
- cartesian products, 25
- choosing
- data sources, 5.4.5
- columns
- mapping to summary tables
- example, 15.4
- command line interface, 22
- '?' command, 22.17.1
- about, 22.2
- about command modifiers, 22.5
- about commands, 22.4
- apps_fndnam, 22.17.2, 22.19.2
- apps_gwyuid, 22.17.3, 22.19.3
- apps_user, 22.17.4, 22.19.4
- asm, 22.17.5
- cmdfile, 22.17.6, 22.19.6
- command file examples, 22.15
- command files, 22.12
- command reference, 22.17
- command syntax, 22.10
- connect, 22.17.7
- create_eul, 22.17.8
- create_eul /apps_mode, 22.17.9
- creating command files, 22.13
- delete, 22.17.10
- delete_bus_area, 22.17.11
- delete_eul, 22.17.12
- example commands, 22.11
- export, 22.17.13
- import, 22.17.14, 22.17.15
- load, 22.17.16
- notes on using, 22.8
- quick guide, 22.16
- refresh_bus_area, 22.17.17
- refresh_folder, 22.17.18
- refresh_summary, 22.17.19
- required privileges, 22.7
- running command files, 22.14
- syntax conventions, 22.9
- using, 22.6
- command line interface modifiers
- aggregate, 22.18.1
- all, 22.18.2, 22.20.1
- apps_grant_details, 22.18.3
- apps_responsibility, 22.18.4, 22.20.2
- apps_security_group, 22.18.5
- asm_space, 22.18.6
- asm_tablespace, 22.18.6
- audit_info, 22.18.7
- auto_gen_name, 22.18.8
- ba_link, 22.18.9
- business_area, 22.18.10
- capitalize, 22.18.11
- condition, 22.18.12
- date_hierarchy, 22.18.13
- db_link, 22.18.14
- description, 22.18.15
- eul, 22.18.16, 22.20.3
- external_element, 22.18.18
- folder, 22.18.19
- function, 22.18.20
- hier_node, 22.18.21
- hierarchy, 22.18.22
- identifier, 22.18.23
- insert_blanks, 22.18.24
- item_class, 22.18.26
- items, 22.18.25
- join, 22.18.27
- keep_folder, 22.18.28
- keep_format_properties, 22.18.29
- log, 22.18.30
- log_only, 22.18.31
- lov, 22.18.32
- object, 22.18.33
- overwrite, 22.18.34
- parameter, 22.18.35
- password, 22.18.36
- private, 22.18.37
- refresh, 22.18.38
- remove_prefix, 22.18.39
- rename, 22.18.40
- schema, 22.18.41
- show_progress, 22.18.42
- sort_folders, 22.18.43
- sort_items, 22.18.44
- source, 22.18.45
- summary, 22.18.46
- user, 22.18.47
- workbook, 22.18.48
- xmlworkbook, 22.18.49
- complex folder reach through
- the constraints and rules that apply, 6.14
- what is it?, 6.12
- composite join key
- multi-item joins, 10.3
- concatenate items, 11.1
- conditions
- about, 12.1
- and outer joins, 12.9
- categories, 12.1.1
- creating complex, 12.4
- creating row level security, 12.10
- creating simple, 12.3
- deleting, 12.7
- editing, 12.5
- editing properties, 12.6
- examples, 12.8
- how they work, 12.1.2
- types described, 12.2
- CONNECT BY clause
- in hierarchies, 13.12
- using in custom folder to create hierarchy, 13.13
- CONNECT BY clauses (SQL), 6.4.2
- connect for the first time
- what conditions apply?, 27.4
- content types
- item content types, 9.13
- count(distinct)
- expression in summary folders, 15.6
- cross tab worksheets
- placing items, 25
- custom folder
- use in a Discoverer worksheet to display your Oracle Applications user name and responsibility, 17.15
- custom folders
- queries and, 6.4.2
- updating when based on a view, 25
- using a synonym in, 6.4.2, 6.4.2
- using the CONNECT BY clause to create a hierarchy, 13.12
- d51wkdmp
- notes on using the workbook dump utility, 4.22.4
- data
- retrieving, 6.4.2
- data point items, 25
- data sources
- Oracle Designer and, 5.4.5
- data types
- axis items and, 25
- data warehouses, 3.1
- database links, 25
- database parameters
- used with Discoverer, 3.8
- database prerequisites for tutorial users, 27.1
- database roles
- sharing workbooks using, 7.11
- database security
- ASO encryption certification, 7.3
- datatype mismatch
- in joins, 10.17
- date format 'RR', 13.11
- date format masks, 9.10
- date hierarchies, 13.3
- date items
- applying conditions, 9.12
- applying date hierarchy templates, 13.8
- truncating with EUL_DATE_TRUNC, 9.11
- DBMS_JOB, 14.16.1
- DBMS_JOB package, 8.7
- DECIMAL data type, 25
- default date hierarchies
- changing 'RR' date format after Oracle9i upgrade, 13.11
- derived items
- about, 11.2
- descriptions
- joins, 25
- Desktop
- registry settings that affect performance, 21.4
- de-supported characters
- in identifiers, 4.22.1
- detail items
- adding to joins, 25
- Discoverer
- access permissions, 7.2
- data access requirements, 3.7.2
- how does it work?, 1.6.2
- implementation, 3.5
- implementing, 3.5
- maintenance, 3.6
- security, 7.3
- system requirements, 3.7
- task privileges, 7.4
- workflow, 1.7
- Discoverer 10.1.2
- upgrading to, 24.5, 24.6, 24.7
- Discoverer Administrator
- about, 1, 2, 3.2
- about new features, 3.11
- about the Tasklist, 3.10.3
- about the workarea, 3.10
- basic concepts, 3.3
- context sensitive menus, 3.10.2
- getting started, 3
- online help, 3.12
- starting, 3.9
- workarea window, 3.10.1
- Discoverer manager
- about the role, 2.5, 2.5.1
- basic concepts, 1.6
- Discoverer Plus
- unique features, 1.5
- Discoverer registry settings, 21, 21.5
- about, 21.1
- drill to detail item class, 9.7
- creating, 9.18
- drill to pre-defined worksheet, 11.12
- drilling
- to other applications, 9.13
- drills, 3.3.5
- EnableTriggers
- registry setting, 21.5
- End User Layer
- about, 4.1
- and analytic functions, 24.8.2
- changing, 4.11
- copy objects between databases
- export using command line interface, 4.17
- import using command line interface, 4.18
- copying objects between databases, 4.12
- creating, 4.8
- creating and maintaining, 4
- creating for a new DB user, 4.9
- deleting, 4.10
- exporting EUL objects, 4.16
- exporting to a file, 4.12
- how to export, 4.14
- importing EUL objects, 4.12
- importing objects, 4.21
- in Oracle database, 4.4
- owners, 4.3
- privileges needed, 4.4
- privileges needed in a non-Oracle DB, 4.5
- privileges to maintain, 4.6
- upgrading, 24.8.2
- viewing, 4.11
- why use?, 4.2
- End User Layer (EUL), 3.3.1
- equality, 25
- equi-joins, 25
- error messages
- Discoverer, 3.12
- installing tutorial, 27.3
- why must you create one?, 27.4, 27.5
- EUL Access workbook, 19.9
- EUL Data Definition workbook, 19.7
- EUL Gateway
- about, 4.7
- EUL Query Statistics workbook, 19.8
- EUL status workbooks, 19
- about, 19.1
- Discoverer EUL V.5 business area, 19.2
- installing, 19.3
- installing APPs, 19.4
- running, 19.5
- uninstalling, 19.6
- EUL tables
- about not editing them, 4.2
- EUL trigger
- what is it?, B.1
- EUL triggers
- list of, B.2
- EUL upgrade
- scheduled workbooks, 24.9
- EUL Workbook Management workbook, 19.10
- Export
- EUL objects using command line interface, 4.17
- export file
- adding XML code to, 22.18.18
- Export Wizard, 4.15, 4.16
- exporting EULs, 4.12
- external summary
- materialized view already exists error, workaround, 16.12
- fan trap detection, 25
- fan traps, 10.14
- inside complex folders, 10.16
- fetching data, 6.4.2
- folders, 3.3.3, 14.1
- about, 6.1
- assigning to business areas, 6.16
- assigning to multiple business areas, 6.17
- complex, 6.3
- creating complex, 6.8
- creating custom, 6.9
- creating simple, 6.7
- custom, 6.4
- custom folder examples, 6.4.2
- custom versus simple, 6.4.1
- deleting, 6.15
- dependencies, 6.5
- editing custom folder SQL, 6.11
- editing properties, 6.10
- re-ordering, 6.22
- sharing across business areas, 6.6
- simple, 6.2
- sorting in a business area, 6.20
- sorting items, 6.21
- SQL, 6.11
- using complex instead of DB views, 6.3.1
- validating, 6.23
- viewing or deleting orphaned folders, 6.19
- gateway
- loading from, 5.4.2
- generic connectivity
- connecting to non-Oracle databases, 23.2
- help system
- about, 3.12
- Heterogeneous Services, 22.2
- heterogeneous sevices, 22.2
- heterogenous services
- generic connectivity, 23.1
- transparent gateway, 23.1
- hierarchies, 3.3.5, 13
- about, 13.1
- and performance, 13.3.2
- applying templates to, 13.8
- creating date, 13.5
- creating item, 13.4
- creating using CONNECT BY clause in custom folder, 13.13
- date, 13.3
- date hierarchy templates, 13.3.1
- date templates, 13.5, 13.7
- default date hierarchy template, 13.9
- deleting templates, 13.10
- editing item, 13.6
- editing templates, 13.7
- item, 13.2
- modifying, 13.11
- recursive, 13.12
- using the CONNECT BY clause, 13.12
- hints
- optimizer, 6.4.2
- identifiers
- containing de-supported characters, 4.22.1
- locating for workbooks/worksheets in Discoverer Plus, 4.22.1
- using to match objects, 25
- import EUL objects, 4.21
- Import Wizard, 4.21
- error messages, 25
- importing End User Layer objects, 4.12
- indentifiers
- about, 4.22.1
- Indexed item
- associate with current item to improve parameter performance, 25
- indexed item
- how to assign to an item, 9.28
- indexed items
- assigning to items in folders and complex folders to improve performance, 9.27
- to improve query performance using parameters, 25
- inequality, 25
- inline view SQL
- what is executed in the database, 16.4
- inline views
- removing them from the SQL that is sent to the RDMBS, 16.5
- install tutorial
- how to, 27.8
- what happens?, 27.2
- what privileges do you need?, 27.3
- what steps do you follow?, 27.6
- installation
- tutorial, 27.3
- integers, 25
- item
- how to assign an indexed item to, 9.28
- item class, 9.2
- adding items, 9.21, 9.21.1, 9.21.2, 9.21.3
- editing, 9.20
- removing items, 9.22, 9.22.2
- viewing items, 9.23
- viewing list of values, 9.25
- Item Class Properties dialog
- General tab, 25
- item classes
- deleting, 9.26
- item content types, 9.13
- item hierarchies, 13.2
- item properties
- indexed item, 25
- items, 3.3.3
- about, 9.1
- alternative sorts, 9.5
- content types, 9.13
- creating alternative sort item class, 9.17
- creating LOV item class, 9.16
- date, 9.9
- date format masks, 9.10
- deleting, 9.26
- drill to detail item class, 9.18
- drill to detail item classes, 9.7
- editing properties, 9.15
- item classes, 9.2
- lists of values, 9.3
- placing on cross tabs, 25
- viewing list of values, 9.24
- join condition, 10.2
- joins
- about, 10.1
- adding detail items, 25
- cartesian products, 25
- composite join key, 10.3
- creating single and multi-item joins, 10.11
- datatype mismatch in, 10.17
- deleting, 10.13
- editing a join, 10.12
- editing join properties, 10.12
- fan traps, 10.14
- many-to-many, 10.6
- naming, 25
- one-to-many, 10.6
- one-to-one, 10.6
- outer joins, 10.10
- single item, 10.2
- what are multi-item joins?, 10.3
- lineage workbook
- installing for use with Oracle Warehouse Builder, 18.4
- links
- database to user, 25
- list of values
- querying, 6.4.2
- using custom folders, 9.19
- Load Wizard, 5.3
- logical standby databases
- about creating EULs, 4.22.5
- LOV item class
- creating, 9.16
- maintaining an Oracle Applications EUL
- with which user?, 17.8
- maintaining Discoverer, 3.6
- mandatory conditions
- optional condition vs., 12.2
- mapping columns
- example, 15.4
- materialized view
- only one materialized view can be registered against a single external summary table, 16.12
- materialized views
- about, 14.4
- metadata
- Oracle Designer and, 5.4.5
- multi item join
- creating, 10.11
- multiple connections to an EUL, and conflicting changes to EUL objects, for more information, see notes, 3.9
- naming
- joins, 25
- non-Oracle database support
- using transparent gateway, 23.3
- non-Oracle database support using generic connectivity, 23.2
- about the advantages of generic connectivity, 23.2.2
- how to set up generic connectivity, 23.2.3
- non-Oracle databases
- connecting to, 23.1
- NUMBER data types, 25
- object names, 5.4.5
- objects
- adding to business areas, 5.4.1, 5.4.2
- object/schema name
- checking, 14.16.4
- OLTP systems, 3.1
- one-to-one joins
- creating, 25
- online dictionary
- loading from, 5.4.1
- operators
- set, 6.4.2
- optimizer, 20.1
- optimizer hints, 6.4.2
- optional conditions
- mandatory condition vs., 12.2
- ORA-3113 error
- when using heterogeneous data services with Discoverer Administrator, 23.2.5
- Oracle Applications, 17
- configuring the Connect dialog, 17.6
- creating an EUL, 17.7
- Discoverer differences, 17.5
- display your user name and responsibility in a Discoverer worksheet, 17.15
- granting task privileges, 17.10
- prerequisites, 17.4
- responsibilities, 17.2, 17.11
- specify users/responsibilities, 17.14
- specifying business areas, 17.12
- specifying tasks, 17.13
- supported features, 17.3
- Oracle Applications EUL
- which user should maintain, 17.8
- Oracle Designer
- loading metadata from, 5.4.5
- Oracle Enterprise Manager, 18.1
- Oracle Portal, 18.6
- Oracle Reports, 18.2
- Oracle Warehouse Builder
- using Discoverer with, 18.4
- Oracle WebCache, 18.3
- orphaned folders
- viewing or deleting from EUL, 6.19
- outer joins
- what are outer joins?, 10.10
- parameters
- specify indexed item property to improve performance with, 25
- using indexed items to improve query performance of, 25
- Partially Restricted Tables option, 25
- patchsets
- Discoverer Administrator, 23.2.5
- PL/SQL functions
- custom, 11.14
- note about arguments with boolean datatypes, 25
- privilege required to register, 11.15
- registering, 11.15
- registering automatically, 11.16
- registering manually, 11.17
- why use?, 11.13
- primary element
- auto generate name property, 9.14
- private EUL
- how to create, 27.7
- Private Tables option, 25
- privileges
- granted to PUBLIC by Discoverer scripts, A.1
- granted to the Discoverer manager by Discoverer scripts, A.2
- required to register PL/SQL functions, 11.15
- Public Tables option, 25
- PUBLIC user, 17.10
- queries
- fan trap detection, 25
- folder definitions and subqueries, 6.4.2
- optimizing, 6.4.2, 20.1
- performance predictions, 20.1
- query prediction, 20
- about, 20.1
- analyzing data tables, 20.7
- and secure views, 20.10
- deleting old statistics, 20.11
- improving speed and accuracy, 20.4
- in Discoverer Plus, 20.2
- making views available, 20.5
- reducing long times, 20.9
- verifying optimizer_mode parameter, 20.8
- verifying timed_statistics parameter, 20.6
- when not available, 20.3
- query retrieval limits
- setting, 7.9
- query rewrite
- about, 16.2
- example, 16.8
- Rdb
- about the software requirements, 23.4.1
- Discoverer support for, 23.4
- features not supported, 23.4.2
- partially supported features, 23.4.3
- software requirements, 23.4.1
- Rdb and non-Oracle database support, 23
- reach through to base folder items
- from complex folders, 6.12
- read-only databases
- about creating EULs, 4.22.5
- reference dialogs
- list of, 25
- refresh options
- about, 16.13
- registry settings, 21, 21.5
- about, 21.1
- reinstall tutorial data, 27.12
- relational databases, 3.1
- restricted tables, 25
- result sets
- complex folders and, 6.3.1
- roles
- granting rights and privileges, 7.1
- row level security
- creating using conditions, 12.10
- scheduled workbook limits
- setting, 7.10
- scheduled workbooks
- about, 8.1, 8.3
- and Oracle database features, 8.4
- backwards compatibility, 24.9
- DBMS_JOB package, 8.7
- prerequisites, 8.6
- results storage, 8.5
- server frequency check, 8.10
- specifying owner, 8.8
- viewing and managing, 8.11
- why use?, 8.2
- scheduling workbooks
- granting necessary privileges, 8.9
- scripts that grant privileges to the Discoverer manager, A.2
- scripts that grant privileges to the PUBLIC user, A.1
- search fillter
- how to enable for users and roles, 21.5
- secondary element
- auto generate name property, 9.14
- security
- business area access, 7.5
- user/role business area access, 7.6
- user/role privileges, 7.7
- user/role to perform task, 7.8
- SELECT statements, 6.4.2, 6.4.2, 6.4.2
- selecting
- data sources, 5.4.5
- selecting tables and views, 5.4.3
- set operators
- example, 6.4.2
- sharing workbooks
- using database roles, 7.11
- sorting options, 5.4.5
- flattened SQL, 16.5
- in SQL Inspector, 16.5
- reformatted (flattened), 16.5
- removing inline views, 16.5
- SQL and execution plan
- examples, 16.6
- viewing, 16.4
- SQL commands
- CONNECT BY, 6.4.2
- SELECT, 6.4.2, 6.4.2, 6.4.2
- SQL Inspector
- SQL format, 16.5
- SQL scripts
- list of Discoverer files, 26.1
- SQL statements
- joins and, 25
- optimizing, 20.1
- start time
- setting for summary processing, 14.16.5
- subqueries, 6.4.2
- summary combinations
- setting up, 15.5
- summary data
- why refresh?, 14.10
- summary folders, 3.3.6
- about, 14.2
- and external summary tables, 16.10
- and folders, 14.1
- configuring the database, 14.16
- creating, 15.7
- creating based on external summary tables, 15.9
- creating based on users queries, 15.8
- deleting, 15.14
- differences between Oracle Standard Edition and Oracle9i (or later) Enterprise Edition databases, 16.9
- editing, 15.12
- editing database storage properties, 15.13
- editing properties, 15.11
- expressions
- using, 15.6
- granting necessary privileges, 14.16.2
- how to display them quickly, 21.5
- manual creation, 15
- manual fresh, 15.10
- mapping external summary tables and views, 16.11
- prerequisites, 14.7
- prerequisites for creating with ASM, 14.7
- refresh after import, 16.14
- refresh following import between Oracle databases, 16.14
- status, 15.15
- validating, 15.12
- what happens one is refreshed, 14.11
- summary management, 14.16.1
- summary processing
- setting start time, 14.16.5
- summary redirection
- about, 16.2
- when it happens?, 16.3
- summary tables
- mapping columns to
- example, 15.4
- what are Discoverer summary tables?, 14.3
- Summary Wizard
- using, 14.12
- synonymns
- using in custom folders, 6.4.2, 6.4.2
- synonyms, 6.4.2, 6.4.2
- tables
- selecting for BA, 5.4.3
- tablespace quotas
- determining, 14.16.3
- resetting, 14.16.3
- Transparent Application Failover, about, 7.12
- templates
- date hierarchies, 13.3.1
- trace files
- how to create, 26.3
- transparent gateway
- connecting to non-Oracle databases, 23.3
- transparent gatewayn, 23.3
- tutorial
- installing, 27.3
- tutorial business area
- how to install in another EUL, 27.10
- how to uninstall, 27.11
- tutorial data
- how to reinstall it, 27.12
- upgrading
- analytic functions in an EUL, 24.8.2
- Discoverer versions and EUL versions, 24.3
- from Discoverer Release 3.1 to Version 10.1.2, 24.5
- from Discoverer Release 4.1 to Version 10.1.2, 24.6
- from Discoverer Release 9.0.x to Version 10.1.2, 24.7
- prerequisites, 24.2
- user IDs, 25
- attaching to databases, 5.4.1
- user/role search filter, 21.5
- UserRoleFilter registry key, 21.5
- users
- granting rights and privileges
- to multiple, 7.1
- v_$parameter view
- granting privileges for summary folders, 14.16.2
- granting privileges to run scheduled workbooks, 8.9
- validate
- summary folders, 15.12
- value hierarchy
- create using the CONNECT BY clause, 13.12
- views
- selecting for BA, 5.4.3
- updating in custom folders, 25
- wildcards, 5.4.1
- WITH clause
- cannot use in the custom folder SQL, 25
- workarea
- context sensitive menus, 3.10.2
- workbook dump utility
- notes on using, 4.22.4
- workbook export
- XML format, 22.18.49
- workbooks, 3.3.4
- about, 8.1
- worksheets, 3.3.4
- adding to export file, 22.18.18
- format for workbook export, 22.18.49
- import format, 4.12