Prion Disease

M.A. Topçuoğlu, K. Selekler (Page: 113-115)

 Neurogerontology: A short review

A. İ. Baysal (Page: 116-119)

 Neck-tongue Syndrome: Anatomic and electrophysiological approach

B. Uludağ, Y. Yetimalar, A. Akyol, C. Ertekin (Page: 120-123, abstract)

 Subcortical global aphasias

M. Bakar F. Turan, İ. Bora, M. Zarifoğlu, E. Oğul (Page: 124-126, abstract)

 The evaluation of the effect of Flumazenil in hepatic encephalopathy by median SEP

M. Onar, Z. Arık, G. Kesim, H. Kahraman, E. Özyılkan (Page: 127-129, abstract)

 Moclebemide therapy in chronic tension type headache: CLinical and neurophysiological (P300) follow-up

S. Özkaynak, Z. Önal, B. Aktekin, S. Balkan, U. Kahvecioğlu, K. Yaltkaya (Page: 130-134, abstract)

 Anxiety and depression in chronic headache

D. Selçuki, C. Yücesan, N. Mutluer, R. Tanrıdağ, G. Ozan (Page: 135-136, abstract)

 Syncope and epilepsy

E.Saka, S.Saygı, A.Ciğer (Page: 137-140, abstract)

 Rat brain Mast Cells

 Etiology of cerebral palsy in a group of patients

G.Akhan, N.Eren, A.R:Örmeci, B:Tunç, H.Yorgancıgil (Page: 145-147, abstract)

 Adrenomyeloneuropathy :Case report

Ş.Fadıloğlu, R.Çakmur, B.Keskin, M.Fadıloğlu, S.Biberoğlu, H.Güleryüz (Page: 148-152, abstract)

 Hemiparkinsonism-hemiatrophy Syndrome: A case report

İ.Ö.Ertürk, M.Müftüoğlu (Page: 153-154, abstract)

 Indications for carotid endarterectomy

The ad hoc committee, American Heart Association

Translated by M.A.Topçuoğlu (Page: 155-158)

 Epidemiology and genetics of epilepsy

J.F. Annegers.

Translated by G:Akhan (Page: 159-161)